Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd November 2018 10:44pm
RUNNERS-UP: snugglebuck and Danger_Dale

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Talking about a revolution

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

With the times we are living, we se the values of democracy, justice, equality and diversity being threatened by the rise of certain undemocratic powers, base on populisms and far right politics. Write a poem calling the people to stand up to dictatorship
Write a poem (one poem per poet and no collaboration) against the reality of the far right, antidemocratic, populist and so on, taking power and you must create a anthem to stimulate the rise of the people to safeguard the precious attributes of democracy against the ruling powers. You can use any style or type of poetry. Imagine you are a writer, belonging to a secret underground poetic movement, to save the values of democracy, equality and diversity and justice. The winner will be voted by the DUP members.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Menial labor
I’m the last of the few
Dirt covered blue collar
With Union views

Not much call
For the middle class
Sorry to say
I’m one of the last

Little respect
For my kind of girl or guy
Sweat for the money
Not for the pie in the sky

You keep telling me
"Unions are passé"
I’m wrong, you’re right
Things are not my way

But unlike you
I still have my dignity
To make a living
I never had to
Sleep with anybody
Written by snugglebuck
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
The guidelines are there. Judgement will be done on those writings that follow the guidelines. We are not here to instigate a war, but to express a vision for those who identify in those guidelines. If you don't feel it, you don't need to partecipate. If you wish to partecipate, you are free to express your opinions. But whatever you do, it's your freedom. So as I and everyone else respect your freedom, you must do the same. Those are the principles of democracy. Just like the ones in the guidelines are recognised globally as principals of democracy. For the rest, this is not a forum discussion but a poetic contest. J

poet Anonymous

Thank you snugglebuck for participating.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Hey Tods...where are you bro?? whats happened? Are you OK??

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Is it not strange
that people believe
that there is
such a thing
called a Justice system
that there is such a thing
a Democracy
with campaign funds
and pet psychologists
a system
that has never been
can stand their ground
on logical commonsense reasoning
where technology
is introduced
to find out
the truth
why is it
there are no groups
on the street
Demanding this
or on line petitioning

people on the left
and the people
on the right
do nothing
but bitch whine moan
humiliate and murder
because of their point of view
Does Nobody Look
At History Anymore
when people on the left
are in power
there is pain fear and despair
for most of us
the people
when people on the right
are in power
fear pain and despair
for most of us
the people
Why is it
these people
refuse to get together
and hammer out a way
of making a better way of living
a better way of life
for our children
is it not time
for change

poet Anonymous

Thank you Drone for participating. J.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941


Arms race  
At the border  
To locate and protect each other  
Hold on to mother and father  
Sister and brother  

Arms race  
At the border  
Arms race  
In the nation  
Known for its deforestation  
To hold on to trees  
And core beliefs  
Arms race  
In Brazil  
Arms race  
In the kingdom  
To water hidden desert rose  
Open minds, shutter windows  
Close the door behind you  
Arms race  
In Saudi Arabia  
Arms race  
In places of prayer  
Bringing many palms together  
While Charlton Heston's fingers  
Hold on  
Arms race  
In America  
Written by SatInUGal (Kumar)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

cold_fusion said:
Hey Tods...where are you bro?? whats happened? Are you OK??

Appears to have deleted account

poet Anonymous

Thank you SatinUGal for your entry. J

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168

The Sermon of Mr. Brimstone Part IX (30 Pieces)

“From the beginning we are all buried alive within the flesh of another
Before being evicted to suckle nourishment from the fatigued mother,
“Confined within a twisted body of limited space
Not knowing our understanding of what we are about to face,

“But no longer will we dig our own ditch
As the established system pimp us like a street walking bitch,
“We are more than ordinary, but extraordinary until life is through
And if government, religion or terrorist don’t like then FUCK YOU!!

“Millions voted for Hilary to become the commander and chief
But when that ass got Trumped the political pussies was in disbelief,
“Now on the throne is the possible future known as Mr. Nuclear Winter
So the time is near for us to pay back the 30 pieces of silver.”

