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Ask The Person Below You A Question

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

my Mum.

Last poem you read that shook you?

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

"How are you today" by Carpe Noctem which was the inspiration and tied to his latest publishings.

Lately i've been curious what everyone's favorite of their own writings have been, tell me which 3 of yours is ?and i'll go read and comment.

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Sabrina Benaim's First Date

What's the last book you read and enjoyed?

*Ooo, I can't answer the above. Skip my question do Layla's.

poet Anonymous

Just take out the stars so it doesn’t post the link.

Nesting: https://dee*pundergroundpoetry.com/poems/212183-nesting/

Written around the time of my Father’s heart attack.

Woman, sleeping: https://dee*pundergroundpoetry.com/poems/250979-woman-sleeping/

To my muse.

Other bones: https://dee*pundergroundpoetry.com/poems/319870-other-bones/

Written on observation of online relationships.

Same question to somebody.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

RevolutionAl (Alistair Plint)'s Rendition-...and when a man cries

...and when a man cries  
in the corner of his  
no one could see    
no one would see    
no one should see    
and when a man cries    
behind the veil    
of his highs    
he has done all    
he could've done    
he would've done    
he should've done    
to avoid    
the void    
when a man cries    
under clear blue skies    
it rains    
not a flood    
just a pair of droplets    
on a couple of specks of dirt    
leaving them moist  
yet as barren    
as before    
and when a man cries    
with open dry eyes    
his widest of grins    
are his    
whitest of lies    
do not ask what happens    
a man cries    
it is only after    
"the man"    
in him    
it happens    
without a sigh    
when a man cries    
he does so    
behind the visible highs    
and when a man cries....
Written by cold_fusion
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The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Somewhere away from somewhere.

His head was bathed in white,
tied tenderly to the side of the boat,
but barely, and nought but water filled  
the lung
salt water still stung tired eyes
wide as his as wide as mine as wide as the endless expanse around us,
wounds to his head, to his cheeks, to his lips
from which he'd no longer speak
and my body lurched, over the water
too late to stop slaughter and yet
desperate to save his flesh from the ripping tide
and I couldn't manage to raise his from the slop alone,
without a rope,  
it was too much even when using the sloped edge of this sailing home.
I wanted,
needed to take him back to a shore
where someone could do more, where someone could softly clean him up -
give him a send-off
that I couldn't offer.
Unfortunately, that was fantasy
reality defined he'd be left with me only
and the duality of rushing and stagnancy.
I slept on his shoulder
where he wouldn't feel it
and dreamt he'd grow older and make me dinner
and I'd get thinner
and we'd let kids play in the garden
kids both goat and human form
and he'd mow the lawn
and I'd cut him flowers fresh from the borders
and he'd give me orders about how to wash his shirts
and it hurt as I slept  
and the water leapt across my face
but not enough to drown beneath.  
I cut his binds,
without hatred for who had bound him there,
I didn't care and it didn't matter
as the water became flatter
we both floated, astray.
Written by ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
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So for me poetry has mostly been a symptom of toxic romantic choices - I've fallen in love with myself deeply rooted in nature now but before that was this:



Why do you write?

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

Somewhere away from somewhere.

His head was bathed in white,
tied tenderly to the side of the boat,
but barely, and nought but water filled  
the lung
salt water still stung tired eyes
wide as his as wide as mine as wide as the endless expanse around us,
wounds to his head, to his cheeks, to his lips
from which he'd no longer speak
and my body lurched, over the water
too late to stop slaughter and yet
desperate to save his flesh from the ripping tide
and I couldn't manage to raise his from the slop alone,
without a rope,  
it was too much even when using the sloped edge of this sailing home.
I wanted,
needed to take him back to a shore
where someone could do more, where someone could softly clean him up -
give him a send-off
that I couldn't offer.
Unfortunately, that was fantasy
reality defined he'd be left with me only
and the duality of rushing and stagnancy.
I slept on his shoulder
where he wouldn't feel it
and dreamt he'd grow older and make me dinner
and I'd get thinner
and we'd let kids play in the garden
kids both goat and human form
and he'd mow the lawn
and I'd cut him flowers fresh from the borders
and he'd give me orders about how to wash his shirts
and it hurt as I slept  
and the water leapt across my face
but not enough to drown beneath.  
I cut his binds,
without hatred for who had bound him there,
I didn't care and it didn't matter
as the water became flatter
we both floated, astray.
Written by ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
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ImperfectedStone said:So for me poetry has mostly been a symptom of toxic romantic choices - I've fallen in love with myself deeply rooted in nature now but before that was this:



Why do you write?

in a nutshell... an attempt to to express the deep the unseen... only when i feel compelled

same question

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Because the words/emotions that inspire the words demand to be written.

what do you write about most often?

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

TruthOfLife, Rain and My Muse!


Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Observational, satirical, injustice of the world. At the moment it's telling my love lifes story which has gone a tad tits up.

How open and transparent are you in your writes

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

I've gotten better, I used to be very cryptic in my earlier poetry.

If a movie was made about your life, what would the title be?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Layla said:"How are you today" by Carpe Noctem which was the inspiration and tied to his latest publishings.

I'm humbled thank you, I don't really consider myself that good a writer, that one was written not long after me joining DU. If people like what I write and get something from it cool if not that's fine also. Hope that didn't come across too wankerish
Answering your question. The fine art of not giving a fuck, same as the book if ever decided to publish or my life as an introvert

That was a bit wankerish wasn't it?

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

No but why not call the book "Wankerish"

what is your favourite genre of poetry to read?

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

anything that deals with human conditions...

what are your views on socialism? is it truly as demonic cult way of life as the yanks would like to put it?

poet Anonymous

Many political theorists feel that ANY system, in that system's purest form, can be utopia.  It is unfortunate that nothing involving human nature can ever be totally "pure."  What is your opinion?  Can human nature be overcome?

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