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Poetry competition CLOSED 19th March 2017 10:25pm
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fu*k obama

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

PsycoticMastermind said:

You are aware that there is less Congressional Republican support for repeal of the ACA now than ever before ........?

But I will agree that the more the Republican plan copies the ACA, the more it stands a better chance of passing.

trump is smarter than most give him credit for... He is letting the traitors show their true colors... He is patient and has time (8 years).. In the mid terms america will get him the support he needs.. And all will be good...

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

He freed all his buddy's from Gitmo
When they kill again
Does he give a shit no

He invited in Muslims that slaughter
Men that throw acid
on somebodys daughter

They don't want to get jobs
But they'll form rapsit mobs
And take turns feeding infedel women
their shish kabobs

Women cover your faces
Its oppression homeostasis
Your freedoms are gone with no traces

So go ahead vote democrat
Eat free Dingdong's and get fat
Islam will fuck you and opress you right were you are at...

poet Anonymous

chump said: your just mad cause your pussy hat stock is going down...

I'm not quite sure what that means.

chump said: A vote for trump was a vote against Hillary... Blomama wasn't running... Let me know how you feel when your boss I mean wife gets ganged by your Muslim invader friends...

And I like your poems because mocking the truth still spreads it...

I was not aware that commenting on actual irrational and racist human behavior catalogued in Facebook for the entire world to read was mocking anything.

chump said:He freed all his buddy's from Gitmo
When they kill again
Does he give a shit no

He invited in Muslims that slaughter
Men that throw acid
on somebodys daughter

They don't want to get jobs
But they'll form rapsit mobs
And take turns feeding infedel women
their shish kabobs

Women cover your faces
Its oppression homeostasis
Your freedoms are gone with no traces

So go ahead vote democrat
Eat free Dingdong's and get fat
Islam will fuck you and opress you right were you are at...

But I am beginning to sense that you are fond of stereotypes.

You might want to consider doing a fact check regarding violence caused by Muslims released from Gitmo under Obama and Muslims released from Gitmo under Bush.

Cliff notes: The Bush administration released more Muslims who went on to cause violence.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

PsycoticMastermind said:

But I am beginning to sense that you are fond of stereotypes.

You might want to consider doing a fact check regarding violence caused by Muslims released from Gitmo under Obama and Muslims released from Gitmo under Bush.

Cliff notes: The Bush administration released more Muslims who went on to cause violence.
seems I say a lot you don't know ... He just let them out give them time to cause trouble

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

chump said: seems I say a lot you don't know ... He just let them out give them time to cause trouble

Of course.

Let's give those 197 prisoners transferred, repatriated and resettled under Obama at least 8 years to see if they cause any violence or are suspected of violent acts.

Compared to the 500+ prisoners released during the Bush administration, of which we already know 30% have caused violence or were suspected in violent acts in the last 8 years.

I'm guessing the outcome will probably be similar.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 31st Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 49

Im editing this post because it was done on impulse. It wasn't my intent to be disrespectful, nor was I insulted (in the least) by your reaction to it. It is your right to speak freely and make a safe place for you (and other like-minded individuals) to write about whatever gets you going. Writing is cathartic, thus why we do it. We come here to share that freedom with other writers, despite our differences of opinions. I DO NOT agree, but I apologize for whatever grief my entry may have caused you. It was less about you, and all about the passionate disagreement that I took to the apparociate comp.
My apologies for the inability to rise above the influence of impulsive decision making.
-Best of Luck

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>I'm not bothered.. This is why i write.. To open peoples eyes... Some times the eyes get to wide.. But this is how truth weasels it way... This is the stuff inspiration is made of...and I am passionately against any form of censorship..  Adolph Hitler censored all media communications....

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

PsycoticMastermind said:

Of course.

Let's give those 197 prisoners transferred, repatriated and resettled under Obama at least 8 years to see if they cause any violence or are suspected of violent acts.

Compared to the 500+ prisoners released during the Bush administration, of which we already know 30% have caused violence or were suspected in violent acts in the last 8 years.

I'm guessing the outcome will probably be similar.
wouldn't be the only group composed of 30% actual or suspected criminals would it... But bush left the ones that were the worst in and Barry let them  out... And why did he wait til he was out the door to do it...

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

prestonGibson said:Oppressor...
Go ahead
Build your wall...    
But know:  
We plant our seeds
On this firm
And borrowed ground;  
watch as they grow    
From the ashes
Of your destruction    
Smells of sweet nectar...
We are far more than a garden    
Of "select" flowers  
We are an EADEN
Of diversity
"With liberty
And  justice
For all"
We will long surpass
Your darkening hour 
Our unity's foundation    
will overrule this segregation  
As you blueprint your bridges
To foreign lands
The likes of which you find gain    
From their bounty
The world is watching
We see you   
We ready the ships
With progressive sails    
To cross the bounds
There WILL be a reaping 
There WILL be a reckoning
Your shouts into the crowd
Are loud
but we are the MORE
Your microphone
Is as fragile    
As your pedestal...
You are NOT our voice  
The sum of your parts
Spew the same
But our melting pot
Has an eclectic range...

There is no justice
With injustice 
There is no freedom
Till we are all free   
Our progress will NOT be halted    
By archaic boundaries...    
Are the less  
Are the more    
Will not be silenced  
Will rise   
Will stand
On this firm
And borrowed ground
And WE
so prestogib you just ( the word dumb is being replaced for political reasons) less intellegent than nessary enough to put this on the wrong comp or just too small of man to let others alone...

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

Anonymous said:<< post removed >> thanks I knew how you meant it.. I just feel that would be me doing the censoring ...

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17561

chump said: so prestogib you just dumb enough to put this on the wrong comp or just too small of man to let others alone...

Well I AM thinking of censorship regarding personal attacks. Please edit your response and remove all negatively personal statements.

Or I can always just hide it.

Thank you.

poet Anonymous

chump said: wouldn't be the only group composed of 30% actual or suspected criminals would it... But bush left the ones that were the worst in and Barry let them  out... And why did he wait til he was out the door to do it...

Obama inherited 242 prisoners at a cost of 4 million dollars per prisoner per year.

A prisoner in a U.S. maximum security prison costs about $78,000 a year.

For starters, saving tax payers money. Which is why some of those 197 moved out were transferred to another facility.

Another major reason was to have less prisoners in Gitmo to inspire terrorist groups like al Queda towards recruiting in retaliation for Gitmo's existence.

Only about 44 prisoners left to relocate and the sad chapter of holding prisoners indefinately against their will without justification can be put behind us.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17561

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

First, I don't know you, therefore have no opinion of you, except through posts. I could care less about the posts unless they violate guidelines, i.e. - stereotyping Muslims as rapists. Or, in this instance, inferring someone is dumb and stupid.

If a poem violates the guidelines of your comp, then report it.

Secondly, I am bound by ethics to report any and all actions taken by myself with any member to the Guardians. You see? I have rules to follow too.

Please edit your post or report it that it be removed if you so wish it to be.

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