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Australian Bushfires

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17302

Rachel_Lauren said:Nothing to add here except to say that I’m saddened and I can’t wait for this to end. I hope it ends soon. I hate it so, so much.

I learned a thing or two reading this thread. I admire the knowledge distributed and the passion I’m seeing...

I like the bit of fight. I think it’s so important to speak truth and stand up for what you feel and what you know. As long as we’re talking, as long as we have fight left in us for the things that matter, the ripples will be made. It’s most important.

I agree, Rachel.  I LOVE a healthy debate and miss the debate forums on here so bad—not that this was supposed to be a debate thread. On the contrary, the opposite was intended. But, well, people.  

Standing firm is the fuel for action.  My claws tend to come out when, well, you know what, nevermind.  A few on here would find that information delicious and use it at every opportunity!

I too wish this would end.  And I thought it had started toward that end when the temperatures cooled. However, they now fear that Friday's heat will restart and the worst is yet to come.  :(

I appreciate your presence and thoughts in this thread.  

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

JohnnyBlaze said:

Got it!👍

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 23

I tend to get a bit “scratchier” with my claws when challenged

But a stand-your-ground grace is charming, especially when it’s educated

Thought Provoker
Joined 20th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 156

I don’t think all the fires were deliberately lit, but yes a few might’ve been. Hopefully police will catch whoever did light those ones. Stay safe Australia.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Comments re “political” thread are misguided. Stating what are researchable facts and having someone disagree, does not make a conversation  ‘political’. This thread has not yet contained any conversation re politics.

The comments re police investigating arson are an example of people taking their news off facebook. On right wing news outlets yesterday it was “hundreds”, today it’s “20-30”. This is sound- bite nonsense to stir emotions, and has nothing to do with the root causes of a national disaster with global consequences. If you are getting your news or information off any social media platform you are the sucker...you are a puppet bring manipulated. Being an informed member of society means you have to read books by credible authors on subjects that matter. It takes effort and time. If you have not done that, but have instead poked around on google, an algorithm that is designed to show you what it thinks you will most agree with, you ‘truth’ was designed to reinforce your world view. Truth.

Having now had time to review the original picture presented on this thread, it is indeed fake. It was only a visual representation, and I was ok with that. What is not ok is that it shows fires where there aren’t any, and this had been born out by fact checkers who advise the software used could not discern causes of heat signatures, hence overestimating fire sources (by showing fires in places I have personally visited on construction site inspections where there is no vegetation for hundreds of kilometres).

The Australian bush has been highly modified by 40-60 000 years of human invasion. The bush could recover if this was a one- off fire event. This is not a one-off event, this is climate change.

Australia likes to make the claim she is to small to make any impact on climate change since she is a small carbon emitter, happily forgetting all the coal she exports. Australia is a right-wing dominated political system dedicated to the subjugation of the planet. This is the country where it was legal to hunt and kill indigenous blacks until almost 1960. Truth. (The first part of that statement mentions politics, but is not political),

I’m very much looking forward to the new climate model being rolled out now that better accounts for cloud cover, ice albedo, sea temperature and high altitude carbon release from aircraft. It will be frightening, but it will validate a lot of early predictions.

What is not yet clear is very recent research on emissions from volcanoes, which may mean our carbon cycle calculations are well out and the timeframes/heating rates are even worse than we thought. Interesting science indeed.

poet Anonymous

hemihead said:The comments re police investigating arson are an example of people taking their news off facebook. On right wing news outlets yesterday if was “hundreds”, today it’s “20-30”. This is sound- nite nonsense to stir emotions, and has nothing to do with the root causes of a national disaster with global consequences. If you are getting your news or information off any social media platform you are the sucker...you are a puppet bring manipulated. Being an informed member of society means you have to read books by credible authors on subjects that matter. It takes effort and time. If you have not done that, but have instead poked around on google, an algorithm that is designed to show you what it thinks you will most agree with, you ‘truth’ was designed to reinforce your world view. Truth.

There are no links to Facebook or other social media posts in this thread regarding arson. Framing your post as though there is when there clearly isn't is suckering people with distorted or false information.

