Poetry competition CLOSED 5th November 2019 1:03am

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Allusion to Myth

Harry Nichols
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 1st Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 44

Poetry Contest

One of my favorite features of poetry is the use of myth as a blueprint to talk about real world issues and personal struggles. Write me a poem, any length, that makes extended use of allusion to myth.

-One poem per human being
-Any style or form accepted

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

The Peach

Wield thy sword and shield
for the day has come
O Yes... another one
Crop-circles form over an even-edged field  
while blocks roll further down laden paths
row upon row, blade to soil, crease to fruit
spoiled labor, whisper those not over-turned
blacken the stalk as dot the eyes
this ash of monument 
sense to pride
glow to shimmer, flickering mosquito 
race the inner glaze 
within the jar of hope for an outside contaminated world
Noon day sometime 
there was a water break
refreshed, unnerved with spirits high
sustenance of sun through crystal glass
flowed as one between bodies 
hung across orchards 
swung from trees  
the lattice left 
with succulent peach 
To toil we rose, red, blue and gold
from his ploughshare, Indigo
those taken turns shake hands
nod, wink, smile
a fedora...a country mile
were it not brothers, sisters
aunts and uncles
timing a line 
one big machine 
for the production
of comfort
how long does such a day last
what is the estimated value
does this only count for tomorrow 
the night may be short
moons piled high 
coin toss 
stay or escape 
Written by souladareatease
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69

Pygmalion And Galatea


How cold my heart had grown to what many see soft and fair.
I noticed the corruption in female’s ways that filled me with despair.
Following my soul I bared myself to a solitude sadly embraced.
Creation neglects it’s own existence destruction takes its place.
On a monolith of ivory I coaxed the secret that it once jealously held.
Figure pure was kept from harm confined was ware the maiden dwelled.
I delighted in that which shared her likeness who never lingered at her side.
For once compared to living flesh their spirit lost its pride.
Garbed in raiment’s fine and flowing is how her form was dressed.
Jewel ringed fingers ears so draped pearls adorned her chest.
Oh lovely one of carved skilled hands I caress with gentle stroke.
Though cold and silent you speak to me loves magic you evoke.
Shells, amber, polished stones and flowers small gifts I give my bride.
Mere tokens bestowed for desired feelings no longer shall I hide.
Stained cloths of Tyrian dye are spread on the couch she lay.
The breath of life is what I wish should there exist the way.
Beauties goddess and love’s great queen grant for me this plea.
Bring forth one like my ivory virgin this I beg you humbly.
From an alter sacred of rising flames his love had been revealed.
When next embraced the statues touch was soft to gently yield.
Dwelling between the artist and art no other could dare dream of.
For when eyes can see and touch can feel it was inspired by true love.

Written by midevil
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 847

The inner cave man

The human condition its feet warmed by the fire
Still poke the coals and let the imagination fly
Draw the primatve picture each esquire
The leach the melting clock inspires

For we are now as we were then
Basics bones good and evil our intent
Betrayed by our own self interest
The grains of time somehow regressed

Open the page and read of life great myths
Wish that Harry Potter worlds did exist
You waged wars with only pacifist's
See the world with each clenched fist

In the mirror see a clone
 Hierarchy for you to at once disown
A sea of sharks to face alone
The viruses just to download

The ice age of your daughters stare
Primeval grunts teenagers share
An emoji world of the Rosetta stone
I scratch my balls and carry on

Written by slipalong
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1819

Story Poem, Nr.17 — Epilogue for the Heroic Journey

Josh (Joshua Bond)
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(Myth - St George and the Dragon)

The dragon smiled
not for a while
but continuously
and so religiously

waited as dragons do
with tail to pointing new -
was recognised supreme.

And then one day – vague disconnect
did fix a man between the eyes
each plagued with vacant staring …
projected primitive suspicion,
took enmity to new perdition.

