Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd May 2017 7:48pm

Poem of the Month - June 2017
Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Contest Description
Submit or Nominate a poem you feel apt to represent DUP in the Hall of Fame for June'17
Greetings, Fellow Poets! It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official facebook page in June, 2017.
You have three weeks to submit or nominate one of your favorite poems by yourself or another DUP poet!
No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
Previous Hall of Fame members are ineligible (we may revisit that after a year or so).
Comp followed by a week of site voting!
And GO!
You have three weeks to submit or nominate one of your favorite poems by yourself or another DUP poet!
No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
Previous Hall of Fame members are ineligible (we may revisit that after a year or so).
Comp followed by a week of site voting!
And GO!

hush nature speaks
the sunrise spoke to me
it uttered riddles
laced on spider webs
in dewy silence
the forests deep
with the wise sentient
soldiers of old
that keep watch over me
in the oceans wide
balm to my soul
a cool jeweled place
I ache now
my soul talks to Mother Moon
please tell me
the secrets of Father Sun
she smiles at me wryly
hush child and open your mind
watch and observe
each thing in nature
a living being
all doing their part
beauty is here
the ferns cover
the mossy beds
for you to rest on
a place to lie in contemplation
nature provides for her own
listen and be nourished
Copyright © 2017 Crimsin. All Rights Reserved
Written by crimsin
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Yom HaShoah
( Holocaust Remembrance Day )
"...I should like someone to remember that there once lived a person
named David Berger." -- David Berger (in his last letter, Vilna, 1941)
And what of memory
for those unknown,
unimaginable suffering;
genocide so cruel
it's denied as believable
by a society
desensitized to Truth.
An African Proverb says,
"Until the Lions have their day
History belongs to the hunter."
But not in this case.
In this case we remember
each faithful year
those like David Berger
as if we are raging
Kings of the Jungle
reclaiming our
taxidermied History.
16 x 20 painting acrylic, oil, sumi, tears
and remembrance on linen, 2003.
I actually found a 1941 newspaper
and 1937 frame in an old trunk in
an antique shop that I used to back
& frame this with.
"...I should like someone to remember that there once lived a person
named David Berger." -- David Berger (in his last letter, Vilna, 1941)
And what of memory
for those unknown,
unimaginable suffering;
genocide so cruel
it's denied as believable
by a society
desensitized to Truth.
An African Proverb says,
"Until the Lions have their day
History belongs to the hunter."
But not in this case.
In this case we remember
each faithful year
those like David Berger
as if we are raging
Kings of the Jungle
reclaiming our
taxidermied History.
16 x 20 painting acrylic, oil, sumi, tears
and remembrance on linen, 2003.
I actually found a 1941 newspaper
and 1937 frame in an old trunk in
an antique shop that I used to back
& frame this with.
Written by Ahavati
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vultures and dead memories
We milled around the dead woman’s estate
like vultures picking through the things
nobody had come to claim
A woman beside me bragged openly
about the 100% Romanian wool rug she’d just scored
while I held a sad looking stack of music CD’s
with titles like “Romantic Italy”
and pointed to a vintage arm chair
we’d already loaded onto the back of the ute
I didn’t tell her it smelt like pee
I figured it would destroy the romance of the find
and it’s hard to gloat over something beautiful
while admitting you’ll be carrying part
of the dead lady home with you
to hopefully soak out in the wash
We loaded half the ute that day
with the kind of junk
people donate to thrift stores
or leave in the bin for landfill
CD’s with songs so old
they don’t play them on the radio anymore
a Betamax tape I couldn’t play
old knitting guides with patterns that were
moderately out of date and could be tweaked
for something more fashionable if someone
was so inclined
I filled a shoe box with buttons
knitting needles, ribbons and lace
old cross stitches just waiting to be finished
trinkets from overseas trips
that maybe I would keep
or maybe I wouldn’t
Yet for everything we took that day
what bothered me was the things
we left behind
photo albums of people and places
no one would remember
a pair of glasses so strong
they gave you a headache
just from trying them on
and a framed black and white photo
of German couple and two small children
with the inscription
“The Stintman family
leaving Bremerhaven, August 1953”
We milled around the dead woman’s estate
like vultures picking through the things
nobody had come to claim
© Indie Adams 2017
like vultures picking through the things
nobody had come to claim
