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romance [35th Co.]

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
"[Romance is] a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. . . . love, especially when sentimental or idealized."- Google.

I might not consider poems without the theme #romantic. Poems will be commented on. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

Submit any poem, even if it was written beforehand, commented on by me or in a previous contest. submit 3 poems maximum, but no duplicate entries. Don't add or edit posts, after the contest has closed. Your poem can't solely be an image, audio, or video; but must have some accessible text that wholly represents it.

Also, you can post url links to other DUPoetry romance competitions.

Message me with any concern, including of integrity or of rule violations.


Nicotine Love by shaniadittee7

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

🎼A Favorite Song

( a Sonnet )      
🎼A boy dropped in a dime and chose B2,      
The bubbles in the juke lit up the place.      
He grabbed his date & show’d me what to do,        
I swayed with love’s abandon on my face.        
🎼To hear our favorite song for the first time,        
’Twas never meant to be the one we heard.      
To dance w’ perfect guy in perfect rhyme,        
I listen’d to, lip-syncing ev’ry word.        
🎼The way he studied me in like was such;        
He loved the way the music fill’d my dress.      
We moved around without a single touch;        
A curious reaction nonetheless.        
🎼We often change the words of how it’s sung;  
This song will always be our number one.        
Copyright©️2018 Jade Pandora. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Completely revised the envoi (the couplet stanza at the end) which is a definite improvement.  Thank you, sir Host.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 47

Our Special Place

Let me take you to a place  
Where the sun touches down  
A place where white sand covers the ground  
Crystal blue waters
you can see straight through  
A place where I can concentrate solely on you  
Complete your fantasy, answer your wish  
Put your mind at ease on heavenly bliss  
Beautiful flowers as far as you can see  
But my eyes are locked on you  
Your eyes locked on me  
A place with colorful birds and tropical fish  
A place where only love exists  
Let me take you to this place  
This place was made for us  
This place is our relationship  
Built on love, respect and trust!
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th May 2014
Forum Posts: 35

onto something

all these years you and I
patiently waited
for our senses
to grow sharper [1]

and ecstatically experience
each other

remember that boy
that demystified
as an infatuation
living in the dimensions
of neurochemical reactions

what happens
when these violent molecules
cease to shiver
and the chemical storm
subsides as dust
almost unnoticed

because these are the facts
we can’t ignore…

but as aware as I’m
about facts
scientific knowledge
engineered lifestyles
and that quiet desperation
the generation of our parents
designed for us to consume us

I took the choice
to be onto something
not there in the cold facts
but poetic facts we put
in place of material explanations

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart) [2]

is a vision
that transcends
into the animated pictures
of old couples
holding hands

and that funny feeling
when we look at those
with questions
and adoration
we can’t formulate

[1]: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/122468-the-world-is-full-of-magic-things-patiently-waiting-for
[2]: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/detail/49493
Written by debug
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th May 2014
Forum Posts: 35

what do you see?

I look at you
until you say “stop”
I look at you again
until unbalanced
you say “stop” again
I look at you once more
in attempt to memorize
these lines
that move me
you know
I notice everything
there to be revealed
or not to be revealed
I notice…
all details
turning this dream
into hyper realistic truth
I see
and tremble
at the thought
of turning my glance away
all those provocations
marital status
kids or no kids
my parents
your parents
her parents
I don’t even blink
confronting those
…but I notice
this feeling
preparing to engulf me
I sink
irreversibly in you
what do you see
Written by debug
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th May 2014
Forum Posts: 35


my heart
don’t hush again on me
both my hands
on my chest

what good is love?
that no one shares
what good am I?[1]

as my spirit seeks
explores the movements
those tides towards me
covering my skin
with sensations
strength and weakness
rushing in

and then
leaving my voice

craving those
warm torrents
to caress
and carry me
up towards the light
as lightly
as an autumn leaf[2]
where to?[3]

in the space
where my soul and spirit
possess you irreversibly
until the very thought of me
is making you wet
puts a smile
on your beautiful face
and suddenly
you like
everything about me
even desire to witness
the darkest moods
fucking my inner peace

and vulnerable
asking myself:

to love
to be loved?

Music References:
[1] Max Richter Ft. Dinah Washington - On The Nature Of Daylight / This Bitter Earth
[2] Roxy Music - More Than This
[3] Apparat - Over and Over
Written by debug
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Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

after i read all these poems, i've been reading your poems from past contests. the poems are incredible and truly bring forth the feeling of romance in my heart. You writers are truly amazing. it would be cool to reward such writing; maybe even with credited publications, credited circulations, prizes, or walls of recognition.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

Sir Boring--check your messages--you need to edit out the poems in your opening post here.  Thank you

Carlito Pautz
Strange Creature
Joined 26th May 2018
Forum Posts: 2

Sea of Roses

Dead Alive,
hero, or villain.
My veins pulsate!
People point towards us
Voices tell me things I'm not
I do not even know who they are.

Everything shuffles
Does it come from my head ?!
My baby, forgive me.
Look at my eyes
I need you to believe in love
Do not be afraid
I know I was a monster
I'm almost done with myself

As dark as I am
I know you like
My dark cat woman
I know you love

We are in a sea of roses
People point towards us
We seal a pact

We are in a sea of roses
People point towards us
We seal a pact

We are in a sea of roses

Sorry my english, i'm Brazil.
If anyone wants to hum, I thank those who send me.

This is dark, sickly, kind, difficult, act!
Written by ziigyzaag (Carlito Pautz)
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Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

I've been informed to censor some of my User Content by an admin or moderator. In response to the moderation, I'm going to try to ensure my safety as I try to enjoy this website.

"My romance poetry contests are intended to sample the ever-changing genre of modern romance, to foster inspiration for modern romance writers, and to credit and praise modern romance poets.

By continuing to post in this thread, you agree to be bound by the two following terms. If you do not agree to any of the two following terms, but continue to post your User Content in this thread, then such User Content will be personally considered harassing, abusive, and infringing on my ability to enjoy this website; and may violate deepundergroundpoetry.com Terms of Use. ('User Content' is defined in deepundergroundpoetry.com Terms of Use.)

(1) your User Content shared for my contest was and is not copyrighted or trademarked.

(2) any violation of your intellectual property rights or privacy rights, resulting from my actions with respect to my contests, was and is not intended; and you must let me know of such violation through a private message or a reply to my contest threads, explicitly detailing how such rights had or have been violated."

the quoted content will be in effect in my next romance contest.

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Related submission no longer exists.

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