Poetry competition CLOSED 28th November 2017 4:49am
View Profile Poems by AtoMikbomb
RUNNER-UP: runaway-mindtrain

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Strange Creature
Joined 2nd Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 3

i am honest

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14543

The unspoken

Truth is
we lost our connect
when we earned

you and me
we think differently

I'm weary

and all out
of 'one more try's'

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 50

The Tweaker Files

I want to cut the shit    
all this talk of great things in my life  
small words about nothing big  
I've graduated from snorting coke    
traded it in for a all day high    
one line & i'm set    
i'm a tweaker    
I tweak on writing    
it will keep you going all night  
on the drug march    
Hitler knew what he was doing      
employing this drug    
i'm sure it kept his men loyal      
with the need of this bitch    
I've never felt such lows    
while coming off of a drug    
it's so coniving      
makes you think      
you can just play with it    
but it has teeth  
you bite into this bitch    
it bites back    
damn it i'm too old for this shit    
& my brain plays mind games    
I have a 100 excuses at least    
why this is the miracle depression cure    
& it really is    
until you have to kick the cunt    
& she comes after your throat    
Written by smackdownraven
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

You Poets & Poetesses are killing it.. loving the truth being spewed.. excellent job to all so far.. much respect..


Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 804

--fountainhead valve--/

The breeze blows a slow dance  
It walks across the sky  
The mist floats a soul path  
Link of water to higher math...  
A fire of circles ring the moon  
Was time or space torn into?  
Did the heavens fall?  
Or our hearts ascend renewed...    
We crossed the altars beast  
And left the soul at peace  
The towers stand on either side  
A pole for each and each a sum...  
Melodic focus the mind's eye  
See a light burn a hole in the sun  
Weaving insight nothing being spun  
A union of both to make the one...  
Dual role to play, our life engage  
Birth of three, the parents relay  
Divine the child, holy matrix made  
A composite temple in us is laid...  
Platonic shaped internal halls  
A system of geometry draws  
We watch the bird commit to fly  
But we never see it fall....
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 26th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 6

The Truth

There is a part of me
who only wants
to wake up in the woods, alone
my morning practice - percolating
oil-slicked coffee
drinking from a tin cup and
blowing smoke rings from a
goddamn Lucky Strike.

There is a part of me
who only wants
to sit in a Parisian café, aloof
my observations - poetic
scribbled on napkins
smudged with chocolate from a
decadent croissant.

There is a part of me
who only wants
to be immersed in your desire, rapt
my only ambition - sensual
tongue probing ecstasy
penetration of your
quintessence, punctuated with
multiple orgasms.

There is a part of me
who only wants
to start a revolution, incensed
my decree - crashing
corruption’s party
bitch slapping ignorance
spilling blood from the
criminals of complacency.

There is a part of me
who only wants
to be healed from all my pain, scar-less
my enlightenment - curiosity
co-mingling with irreverence
propelling me into mischief
embracing the world, as is, with
fearless love.
Written by Spilled_Inkster
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Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2081


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 6

Can I

The pressure that I am under to be PERFECT.... I feel like I’m suffocating from the expectations you have for me. I am a broken hearted woman.... I have my flaws and I have my downsides.... I’m scared because I feel the need to to be PERFECT... Can I make mistakes in your eyes... I am learning you hell I am still learning myself... I try but the disappointment in your eye tells me I have failed.

I am broken and trying to fix myself for the better. I am under pressure from the expectations that you have for me. Can I fail and learn again? I am only a broken-hearted woman.
I am stressed out about everything.... I am happy beyond measure but I am sad in its entirety... how can I feel this joy and pain mixed. I know it is supposed to be good times and bad times but Damn... this is hard... Am I strong enough for this journey.
Written by MyDesire_HisFire_1 (DAY)
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Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

Dead And Gone

Like trying to write when your ink has spilled from your pen,

words lost in the disarray of poetic listings,

This heart is silent...

Flesh cold to the touch...

Seams shredding under dull unsharpened knives.

Each pierce is forced...

pain to feed lack of feeling.

The numb that has possessed my chest for times present and times past is the only flow through veins corroded in rejection.

Bitter comes in flashes of red...

And crumbled pages make it's bed at my feet.

Death whispers her desire for what remains as I cling to the shards that bled me dry in the first place.

I choke on my thoughts...

Scattering in my throat..

In fear of spilling words that hang me on the podium while my body is scrutinized by the judge with no right to judge in the first place.

The wolves stalk my rocking back and forth with starved eyes,

Waiting for me to venture out from this hole I keep myself pinned so they may feast on my screams that no longer exist in the silence of voice.

Choices were made and I selflessly gave what would wither to ash,

as leaves in the cool autumn wind in a weak moment simply needing to hand my burdens to set in another's hand.

and they faded one at a time,

bleeding every crimson strand of life from my vains.

Replacing in me poison,

the sickness that leaves me in shambles hiding my shell from deaths grasp...

Even as I know every part of me is gone and burned to ash.
Written by Erotic_Goddess
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poet Anonymous

Have we become so insolent to believe
Every breath is a given
Every action is based by faith alone
Every thought is not ours alone

A silent lie
Is still a lie

Have we lived a malevolent life
Are we blinded by monetary success
Did cognitive empathy replace emotional empathy
Is today the tomorrow of manipulation envy

A whispered lie
Is still a lie

Shaming humans for being Human
Carving mental scars to feel
Spreading vicious truths
And contemptuous vibes

A spoken lie
Is still a lie

Gloating gossip with a wicked grin
Losing any couth we had
Entertained by the drudgery of others
Tricked our mind to be blind

Screaming an unknown truth  
Is still a lie

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Keep the entries coming.. this contest is full of brilliant writes.. much respect..


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