Both now the losers of what might
spoiled for ever by a fight
in which the great old dragon slayed
supposed as “Saint” or “Sir” had prayed

but courage failed, was not enough
for dragon’s fight with fire and puff:
shame – a noble friend was lost
and history reveals the cost

but stop…, the dragon loved the “Sir”
and as planned did he love her
decided that the two combined
increased the treasure they would find
and so together in one pact
shared forces as a soul-mate act
thus history supports afresh
a way to end this ghastly mess …

Heroic Journey now complete
the cycle starts a new repeat -
the dragon lives for evermore
exuding wisdom’s semaphore
while Saints and Sirs across the land
renew their old outdated brands.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 859

Opening the doors

The omnipresent spirit of life never to halt,

A fluid connection between the high and low
Rearing base matter on the lowest flow
Vibratory polarity alchemical elemental rate
Physical somatic mass systemic states,

Thru ages platonic temple ascending
Border Eyn-Sof the soul's un-ending
Into a thirteen petal rose garden jive
The rounded table around twelve tribes,

4 rivers of Eden golden tao earth plane ride
Plato's cave fire to spark a lightning slide
Seeded star under sun world mountain snow
Waters above flow into waters below.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

Related submission no longer exists.

Strange Creature
Joined 4th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 1

I remember when our flesh was made of ash.
I remember when our flesh was made of the blood of demons.
I remember we where the sweat, the tears, the semen of God.
I remember we had no soul, no fire, and then we had both.
I remember when the earth was the skeleton of the grandparent of our Gods.
I remember eating it, and eating other Gods.
I remember the tribute we used to pay him and to the Gods that killed him.
I remember,

Now our bodies are made of stardust and atoms.
Now their made of cells and DNA and nucleus, proteins that need division.
Now our brains has everything we need, or so we say.

I remember when the sky was a god.
I remember when a titan hold the weight of it under his shoulders.
I remember the Sun needed a chariot, or it was chased by godly animals.
I remember how we used to dance for each and everyone of them.
I remember the children of Humans and Gods,
I remember their tales.
I remember the fire cracking when they were told.
I remember.

Now most of talk is hold upon the fire of a glass screen.
Now we move freely unbounded by rituals.
Now our sacred language is an oscilation of zeros and ones.

I remember the beggining of the world, with a word.
I remember people speaking in tongues with Gods and they answered.
I remember the temples and the people.
I remember the personal Godly connection of every human.
I remember mine was better.
I remember science was a distertation of the soul.
I remember sacrificing existences for Mystery.
I remember.

Now our we lay our stay in statistics.
Now detached we observe and collect data.
Now institutions collects minutes from us as riches.

I remember when silence was sacred.
I rememeber when orgies where sacred.
I remember there was a time and place for both.
I remember when Gods tricked us because they were bored.
I remember to not upset the Gods.
I remember my life not being so important.
I remember enjoying and having a purpose.
I remember.

Now our humanity is survival based on artifacts.
Now we hide emotions so much we forget their names (tough we can’t stop feeling)
Now we find stories everywhere, and doubt everything.

I remember
Because I am human.

Tyrant of Words
United States 153awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1853

Ribs 2:22

I know I’m being a little liberal  
Yet I don’t take the word so literal…
Yes it’s biblical,  
But in the spiritual sense of the expression I think it’s kind of ridiculous,
To remove my rib and create something so beautiful,
It’s kind of pitiful,
Because all life really comes from her.
“Bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh”
Yes it’s a lovely analogy but damn how many ribs can I spare?
When solemn vows are broken and somehow are made over and over again,
Is there no end?
There’s no sanctity anymore
(Props to those who do)
But what gives?
When the patriarchy is charge of writing myth, legend and history,
There is a sense of contradiction and confusion,
A big fallacy,
Phallus heads,
Men are deboned owned by divorce and forced to give up more ribs
(What about the kids?)
But in the next round of nuptials quoting scripture
They’re taking more pictures  
The cycle begins over again.
Yes, I know I’m being liberal,
But it’s biblical,
Guess I’m just hungry for ribs.
Written by wallyroo92
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poet Anonymous

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