psychedelic shenanigans
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2047
The Riddle of Sphynx
Lost here
I am kept
Wet and cold
As old creeps and edges
Towards young
This final season of confusion
Just begun
My delirium quakes
Seem shorter
As I gently roll
To under the hill
My faded memories
Form a crisp
Gold horizon line
This fuzzy mind
Ever sharpening
Leaving my mummies tomb
Her shadow of death
Now gone
I glow as I am birthed
From her gloom
From 3 legs to 2
I stand up proud
I laugh feeling so easy
Shaking funeral shroud
In full run I feel the wind
In my full head of hair
That progresses to much less
And with each day I am much less aware
Though my burdens are smaller
My intellect seems also
I understand fewer
And fewer
Words each day
I need more of my mummy
As competent December passes to needy May
She holds me more and more
Until my 2 fast legs are...... 4
I cry loud for no reason
I cannot remember what for?
Lost here
I am kept
Wet and cold
As old creeps and edges
Towards young
This final season of confusion
Just begun
My delirium quakes
Seem shorter
As I gently roll
To under the hill
My faded memories
Form a crisp
Gold horizon line
This fuzzy mind
Ever sharpening
Leaving my mummies tomb
Her shadow of death
Now gone
I glow as I am birthed
From her gloom
From 3 legs to 2
I stand up proud
I laugh feeling so easy
Shaking funeral shroud
In full run I feel the wind
In my full head of hair
That progresses to much less
And with each day I am much less aware
Though my burdens are smaller
My intellect seems also
I understand fewer
And fewer
Words each day
I need more of my mummy
As competent December passes to needy May
She holds me more and more
Until my 2 fast legs are...... 4
I cry loud for no reason
I cannot remember what for?

a perpetual cycle
my sanity a perpetual cycle, a sequence i`m caught within
as this waveform seems to dance, the vivid colours kiss my skin
as events take hold, beyond control, are beginning to unfold
now the world begins to slow, bathed with crimson and in gold
liquid shadows gently flowing, electric sparks, illumination
tasting each seductive whisper, each subtle motion, intoxication
i drink inside these images, darkly elegant in their design
the twisting forms are almost ethereal, they appear to be divine
the gentle flutter of this arpeggio, that skips inside my chest
calmly float beyond the border of this world i have transgressed
as perceptions of these new realities are in constant evolution
upon an axis that gains momentum, in a ceasless revolution
golden waves, wash over naked flesh, in timeless ebb and flow
with patterns traced by webs of light, leaves a delicate after-glow
entranced, by fragile brief creations, could be shattered with a word
the eddys lap, like alien whispers, of the like i`ve never heard
the flicker of every new sensation, meerly gives the briefest taste
my essence is nothing, but a slave, to passions i have embraced
now falling like a dying star, i can do nothing else but burn
these fires are quenched, in dark blue oceans, never wanting to return
my sanity a perpetual cycle, a sequence i`m caught within
as this waveform seems to dance, the vivid colours kiss my skin
as events take hold, beyond control, are beginning to unfold
now the world begins to slow, bathed with crimson and in gold
liquid shadows gently flowing, electric sparks, illumination
tasting each seductive whisper, each subtle motion, intoxication
i drink inside these images, darkly elegant in their design
the twisting forms are almost ethereal, they appear to be divine
the gentle flutter of this arpeggio, that skips inside my chest
calmly float beyond the border of this world i have transgressed
as perceptions of these new realities are in constant evolution
upon an axis that gains momentum, in a ceasless revolution
golden waves, wash over naked flesh, in timeless ebb and flow
with patterns traced by webs of light, leaves a delicate after-glow
entranced, by fragile brief creations, could be shattered with a word
the eddys lap, like alien whispers, of the like i`ve never heard
the flicker of every new sensation, meerly gives the briefest taste
my essence is nothing, but a slave, to passions i have embraced
now falling like a dying star, i can do nothing else but burn
these fires are quenched, in dark blue oceans, never wanting to return
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 236
Rattling Your Cage
The dispersed energy at the outer core of your disposable omnipresence
left a hollow void of concentric microcosms twittering on the edge
of a rehearsal reversal of inclination as they hovered in matter limbo on
the preordained metaphysical oblong position and thus combined
with a potent inertia exerted by the stupendous galactic viola ensured a near
total obliteration of your vacuous innuendo
With all this going on it was understandable that your
former beloved affliction got side railed into obscurity
and left bedazzled by the eyebrows of oblivious consent
and that it produced a polished psychosomatic imprint not
easily obfuscated in light of the ever intensifying substance
reaction in your inner ear, my friend
So it was with much aplomb and little regret
that you found yourself charitably chastised
by that which you once discarded as illogical
entertainment reserved for the seasonally wicked
congregations of flooded Altus and you began
to realize that this new beginning was akin
to the long forgotten feeling on the tip of your tongue,
the one you had always avoided until now
that you were forced into it's near vicinity
by your own obtrusive conundrum
and thus the aim became clear,
became downright synonymous
with your former idiosyncratic despair
The balance hung in the meaning,
the cosmic wind rattled your cage
And there was much rejoicing
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
damn everyone.. we should trip together! bahahahahahahaha ;)

ha yes fuck them! i've been wanting to get inspired to write in this hue
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 240
our side
Someone asked me what life
must look like from the other side.