“The quest to gather the pieces was a task in of itself
But the sins of the masses contributed to the help,
“Judas suicide was the foundation that paved the path
Now eternally our souls are calculated by the Devil’s math,

“Many desire heaven’s glory, but bullshit on the sacrifice
Becoming a vessel of lies, a black mark for the afterlife,
“Causing their hope to annihilate within itself
Now reality is their guide to medicated help,

 “As I stand to be judged from the book of life
In one hand is the heart of mankind and the other a knife,
“Forged from the payment of the ultimate betrayer,
That causes painful fear upon the son of the divine maker.”
Written by CasketSharpe
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Lost Thinker
South Africa 1awards
Joined 3rd May 2016
Forum Posts: 17

War Machine

America listen up cause I have something to say
You're not going to like it but here goes any way
Invading oil rich states 'cause you're worried about your millions
But does that really justify your killing of civilians?

Who died and made you the world police?
Treating the world like sheep and I see that you're wearing fleece
It's not right but it's not like you ever give a fuck
As long as there's a motive then I guess you just ain't giving up

You got the shit kicked outta you by the Vietnamese
Even though you dropped bombs cause you couldn't see through the trees
You called it rolling thunder but I know the real name
You say you're fighting terrorism but you play the same game

The blame game is an old American pastime
But it's past time you gave up committing these damn crimes
You wave the world flag as if you are so pure
Look in the mirror and then tell me cause I'm not sure
You're doing the right thing
In fact you aren't and it's in sight
The places that you've been are hit by poverty and blight
And everybody knows that when your drones are in flight
Ain't nobody safe in their own homes at night

So shine the fuck up and lead by example yo
Stop treating those less fortunate as terrorists though
If somebody invaded you I'm sure you'd fight back
So imagine what it's like for them and take a step back
If soldiers stepped on my porch and torched what I own
I'm telling you right now I'd fight and I wouldn't be alone
Stop spreading terror if that's what you're fighting
Take a look at all the suffering that you're igniting

80 percent of your prison population is black
You've got your own problems at home and maybe you should solve that
Illiteracy obesity and rat at tat terrible gun laws
You paint a perfect picture but you can't hide your flaws
So please stop masterminding regime falls behind closed doors
And open the floors to good ideas without a secret clause
And open your borders to those who work without pause
Because those are the people with good hearts and good ethic
But you don't see it you stamp no no no if they're ethnic

"Make America Great Again"
You mean racist and rich and able to commit crimes
Without fear of the international switch
Reprimanding for humanitarian outcries
"Make America Great Again"
I think you're confusing the times
Was America great when you could own a whole races lives?

Become fair and just and a beacon for equality
Lift up the poor and give their life a good quality
Uplift gender rights in unification
Only then could you be a self righteous nation
When you've covered all the bases and you're catering for all
Guess what?
You still don't have the right to invade anybody at all!
Stay the fuck within your borders that you guard so carefully
Become peace oriented and police lawfully
Close Guantanamo bay and open Area 51
Ban all fracking and harness energy from the sun
And you better stay the fuck outta bad old Vietnam!

Take care of your own before launching another drone
Because at the end of the day you will find yourself alone
When your money runs out everyone else will see
The Stars and Stripes hide the real enemy
Written by Danger_Dale
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 28th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 229

Truck Stop (or the Repeal of the Truck Acts 1831 and 1960)

A sorry modern fable from Aesop -  
A massive nationwide wealth extraction -
That's how we were shafted by the Truck stop.
For over one-fifty years no ad-hock
pay but cash after negotiation.
A sorry modern fable from Aesop
telling how the law chang'd giving us a sop
for our hard work in this new transaction.
That's how we were shafted by the Truck stop.
The Wages Act '86 did the swap
of value - without any distraction.
A sorry modern fable from Aesop
showing our ignorance for the rights drop,
and using our lack of education.
That's how we were shafted by the Truck stop,
where work does not yield cash our rightful crop:
we are forc'd to take a chose in action.
A sorry modern fable from Aesop -
that's how we were shafted by the Truck stop.
Written by AnonymousBystander
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