A woman beside me bragged openly
about the 100% Romanian wool rug she’d just scored
while I held a sad looking stack of music CD’s
with titles like “Romantic Italy”
and pointed to a vintage arm chair
we’d already loaded onto the back of the ute
I didn’t tell her it smelt like pee
I figured it would destroy the romance of the find
and it’s hard to gloat over something beautiful
while admitting you’ll be carrying part
of the dead lady home with you
to hopefully soak out in the wash
We loaded half the ute that day
with the kind of junk
people donate to thrift stores
or leave in the bin for landfill
CD’s with songs so old
they don’t play them on the radio anymore
a Betamax tape I couldn’t play
old knitting guides with patterns that were
moderately out of date and could be tweaked
for something more fashionable if someone
was so inclined
I filled a shoe box with buttons
knitting needles, ribbons and lace
old cross stitches just waiting to be finished
trinkets from overseas trips
that maybe I would keep
or maybe I wouldn’t
Yet for everything we took that day
what bothered me was the things
we left behind
photo albums of people and places
no one would remember
a pair of glasses so strong
they gave you a headache
just from trying them on
and a framed black and white photo
of German couple and two small children
with the inscription
“The Stintman family
leaving Bremerhaven, August 1953”
We milled around the dead woman’s estate
like vultures picking through the things
nobody had come to claim
© Indie Adams 2017
Written by Indie
(Miss Indie)
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Joined 5th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 6358
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 6358
Monkey see, monkey do,
Monkey screw and then unscrew
Monkeys slip their lock and chain
Never gonna be the same
Monkey see, monkeys hear
Monkey learns to show no fear
Monkeys learn to have new fun
Watching how to shoot a gun
Monkey hear, monkey speaks
Unlike the rat who only squeaks
Monkeys learn to shout out “No!”
Then discuss just where they'll go
Monkey speak, Monkey see
Nothing is entirely free
Monkeys initiate evil plan
Learned their evil straight from man
Monkey see, monkey do,
Monkeys sniffing Uhu glue
Monkeys killing just for fun
De-evolution has begun
Written by David_Macleod
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the way of a poet
like the lonely tumbleweed
we go where the wind takes us
with seeds left behind to take root
in the minds of those we touch
we roll on never to stay long
it isn't in our nature
we go where called
solitary is our way
nighttime out solace
some people grasp for solid things
to steady them in this dizzying world
we reach for words
to put us on firm ground
we hold them
make love to them
I've scorned the poetry
that once set me free
the thunder called
I answered not
the sun shone I strayed the path
I reach for the poets I love
they're not to be found
& we roll on
Copyright © 2017 Crimsin. All Rights Reserved
Written by crimsin
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Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Poem-Worm said:Greetings, Fellow Poets! It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official facebook page in June, 2017.
Previous Hall of Fame members are ineligible (we may revisit that after a year or so).
Please refer to this thread for Previous Winners and modify your entries accordingly. Thank you for your participation!
Previous Hall of Fame members are ineligible (we may revisit that after a year or so).
Please refer to this thread for Previous Winners and modify your entries accordingly. Thank you for your participation!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17797
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17797
Ordinary is a blessing
they say
the boughs that bear most hang lowest
you only see the fruit hanging low
never think of the stress on the arched back
trust me
ordinary is a blessing
no it is neither a case
of ungrateful
nor of the insatiable human nature
but an observation
just look
at any gifted
creative genius
struggling at
not fitting in
flawed is not for humans
it is a term for objects
for humans are simply
with all their inherent 'qualities'
so to expect a human
to be flawless
is foolhardy
you expect
the gifted to be
above failure
you couldn't be more human
the boughs that bear most hang lowest
you only see the fruit hanging low
never think of the stress on the arched back
trust me
ordinary is a blessing
no it is neither a case
of ungrateful
nor of the insatiable human nature
but an observation
just look
at any gifted
creative genius
struggling at
not fitting in
flawed is not for humans
it is a term for objects
for humans are simply
with all their inherent 'qualities'
so to expect a human
to be flawless
is foolhardy
you expect
the gifted to be
above failure
you couldn't be more human
Written by KDAmB
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