I stared in their direction with a
look of confusion. What other side?
Are you speaking about the side of
the galaxy where intelligent life
exists? Or are you referring to
the so called "afterlife" that our
parents forced fed us growing up?
Either way life on Earth must look
extremely primitive and unwilling
to change for the sake of our people.
Why do we keep thinking that we're
immortal? How can we ever be free?
"They" must be looking down thinking
that our breed values life the same way
their toddlers understand that sentence.
So, if there is another existence out
there somewhere, human life must no
doubtedly seem like the beginning of
a future to look forward to, even if for
now this life is nothing but a trance
lived within a shield of guilt and hate.
Someone asked me what life
must look like from the other side.
I stared in their direction with a
look of confusion. What other side?
Are you speaking about the side of
the galaxy where intelligent life
exists? Or are you referring to
the so called "afterlife" that our
parents forced fed us growing up?
Either way life on Earth must look
extremely primitive and unwilling
to change for the sake of our people.
Why do we keep thinking that we're
immortal? How can we ever be free?
"They" must be looking down thinking
that our breed values life the same way
their toddlers understand that sentence.
So, if there is another existence out
there somewhere, human life must no
doubtedly seem like the beginning of
a future to look forward to, even if for
now this life is nothing but a trance
lived within a shield of guilt and hate.
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 453
Electric Lady Land
There’s a place I go inside my head
When on the inner paths I tread
When my eyelids turn to led
And I sink into my bed
Pulsating pictures point the way
As I drift by purple pelican bay
where fully flavored gum trees sway
and lickable liquorish leeches lay
I dived into a sea of dreams
In a yellow submarine
A thousand miles past Pepperland
I came to a shore of purple sand
Where drifting dreamers in a daze
Were not the slightest bit amazed
to see bicycling butterflies
Gliding past them towards the sky
I wandered through a fractal forest
To the big rock candy mountains
Eventually I came to rest
By a cascading crystal fountain
In its clear and jeweled waters
An angels face reflected there
With a rainbow row of flowers
Placed within her silver hair
But as I turned around
She was nowhere to be found
Somewhere trees were falling down
But they never made a sound
There’s gold at the bottom of the well
where devilish dooly doppers dwell
They spend their spare time racing snails
On the backs of turtle shells
Cellophane sorcerers seal seven secrets in pristine prismic pyramids
and place their cryptic scriptures on the wall where shiny silver beetles crawl
Electric ladys lounge near a lagoon of liquid light as laughing leprechauns chase speedy sprites
I watched a circus show that featured flying purple people eaters
And alien acrobats turning somersaults and wintersaults
without ever coming to a halt
I sat with Humpty on a bench
And told him "None of this makes sense"
He replied with a sudden burst of laughter
"does it even really matter?"
I said" maybe not but anyway
I must be off I cannot stay.
I haven't much more time for play
Ill come again some other day."
So I caught a flight with Mr. Kite
Until the land was out of sight
I opened my eyes at 6:15
And couldn't quite remember where id been
Written by RavenofSorrow
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Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 453
Today was Tomorrow, Yesterday
Tomorrow, yesterday will be today,
yesterday was today, tomorrow.
