Poetry competition CLOSED 28th February 2018 5:06pm
View Profile Poems by AtoMikbomb
RUNNERS-UP: eswaller and McEltic

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Dark Seduction Competition

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Poems sensual in nature, but with a dark twist

I’m not looking for blood, guts and gore here. I want seductive, perhaps erotic poems written with a dark undertone. Forget about shock value and seduce the reader with your words. Take us to underworld lovers or the crypt of a vampire and his/her lover, or enter our dreams with a succubus/incubus. Your imagination is your guide. Write from the realm of love and desire, but not with violence.

*2 poems per writer
*2 weeks
*New writes only
*No epic sagas please

Let the seduction begin!

Strange Creature
Joined 6th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 8


In the midst of a circle consists of  fragile pains,
Beneath a sly smile, I'm writhing by scratching my veins.
Blameless faces have alined curiously around,
Peeking their rots without mind the mornful sound.
More noisy than hypocrite confessions, a dirgeful story is being told,  
By the mutes to deafs, to deceive the coming of foretold.
The matt masterpiece have captured the sky,  
Rising by grumbling, silenced menace is nigh.
A secrecy blessed with soil is waiting upon a serene howl,
Spilling out a delusion and a dream from mouth of an owl.
Trying to straighten up and ignore the pain a dull aeon long,
To reach a shelter as frail as a cradle song.
My blunt heart is bleeding, bewaring from violence lying in wait,
But can't help minding the tender voice coming from labyrinths reaching out my fate.
Walking through the silent ruins around the cold and moist stone track,
Watching the ravens hiding the time and flying into black.
An old tree, shoken by thunder once and will never bloom,
Lies beside the sea enclosing a naive gloom.  
Running towards exhausted to lay down under it for a forlorn sleep,
But the ground is shaking with a cursed scream from deep.
Shaking me, the lost roar of a forgotten nightmare,
Glancing up to the sky, mire have covered the air.
The faceless man is nearing to me creepting within miasmal cinder,
Postponing the untold till the arrival of frozen winter.
Written by ulas12selvi
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Strange Creature
Joined 6th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 8

Epitaph Of A Leprous Man

Days passing by without talking,
Hours passing by yielding to a timid longing.
A longing that cries like a brute in chains wanting to be free,
Killing each of the desires and wishes in me.

I have a place where I watch all my dreams be sacrificed,
Beneath enhsrouded clouds having a story needs to be recite.
I have a burden inside that I can't dare to elude,
As I require it to feel safe and appease my feud.

Millions of hollow words spoken sincerely and tended to be forgot,
And millions of broken promises burried in my heart,
Echoing in blank last and going astray,
Nothing left for me to hold on and hinder the decay.

Weaker now, the modest sound in my chest,
Drowning meekly but in suspense at death's behest.
Fading strength, and falling a pearless snowflake,
Beseeching this cold sanctity to ease my ache.

My tenuity can't strive with time's withering,
And I hear an ominous whistle's whispering.
While the last light dies out into dark,
You will be lost in time without leaving a mark.
Written by ulas12selvi
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

snugglebuck said:a-s-ance-romance

Thank you for joining, snugglebuck! A short but sweet piece.

Lost Thinker
Joined 13th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Rusted Smile

Hearts in memory drawn before us
haste display their vesting style
Daydreams shed and plead...
restore us
dancing o'er a rusted smile
Chancing fancies
may discover
heart-light cast
where sins may dwell
Shadow-darkened skies
the isolation sought to quell
Sifting through those haunting traces
ringing round a fading light
Who might stop
and trade us faces
invest a smile
to warm the night
To the wise
that rise above us
bend an ear to wishing well
See the dancers
push and shove us
to the brink of living hell
Written by McEltic
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poet Anonymous

McEltic said: rusted-smile

What a great entry, McEltic! Thank you for joining in!  