And Google also retrieves articles from credible news sources like ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. Making it sound like anyone who relies on Google for information on current events is ill informed is ill informing the public with skewed personal opinions.    

It's admirable that you want to educate people. There certainly are plenty of people in the world that could benefit from being better informed; they would then cast votes for politicians less likely to fuck up the planet. If only citizens were required to pass tests before being given the right to vote.  

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

It's been acknowledged that it's not an actual photograph.

Ahavati said:I am a professional photographer and image creator.  This image was created using actual data to help people see past the plumage and smoke to just how dire the situation is so hopefully people would wake the fuck up.  It wasn't created for dramatic or faux news purposes.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Hello Rex, how have you been doing during this time with so much going on?  It looks like another planet closer to the sun! Please be safe...


Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

I have drawn a distinction between getting news from social media (“hundreds of arsonists lighting fires” was the social media headline only 24 hours ago.....the meme is proving highly mobile as well as highly plastic, meaning it is morphing to suit the audience it is transmitted to) and getting informed on root causes of globally significant weather events using only google. The point stands.

I would be happy to provide a list of books on any number of subjects related to these topics, and am always open to peer reviewed science that might prove current understanding needs altering.

Memes and the science of mass information distribution, meteorology, physics, human history, history of Australia, thermal dynamics, geomorphology, aboriginal oral tradition, human history of ecological collapse, geotechnical engineering, hydrographic survey, atmospheric greenhouse theory, climate modelling data and advancement, Antarctic ice core records and interpretation, ocean temperature modelling, ocean current modelling and theories of ocean oxygen and carbon dioxide transmission. Plenty of others....atmospheric changes are only really a side interest to many others, but I do like to read, so....

poet Anonymous

hemihead said:I have drawn a distinction between getting news from social media (“hundreds of arsonists lighting fires” was the social media headline only 24 hours ago.....the meme is proving highly mobile as well as highly plastic, meaning it is morphing to suit the audience it is transmitted to) and getting informed on root causes of globally significant weather events using only google. The point stands.

I would be happy to provide a list of books on any number of subjects related to these topics, and am always open to peer reviewed science that might prove current understanding needs altering.

Memes and the science of mass information distribution, meteorology, physics, human history, history of Australia, thermal dynamics, geomorphology, aboriginal oral tradition, human history of ecological collapse, geotechnical engineering, hydrographic survey, atmospheric greenhouse theory, climate modelling data and advancement, Antarctic ice core records and interpretation, ocean temperature modelling, ocean current modelling and theories of ocean oxygen and carbon dioxide transmission. Plenty of others....atmospheric changes are only really a side interest to many others, but I do like to read, so....

Well, you made the inference that people in this thread were misinformed by social media. Then you launched into a lecture about the pitfalls of Google retrieved information.  

The comments re police investigating arson are an example of people taking their news off facebook.

But, whatever. It's obvious that you are keen on steering the masses towards what you deem are more reliable sources of information.

And that's lovely.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Fleassy Malay is a spoken-word artist living in Melbourne (and my personal bitch-hero) and is holding a 7 day online poetry fundraiser to include writing workshops, podcasts and spoken word.

It’s a donation basis and encourages the fact that words have the power to change the world and encourages creative people to come together to do something positive for the cause.

Get involved. She’s an absolute babe. ✌🏻

Link here: https://coursecraft.net/courses/z9ZMb/splash

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

That sunburnt country ain't ever going to be the same.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17302

Rachel_Lauren said:I tend to get a bit “scratchier” with my claws when challenged

But a stand-your-ground grace is charming, especially when it’s educated

Mah mommah, and grandmommah, would roll over in the'yah graves if'n I acted any way but genteel ( which I have been known to do regardless )!

hemihead said:Comments re “political” thread are misguided. Stating what are researchable facts and having someone disagree, does not make a conversation  ‘political’. This thread has not yet contained any conversation re politics.

Politics is a multifaceted word.  The term "political" has many connotations, particularly here in the southern US.  When you get fired from a job because the manager feels threatened by you, that is considered "political".  

