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Dry Goods - philosophy in poetry

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Cold Front

Stone cold and ocean blue eyes
Staring at me. Like icicles replacing
The blood running through my veins.
I know we should be friends and allies,
But instead we are enemies, embracing
Each other with coldness like the pains
Felt during the winter storm. The doubts
In my mind that ask me if I am strong
Enough to survive this. Can you make it?
How am I going to navigate these routes?
Maybe this direction will take me the wrong
Way that will take me back to sea. Every bit
Of these directions are making me feel lost.
Who am I to say we should give it one more go?
Maybe I lost a friend or maybe I lost a lover.
Everything meant to completely defrost
Did not and complexion lost all of its color.
Maybe I lost myself or maybe I lost you.
All I know is that we are living on a cold
Front. There is no way to return to gold.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Hardened By Hermeneutics

Cerebral-isms sling schemes  
to salivate upon  
sweetened thesis'    
swimming in seminary  
Orbit gum excretions;  
Their manilla folders    
flatly crisp  
yet mouth-breathed over  
in hints of chewed    
Cold-ening closeness  
through cadaver-cut  
competent in granite canons  
entombing souls in catacombs    
Teach me, friend  
(since you're clearly Jerome born again...)  
And I'm oh so dazzled    
by one so arcane...  
Behind you, we wait  
as children - inane    
Plunge your pencil    
principled fingers  
into all 6 predestined    
pressure points  
Calvin could commend you;  
and I'd stand  
with only common  
grace on my face
Heave election dissections    
into itchy  
ear holes  
clogged with waxy    
Someone will listen  
Mundane faith roils    
through the chests of us  
with peanuts beneath our    
evangelical seats    
Under handkerchief noses  
ariel and great  
What spectacles we must be;  
With messy  
stupid love  
that only ever herniates  
Philosophy is not philanthropy.
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Thought Provoker
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 52

the metaphysics of of las vegas and e-mail explained

before the big
(such an inelegant
(like the word
inelegant) word
to describe the
start of everything)
bang, did god
get a reminder that
there is no subject
no message  no game
to gage the stakes
but do you still want
to send it anyway
a roll of the dice
(not yet cliché )
yet somehow
the house  was
destined to win
heads or tales
to be or she loves
me not to be
cancel or send
one and the same
the start
the end
Written by 0913338 (Semaj)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878


Do you ever ponder over the wonders of the universe?
The happenstances of the world and how they come to be,
The everyday incidents and coincidences we experience,
That influence our lives and fill our minds with curiosity.

I’ve often thought if life was perfect or without mistakes,
Or if I’d never been late or missed any opportunities
Would it have been as hard or challenging or defiant?
When facing giant obstacles with endless possibilities.

The infinite web of events that shapes us and makes us
It helps us define and find the goal line of our destiny,
For each in and every choice that we have ever made,
Come all the invariable consequences inevitably.

When I find lost items I try to get them back to their owner,
It feels like it’s not just the rational thing but it’s my responsibility,
To show kindness to a stranger, someone I may never meet,
But to put forth a positive vibe by demonstrating sensibility.

And it’s in these little acts of sympathy and compassion,
That can set things in motion for all the world to see,
That we’re all connected through these happenstances,
No matter how small but they can grow to a great degree.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Oh my!  To those who voted for my poem, I thank you for the honor of having put me on the podium for first place.  And I congratulate our two runners-up  audioharleea and mel44 for their fine efforts.  Everyone who participated is to be congratulated, and I thank our host EdibleWords for the opportunity!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Jade-Pandora said:Oh my!  To those who voted for my poem, I thank you for the honor of having put me on the podium for first place.  And I congratulate our two runners-up  audioharleea and mel44 for their fine efforts.  Everyone who participated is to be congratulated, and I thank our host EdibleWords for the opportunity!

It was fun, wasn't it? I love the comps being held around here, and how everyone can play host!

Thank you everyone for your submissions!

poet Anonymous

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