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Corona Virus ( Covid-19 )

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Thanks, AvgJoe!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

snugglebuck said:Thank you Ahavati for providing factual information in a world of alternative facts.  Reports on the mortality rate from Italy are far more credible then what has been provided by China.  We need keep in mind that China's media is tightly controlled by a totalitarian regime.  Consequently, the exact numbers of deaths are in question.

Of course, it doesn't help when America's Tangerine & Chief tries blaming the Chinese people with racial innuendo.  

Point is, now is the time for our world's leaders to cooperate like never before to defeat this disease.

Take hope in remembering the Ebola outbreak in 2016 which was by far a more deadly disease.  It was contained then defeated by a vaccine.

You're very welcome, and, I agree.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

EdibleWords said:We have a bunch of intelligent influential non-statisticians trusting the media. Like John Oliver, Ahavati, etc...

The media lying by numbers to us has, had a rapacious emotional effect. Society just changed forever.

Once the lies are exposed.... uh oh.

Now, people obey advice more devastating than the outbreak, or even what happened to the New York towers.

They (the meta managers, power brokers, guys w/more sway and $$ than a nation) can't control what comes next. But we won't be making similar political or economic choices ever again.

If ONLY our Tangerine was just racist. He seems to be accusing them of bioattacks.

Nope. Not worth the time or effort.

Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 657

Ahavati said:

President Trump's notes from Thursday's coronavirus briefing show someone crossed out the word “Corona” in coronavirus and replaced it with the word “Chinese.”

This picture captured by Washington Post Photographer Jabin Botsford, comes as Trump has stepped up his efforts to scapegoat China for the spread of the coronavirus.

The change in tone from the White House comes as the number of cases in the US rises on a daily basis, and despite Trump initially praising China's President Xi Jinping for his handling of the crisis.

After consulting with medical experts and receiving guidance from the World Health Organization, CNN has determined that the term “Chinese virus” is both inaccurate and considered stigmatizing.  


But keep seemingly attempting to excuse his behaviour justify racism scapegoatism.

Fascinating. Hypocrisy isn't a hill most people choose to fight for.

CNN used to call it the Wuhan virus, Wuhan Chinese virus, and the Chinese corona virus before being "woke" by a call from Beijing, lol.

Their (and the MSM) current virtue signal is just injecting politics into a crisis.

Your addressing the part of a statement to me that I didn't even comment on...I thought better of you than that.

Check out:


Or just query YouTube for "Cnn wuhan chinese corona virus" to see how many of their videos are labeled with that terminology.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

AverageJoe said:

Fascinating. Hypocrisy isn't a hill most people choose to fight for.

CNN used to call it the Wuhan virus, Wuhan Chinese virus, and the Chinese corona virus before being "woke" by a call from Beijing, lol.

Their (and the MSM) current virtue signal is just injecting politics into a crisis.

Your addressing the part of a statement to me that I didn't even comment on...I thought better of you than that.

Check out:


Or just query YouTube for "Cnn wuhan chinese corona virus" to see how many of their videos are labeled with that terminology.

Here's the operative phrase in your comment: used to. They learned better.  Our President has not.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
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Irony there is the totalitarian regime was best equipped to deal with its crisis. WHO reckons China's model of address is in fact the best way to deal with it. which is kinda sobering in a do you want to live or be free kinda way

[ just saw Trump tout that malaria pill again. can't help but remember the swine flu farce where the nations of the world stockpiled Tamiflu, only to discover it had the potency of an aspirin ]

I think, in fairness the comparisons made with other illness and such do well to remind us how little we (all) care about deaths when we're not ditectly affected.  

that said, I think the host is doing a great job of keeping people informed and keeping facts checked and sensational-ism to minimum

we're not yet at peak here, itll be another couple of weeks. we were already in a shameful state in terms of hospital beds, doctors, specialists, nurses etc so I dunno where we're going to pull all the shit we need from

projection is for 1.9 millions infected. 1% mortality rate says a lot of people are going to die. I've a grandchild wants to be born in less than four weeks, I wish I could change his mind, get him to sit it out for a few months

stay safe, good people

[thanks for the links, Hemi. interesting stuff]

poet Anonymous

AverageJoe said:

Fascinating. Hypocrisy isn't a hill most people choose to fight for.

CNN used to call it the Wuhan virus, Wuhan Chinese virus, and the Chinese corona virus before being "woke" by a call from Beijing, lol.

Their (and the MSM) current virtue signal is just injecting politics into a crisis.

Your addressing the part of a statement to me that I didn't even comment on...I thought better of you than that.

Check out:


Or just query YouTube for "Cnn wuhan chinese corona virus" to see how many of their videos are labeled with that terminology.

What many people don't comprehend is that when it comes to the Internet age of news distribution, media outlets utilize "keywords" that surfers use in their searches. It's how they end up on the front pages to be clicked and read/watched before anyone else.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

Nope. Not worth the time or effort.

Sorry... I SHOULD probably ask more than assume. But I'm truly offended on behalf of everyone that I believe is being fed misinformation. Like scarring terrorism... everywhere I look I see people just.... shutting down the economy and way of life.

People could go to jail or worse... if we could prove them guilty of causing deadly panicked reactions in the population.