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 5

Making Love In My Mind

Making Love In My Mind

I want to rub my fingers lightly up and down her spine

Just the thought of her brings warm thoughts in my mind

I picture her standing slightly still in front of me

As her long hair flows over her shoulders liberally

Her black boots ride up her legs above her knees

She knows with one look how to make me please

I squint to look deep inside her enchanting eyes

I see deep inside her heart where her love resides

I would like to take my tounge and lick her head to toe

Explore every inch of her where only miners go

She could have me come to her with just one single word

Her swaying body says things that I have never heard

As she gets closer my heart beat begins to slowly rise

As the air is filled with the sound of moaning cries

I close my eyes and I can see how that it could be

If her love could be more than a mere nightly fantasy
Written by Rogerh
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poet Anonymous

Rogerh said: making-love-in-my-mind

Thank you, Rogerh, for bringing a little warmth to this chilly morning with your seductive fantasy piece.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 762

A Seduction Nobody Can See Coming

Their heads turn as she walks on by,
But she only has eyes set on only one
Person with her slightly sly and shy
Smile for him. She wants to have fun
With the way she is teasing, flirting and
Giving him what they are both wanting,
A night with passion. She has one hand
Resting against his outer thigh, taunting
And getting a visible reaction out of him.
In the end, she is like a seductive vampire,
Sucking his soul dry until the lights dim
And fade from his eyes. She will set fire
To everything around her, but she will
Walk away from it unscathed. She is
All ready for her next target and kill.
She will have everything that was his.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous

eswaller said:-a-seduction-nobody-can-see-coming

Thank you, eswaller, for joining us with your seductive darkness.  

Strange Creature
South Africa
Joined 29th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 2

When HE Craves(self-embrace)

When he craves
Stars peep through the window into his man cave
His chiselled body’s sight
Stark-naked like in the beginning of age
At his surreptitious self-embrace the moonlight rays gaze
Behold his lingering hand
Dangling fingertips caressing his own bare flesh
To the ecstasy of his stiff nipples his thumbs caress
On the other hand, a slippery situation seeks his attention
The lubrication accentuates the thick, stiff, veiny shaft
A sight bound to make any woman release a blissful sigh
Just before she engages in a ferocious suck
Behind his curtain lust reigns
Is it desire or is it rage
Gentle stokes yet a firm grip as he maintains the pace
His chest inflates and deflates at haste
Whispering moans and groans pierce the night
Distinct squeaking lubricated sound
To his hand he makes passionate love
Obscene manhood scent fills the air as though rising to the sky
He closes his eyes as he prepares to take flight
She comes to mind, as she always does
Slippery when wet is her stage
Where he wishes to play when the curtains of her undersized garment are raised
How she lets her ass whorishly sway as though to persuade
She sits across him on the train
He doesn’t blink as she usually entertains
Teasingly opens her legs and crosses them again
Leaving to his imagination the adventure of the next day
Firm strokes as climax approach
His journey of self-bliss unfolds
His tongue, salivating in anticipation of tasting his own
It’s like ballistics how he shoots high into the sky when he eventually arrives
The pleasure is all his, for no one gained when he released
Written by assassin
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poet Anonymous

assassin said:when-he-craves-self-embrace

Thank you for your seductive entry, assassin!

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1540

Dark Shadows

My wings carry me to her open window beneath the glowing moon
As full as the sky casting my shadow across her flowing curtains
I ride the breeze between them entering her inviting room
The scent of her warm flow entices my thirst to take her innocence
To enslave her body with my eternal curse as I drain her mortal will
And she will, oh yes she will look so deeply in my fiery eyes
Then she will fulfill my hungry need to devour her quite passionately
The kiss I place upon her neck makes her shiver in burning ecstasy
Carnally carnivorous my desire overwhelms the nightmare of this undead life
As I am filled with the warmth of her sweet red nectar as it enters me
My wanton seed filling her with the gift of endless nights of immortality
While she offers me her last heartbeat, I rob her of her soul
Written by Poetryman
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poet Anonymous

Poetryman said:dark-shadows

Excellent dark entry, Poetryman! Thank you for joining!  

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