The comments re police investigating arson are an example of people taking their news off facebook. On right wing news outlets yesterday it was “hundreds”, today it’s “20-30”. This is sound- bite nonsense to stir emotions, and has nothing to do with the root causes of a national disaster with global consequences. If you are getting your news or information off any social media platform you are the sucker...you are a puppet bring manipulated. Being an informed member of society means you have to read books by credible authors on subjects that matter. It takes effort and time. If you have not done that, but have instead poked around on google, an algorithm that is designed to show you what it thinks you will most agree with, you ‘truth’ was designed to reinforce your world view. Truth.

Firstly, I attempt to stick with viable news sources.  Particularly in light of all the faux news circulating, and a major election on the horizon.  The link I posted in regards to the fires was a LIVE INTERVIEW by CNN with an Australian source, not a news link from social media ( if you'd actually read, listened you'd know that ).  Secondly, I don't believe unbiased news exists.  While it's widely known that conservatives lean toward FOX News as their top choice for news, and liberals lean toward CNN & NPR as theirs, both liberal and conservative readers have a diffuse mix of news providers, CNN being at the top of that list.  Perhaps because it's a a 24-hour global multiplatform network; or, it could be the topic.  Considering President Trump has dubbed CNN faux news, conservatives who blindly follow Trump are less-likely to believe anything political CNN reports; however, they are likely to believe alternative topics, or those on a global scale such as the Australian bushfires because, well, everyone, liberal or conservative, can relate to that type of catastrophic loss.

Lastly, and most importantly, we don't have time to wait for someone to publish a credible book regarding the current Australian bushfires. You are deliberately flaunting intelligence in an arrogant way that diffuses people's interest in what you have to say.  Just sayin. Your choice of wording, assumptions, and accusations have changed my personal view of you, and what you have to say, completely.  It's not WHAT you're saying but HOW you're saying it.  We all have individual interests, and appreciate contributions; however, do not need a lecture on how to become a well-educated member of this board.  

I am more than aware that wildfire containment/prevention has a problematic history in Australia because of dry and hot summer conditions. There seems to be fires every summer there: however, what is concerning about these is the widespread nature of them.   This is very early in season and extremely intense. So much so global firefighters are being flown into help, which is not a normal fire season at all.  It seems just the beginning of a global nightmare. . .

Having now had time to review the original picture presented on this thread, it is indeed fake. It was only a visual representation, and I was ok with that. What is not ok is that it shows fires where there aren’t any, and this had been born out by fact checkers who advise the software used could not discern causes of heat signatures, hence overestimating fire sources (by showing fires in places I have personally visited on construction site inspections where there is no vegetation for hundreds of kilometres).

Again, the artist ( whose name is previously credited ) did not create the image for dramatic or faux news purposes.  He genuinely wanted to provide an example beyond the clouds of smoke.  Did he get it accurate, obviously not.  Was his intent honorable, I believe so, yes. I would not have posted the photo otherwise.

The Australian bush has been highly modified by 40-60 000 years of human invasion. The bush could recover if this was a one- off fire event. This is not a one-off event, this is climate change.

Australia likes to make the claim she is to small to make any impact on climate change since she is a small carbon emitter, happily forgetting all the coal she exports. Australia is a right-wing dominated political system dedicated to the subjugation of the planet. This is the country where it was legal to hunt and kill indigenous blacks until almost 1960. Truth. (The first part of that statement mentions politics, but is not political).

I’m very much looking forward to the new climate model being rolled out now that better accounts for cloud cover, ice albedo, sea temperature and high altitude carbon release from aircraft. It will be frightening, but it will validate a lot of early predictions.

What is not yet clear is very recent research on emissions from volcanoes, which may mean our carbon cycle calculations are well out and the timeframes/heating rates are even worse than we thought. Interesting science indeed.

I agree with you in regards to climate change being a contributor to this disaster, as well as your wealth of knowledge; and, as previously stated, it's just the beginning.  However, in the interim, can we stay off our soapboxes and simply agree that Australia needs our immediate help right now?  Is that treating the symptoms and not the cause, maybe; however, that doesn't matter to a family who's lost everything to an inferno.  Or the dozens of humans whose lives have been lost along with a billion animals.

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