Tomorrow never came before
Yesterday still makes me sore
And all I have today is truly borrowed.
yesterday was today, tomorrow.
Tomorrow never came before
Yesterday still makes me sore
And all I have today is truly borrowed.
Written by RavenofSorrow
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Joined 21st Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 73
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 73
The jackpot has been hit,
The Kraken unleashed.
Artistic licence set rules,
To unleash the beast.
So someone like me just can't help themselves,
from telling you all of a the glorious hell.
Pulled in one way, pushed towards another,
The guilt and the sin cause pain like no other.
Sometimes you'd wish that the whole thing would stop,
I can I tell you how to do it, if you dare take the drop.
There's a place behind here, alongside it you might say,
You can't get there alone but with help, it's child's play.
I know how to get there, I know what you'll see,
The crispness of clarity, the air flying free.
The beauteous find is of course very fleeting,
Too much of perfection and you won't return from it's greeting
Follow the white rabbit, spin round and around
And soon you find yourself tumbling down to the ground
The facade we're all in will soon start to crumble,
As the new reality peels back, all the terrors become mumble.
Then all of a sudden you're back in your shoes
It was over too quickly, that feeling you lose
You'll follow the rabbit again and again,
Takes more and more effort to get back there my friend
You presence on earth is such a mundane escapade
The real world is behind it, you wish to just trade.
The problem remains, the only way to be there,
To be there with permanency gives you a scare.
Who cares of such things,
Mortality is mirage.
You know what's behind it,
You've touched it full blast.
And so you resolve to escape fully this time,
That's the last we will say in this solemn rhyme.
The jackpot has been hit,
The Kraken unleashed.
Artistic licence set rules,
To unleash the beast.
So someone like me just can't help themselves,
from telling you all of a the glorious hell.
Pulled in one way, pushed towards another,
The guilt and the sin cause pain like no other.
Sometimes you'd wish that the whole thing would stop,
I can I tell you how to do it, if you dare take the drop.
There's a place behind here, alongside it you might say,
You can't get there alone but with help, it's child's play.
I know how to get there, I know what you'll see,
The crispness of clarity, the air flying free.
The beauteous find is of course very fleeting,
Too much of perfection and you won't return from it's greeting
Follow the white rabbit, spin round and around
And soon you find yourself tumbling down to the ground
The facade we're all in will soon start to crumble,
As the new reality peels back, all the terrors become mumble.
Then all of a sudden you're back in your shoes
It was over too quickly, that feeling you lose
You'll follow the rabbit again and again,
Takes more and more effort to get back there my friend
You presence on earth is such a mundane escapade
The real world is behind it, you wish to just trade.
The problem remains, the only way to be there,
To be there with permanency gives you a scare.
Who cares of such things,
Mortality is mirage.
You know what's behind it,
You've touched it full blast.
And so you resolve to escape fully this time,
That's the last we will say in this solemn rhyme.
Written by afriendoftina
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Joined 21st Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 73
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 73
WOW. Thank you so, so much. It was only a last minute submission but I'm glad I did! I really appreciate this, this is one of my favourite poems. The other submissions were great so well done to everyone else as well.
For those of you looking for context for the poem, if you hadn't guessed - it's about the K-Hole and the experience of pulling down the façade of reality and seeing the other side, which those of you who have been through the hole will know. The White Rabbit is famous for going through a hole and is a symbol for the pathway to K-Land, you chase it through, you get there once but you might not always be able to get back.
Like Alice, you might dream of going to Wonderland, when you get there it's not what it seems and it certainly affects how you perceive the 'real', physical world and it's meaning.
Once again, thanks for the trophy! :)
For those of you looking for context for the poem, if you hadn't guessed - it's about the K-Hole and the experience of pulling down the façade of reality and seeing the other side, which those of you who have been through the hole will know. The White Rabbit is famous for going through a hole and is a symbol for the pathway to K-Land, you chase it through, you get there once but you might not always be able to get back.
Like Alice, you might dream of going to Wonderland, when you get there it's not what it seems and it certainly affects how you perceive the 'real', physical world and it's meaning.
Once again, thanks for the trophy! :)