And I think we will nail this down. Unless it's just another grassy knoll?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

EdibleWords said:

Sorry... I SHOULD probably ask more than assume. But I'm truly offended on behalf of everyone that I believe is being fed misinformation. Like scarring terrorism... everywhere I look I see people just.... shutting down the economy and way of life.

People could go to jail or worse... if we could prove them guilty of causing deadly panicked reactions in the population.

And I think we will nail this down. Unless it's just another grassy knoll?

You do realize that you grouped ME, by NAME, in that group you perceive to be misleading others, right?  And You did it INTENTIONALLY.  

I am NOT a fucking sheep, nor do I attempt to influence ANYONE.  I cannot help what people do or how they are affected with the VERIFIED information I put up here. They have a mind for a reason.  You seem to want NOTHING out in the public.

But you are right about one thing: I AM fucking intelligent.  I don't NEED you to be offended for me.

lepperochan said:Irony there is the totalitarian regime was best equipped to deal with its crisis. WHO reckons China's model of address is in fact the best way to deal with it. which is kinda sobering in a do you want to live or be free kinda way

[ just saw Trump tout that malaria pill again. can't help but remember the swine flu farce where the nations of the world stockpiled Tamiflu, only to discover it had the potency of an aspirin ]

I think, in fairness the comparisons made with other illness and such do well to remind us how little we (all) care about deaths when we're not ditectly affected.

that said, I think the host is doing a great job of keeping people informed and keeping facts checked and sensational-ism to minimum

we're not yet at peak here, itll be another couple of weeks. we were already in a shameful state in terms of hospital beds, doctors, specialists, nurses etc so I dunno where we're going to pull all the shit we need from

projection is for 1.9 millions infected. 1% mortality rate says a lot of people are going to die. I've a grandchild wants to be born in less than four weeks, I wish I could change his mind, get him to sit it out for a few months

stay safe, good people

[thanks for the links, Hemi. interesting stuff]

Exactly; we can be cold and calloused when not directly affected.

Thank you, Craic. You guys stay safe and healthy over there!

Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 657


Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 657

Ahavati said:

Here's the operative phrase in your comment: used to. They learned better.  Our President has not.

No. It's politics. I try to avoid political discussions because of the hypocrisy on both sides but since you teed off on me last night and chose to do so again today, I've responded. Personally, I wouldn't use the MSM as a moral compass but you're free to say what you like about my comments or ascribe what you'd like to my thoughts and motives. It's still a free country.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

AverageJoe said:,......
No. It's politics. I try to avoid political discussions because of the hypocrisy on both sides but since you teed off on me last night and chose to do so again today, I've responded. Personally, I wouldn't use the MSM as a moral compass but you're free to say what you like about my comments or ascribe what you'd like to my thoughts and motives. It's still a free country.

I "teed off" on you last night because I felt you to be insensitive in regards to the lower number of deaths by covid-19 than the flu.  Perspective, is the word you used. Like people are scared for no reason.  They have a reason, many of those reasons are 6' under the earth now ( after surviving the flu all their lives ). Others are in critical condition fighting for their lives.  Downplaying this virus, which has only just begun, by comparing numbers to other known illnesses is, imho, insensitive.  It belittles their pain.  

So I expressed that.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

lepperochan said: do you want to live or be free

I think not being free is more dangerous than chain smoking.

I think, in fairness the comparisons made with other illness and such do well to remind us how little we (all) care about deaths when we're not ditectly affected.  

So does that apply to adverse vaccination reactions?

projection is for 1.9 millions infected. 1% mortality rate says a lot of people are going to die.

Those pesky numbers... I've seem reporting that we will lose more people to quarantine. The destruction is vast. We're sacrificing the poor and the food insecure.

How many people died of the flu in my home-state....while only 3 deaths from c19!?

I've a grandchild wants to be born in less than four weeks, I wish I could change his mind, get him to sit it out for a few months

Staph is in the hospitals...

stay safe, good people

I'm betting on fewer iatrogenic deaths and other contagious diseases reducing during quarantine.

Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 657

JohnnyBlaze said:

What many people don't comprehend is that when it comes to the Internet age of news distribution, media outlets utilize "keywords" that surfers use in their searches. It's how they end up on the front pages to be clicked and read/watched before anyone else.

And if you click the Twitter mash-up or listen to a few of those YouTube reports you'll hear the reporters using those same "keywords."

if you flip news program to news program night after night they report the same stories with almost the same words. What a coincidence - if you   believe in coincidences. Their called programs for a reason. They're there to program you. Orwell was so spot on right.

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”
― George Orwell, 1984

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

I "teed off" on you last night because I felt you to be insensitive in regards to the lower number of deaths by covid-19 than the flu.  Perspective, is the word you used. Like people are scared for no reason.  They have a reason, many of those reasons are 6' under the earth now ( after surviving the flu all their lives ). Others are in critical condition fighting for their lives.  Downplaying this virus, which has only just begun, by comparing numbers to other known illnesses is, imho, insensitive.  It belittles their pain.  

So I expressed that.

People are being crushed like a compactor on either side of this one... losing jobs/freedom or getting sick...

We've got a nasty, two sided pain coin here. I want different currencies! 😆

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