Poetry competition CLOSED 7th December 2017 1:37pm
Foxface (Aewyrn)
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RUNNERS-UP: PoetSpeak and Erotic_Goddess

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Trains and Railroads

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873



Your life isn’t like
Ocean ship cruising
Where you’re just
Going to drift

It isn’t like
A luxury airliner
Where you’re
Forever flying high

You’re a train
A coal burning locomotive
Chugging, huffing and puffing
Blasting and spitting steam

Your life is pulling
Lugging and carrying
Taking on more weight
As you go through life

But don’t complain
As long as you keep
Your boiler wet
And your wheels greased
You’ll remain
One tough old train
And a lot of folks
Will hop on and ride

Chug on, Steam Punk!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 578

The Train Ride After War

I walked lazily along the lonely Paris streets
Though the night mistress covered the sky, the streets were well lit; and some were busier than others

As I sat in the train, I was rocked and swayed like a baby until my demons carried me to where I longed to be
Back to the home I had built with a familly I was forced to get to know
The lights flickered as I looked around to observe the people who shared this same night ride, who mysteriously helped me reassemble the pieces I had put together
I saw the young man I was reluctant to shoot, though a good find for my company; a memory my mind will not let me forget

The French boy smiled a little bigger in comparison to the Polish one
As we stood there in silence, his eyes spoke to me as he admired my metals
Before he left, his salute was full of love and gratitude
And as I stood there, alone, I was lost for reasons I could not explain.
Written by UnleashedHeathen
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poet Anonymous

In The End, It’s All About The Destination

7.30 train North to South,
carriages full of bankers heading to the smoke

a woman adjusts her make-up in a compact
draws a neat little cats-eye line on her lid,
the juddering of the rail makes it an art form.

I am already on my fifth brew of the day
came prepared with a silver flask
holding hot water and steaming tea,
my peppermint permeates the air
overrides the cheap coffee aroma
drifting from a graveyard of paper cups
strewn down the aisle.

It's where I'm headed-
to bury her

to bury a woman who's veins gave out
to bury a woman who's insanity ate her
from the inside...

the ellipsis would have killed me too
if I let it.

Trees feel like they are burning,
autumn flames beyond the window
my forehead pressed against glass,
I close my eyes counting heartbeats
of wheel against the iron track


it pulses in my skull, migraines of change
and by the time we grind to a halt
the woman's face paint is perfect,
the bankers click their leather brogues
down the grime-trodden platform

I light a cigarette to welcome me home.


3.30 train South to North,
carriages full of tired men anchored to screens

I forgot to wear tear-proof mascara this morning,
I dab at my face eradicating black from my cheeks
and unlike my love of watercolour, it doesn't wash.

English rain arrived like I knew it would
I wear patent heels to the churchyard;
I should be studying her
I should be watching her final fall
deep into the floor, but I do not

I watch water slip over my shining shoes
and think about the metaphor.

I wonder what it would be like to sink,
to be lowered by clouds that brought me here
wonder if the rope bearers count
"one-two, one-two" earthing themselves
in meaning and preposition

I remember my Mother, her little finger
curling against my Father's [I think about you]
and how we're all dependent on something
all of us just waiting for a rhythm,
bones perhaps, a drop of blood
to build a wall around our memories

in solitude, our coffins are perfectly matched
right-angled in failure and descent,
madness gleaming with pearlescent silks
I paid for with bereavement
a few lost dreams perhaps

I light a cigarette to welcome me home.

poet Anonymous

Station Musings

I finally laid you to rest yesterday
removed and deleted every little trace
and it hurt like a motherfucker,
but I cannot love what does not
love me back
I think of the funeral tomorrow,
the poem I wrote for her final goodbye
and I squirm realising somebody has to die
all over again.  
I order my first coffee in years,
I find somewhere knee-deep in soya milk
and decide to take the plunge;
the stringent taste reminds me of tobacco
and I crave cigarettes to marry the moment
I plug your strange accent into my caffeine
listening to you talk over my muffin crumbs
I smile at the end, thanking the Gods
for the blessing of friendship
as I board the waiting train
I know you would have loved.  
The carriage moves so fast
the track appears as a silver snake
stations blur through the windows,
a man looses his footing at Crewe
only to be helped up  
by a Japanese stranger
I realise this is England all over;
countless oriental architects
mocking our dirty trains
I would too.  
They are an abomination.  
I'm travelling North to South
away from the landscape I have come to love
away from the lakes and curious cobbles
straight to the chaos of London
riddled with touchscreen faces  
and frustration
the city is not for me, and I
have no desire to stay
I have broken the pattern  
I have loved the wrong one.
I'm good at that.  

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous


sitting at the station
but the trains
have all gone
as scraps of paper
quietly skitter
through the gutters
through the dust
trailing patterns
seeming random
if it weren’t for the wind
ever blowing and controlling
the direction of my feet
as I drift across the landscape
amid the litter in the street
where lamplight creates shadows
that dance all over me
masking my emotions
so that you will never see
and I’m waiting at this station
just sitting on this bench
w  a  i  t  i  n  g
for a train
that may never return again

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Remembering Trains

I recall how as a child
I'd walk the railroad tracks,
Surveying the soot-covered ground
In search of Morocco and Spain.

I'd lie prone across the wood ties
To hear trains roll from miles away,
Feeling them in my belly.

If I had pennies to spare,
I'd place them along the iron
And rush back the next day
To claim the flattened treasure.

I remember a late summer
When humidity was thick in the air,
Lightning arcs lit the night,
Riding the rails down the line.

So startling was the crackle
That flew in a shower of sparks
Rivaling the 4th of July.

I loved the rumble of three engines
Hauling a full load of boxcars.
The moans they made from the weight,
And the slow journey up the grade.

Sunlight flickered through the
Wake of smoke passing overhead
As I walked behind the caboose
Waving endlessly to the watchman.

So it is, when the night is still.
I hear a plaintive wail as a
Train calls from afar.
I warm to the memories, and I answer.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Can it be a previous entry?

poet Anonymous


My train left the station
In deep contemplation
For the journey ahead
Is it another infiltration?

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Freight And Unafraid

Rails laddered lateral  
Spans of measured meters - repeat  
In ramparts undergirding - tracking dreams  
And their iron accounts tell  
They tell  
Transient transcendences  
In boxcar Bethels
Fancies followed by ferrous paramours  
Of world  
Of others - away  
Of ventures vain  
Or distant claim  
Dens for vagrants bare of foot  
Shod in denim and soot  
Burrs on pant legs clinging  
Swinging with the sway of savior trains  
Wagers to wander bet on tracks  
Wistful wonders seen keenly  
Eyes alive with contravene  
And I would double down  
To sow my odds  
Vaulting one crossing close  
Embracing an engine's rich transpose  

Picture is Hemingway hopping a train (Wikipedia commons)
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765


Midnight train heading north and the other one
Heading south. Meet me where they meet in
The crossroads, a place where we try to outrun
The noise all around. The feel of your soft skin
Feels like railroad tracks beneath my fingers.
We are the only ones who can see this coming.
The smell of exhaust with your perfume lingers.

Darling, let’s meet in foreign cities with nothing,
But train tracks beneath our feet, sipping and
Getting drunk on wine as we let the landscape
Pass us by. We have never asked for a refund
On our tickets because have made our escape
As trains passing by into the dawn and nights.
We are nothing but silent head and train lights.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous

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