Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2016 4:39am
Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
View Profile Poems by Gahddess_Worship
RUNNER-UP: JohnFeddeler

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Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

HEART OF GOLD. (written for Jade's Comp)

What do you see when you look at me
A Harlet, a whore, a street walking lady,
a drug addict, an outcast of society
Not necessarily You see,
that's what you're lead to believe
Have a closer look at me
I'm a feminist indeed with a
heart of gold, a rare kind of beauty
I get paid for my work, I pay taxes
Unlike Churches or the Queen, So
I don't really deserve your scruntiny.
For I'm in charge of my game, if it
wasn't for me there'd be more rape and mame.
The oldest profession in the game, notorious
women to name; Jumping Jenny, and Cast Iron
Kitty, many others they all slept their way to fame.
I'm wild and free, I live my life independently. I
choose who sleeps with me, I don't want your pity
for unlike you, I get paid good money to be sexy
At the end of the day, It's the men who are truly silly
Wouldn't you say... I always say Thank you to their
gifts knowing they've spent their whole pay!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

. . . .

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

TinaLouise said:HEART OF GOLD. (written for Jade's Comp)

What do you see when you look at me
A Harlet, a whore, a street walking lady,
a drug addict, an outcast of society
Not necessarily You see,
that's what you're lead to believe
Have a closer look at me
I'm a feminist indeed with a
heart of gold, a rare kind of beauty
I get paid for my work, I pay taxes
Unlike Churches or the Queen, So
I don't really deserve your scruntiny.
For I'm in charge of my game, if it
wasn't for me there'd be more rape and mame.

Dear TinaLouise, thank you so much for the gift of your contribution to the competition. --Jade💟

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 89

I tend to take the under dog's side in most things,
Thank you for the invitation hun xx

poet Anonymous

she sings

she sings the remembrance
songs to help forget
and the broken songs
to help her pick up pieces

of herself,
long scattered to
eastern winds and
earthen corners.
the pieces that travelled
in suitcases and pockets
and tense fists,
to parts unknown.
by men unknown,
that all promised to take her
from here.

but here she is.
singing songs
and accepting payment
of empty promises.
all the while i watch,
sip neat whiskey.
imagine what
she looks like
out from under the stage lights.

i have seen
her heart,
wide open as it rips
through her throat.
she croons
“at last,
my love has come along…”
but the words don’t quite
make it to her

i want her
shinning heart
beating against mine.
make her forgot every touch
but mine.
toss caution to the
velvet wind and
claim her.

if only to show her,
her worth.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

TinaLouise said:I tend to take the under dog's side in most things,
Thank you for the invitation hun xx

You're most welcome, dear, and I understand, for this is in fact what the competition is about:  of how some may rise above society's generally stereotypical pre-conceived notions of those living on the edge in this way.  


Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 218

                          poetry competition - HEART OF GOLD)      ~Jade Comp~ <3
HEART Of Gold Is Like
With Happiness

Where No One Or Nothing Can Tear You Down
Heart Of Gold Is Filled With Laughter And Big Smiles

The Heart Of Gold Is Big For A Heart Beat To Pump When Breathing
The Heart Of Gold Is Healthy As Can be

There's No Black Holes, Bad Veins
There's Nothing But Good Things In That heart Of Gold

The Heart Of Gold Sing When Joy Passes Through
It Even Has A Party,

Did You Know
That HEART OF GOLD is Having So Much Fun

Keep Singing

Keep Dancing

And Having That Shine Joy
With A Bump

A Heart When Million Words That Can Be Describe

I HEART OF Gold ....
Deep With All happiness...

By: Harley

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Chrystaline of Little Self

She wakes in a pool of sweat...
Night terrors hold her in their bloody spell..
The Pell mell decent after capture
And no escape...
No escape even after...
Has all been lost?
Or rather taken....

Hooker with a heart of Gold..
Wasn't Julia happy...?!
Modern Cinderella story?
Hookers heart is broken and aren't we interested...
What a sexy, romantic state of affairs...

Only when it's Gold.

Average crack whore does not hold our gaze...but put her in wings!
Sexy sexy sissssta...
Isn't her open mouth moan gorgeous...and all for...playful...bath tease and online and in and out of...
His pocket....


Her heart was sold to filthy bidder.
And grubby prints are felt in her night terror skin...
It is not pretty.

Wakes to shaking tears...
How easy was it for them?
Did they see her?
Did they look...

Find me!!!!!!

She grieves her connection to self..
Lost in Humping stinking mans sweat
Her innocence was stolen...
It free falls into a strangers grasp...
He lets it drop and shatter.

Was never precious to him...
He did not care to hold it.
He just wanted to fuck it....

Looks like plenty of us do.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

TheGoddessMinerva said:she sings

she sings the remembrance
songs to help forget
and the broken songs
to help her pick up pieces

of herself,
long scattered to
eastern winds and
earthen corners.
the pieces that travelled
in suitcases and pockets
and tense fists,
to parts unknown.
by men unknown,
that all promised to take her
from here.

My thanks to you, MsMinerva, for the gift of your ink to the competition.                --Jade💟

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

HarleyQinn_2 said:                           poetry competition - HEART OF GOLD)      ~Jade Comp~ <3
HEART Of Gold Is Like
With Happiness

Where No One Or Nothing Can Tear You Down
Heart Of Gold Is Filled With Laughter And Big Smiles

The Heart Of Gold Is Big For A Heart Beat To Pump When Breathing
The Heart Of Gold Is Healthy As Can be

There's No Black Holes, Bad Veins
There's Nothing But Good Things In That heart Of Gold

Hi Harley, and thank you for sharing your poem in the competition.      

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

calamitygin said:Chrystaline of Little Self

She wakes in a pool of sweat...
Night terrors hold her in their bloody spell..
The Pell mell decent after capture
And no escape...
No escape even after...
Has all been lost?
Or rather taken....

Hooker with a heart of Gold..
Wasn't Julia happy...?!
Modern Cinderella story?
Hookers heart is broken and aren't we interested...
What a sexy, romantic state of affairs...

Only when it's Gold

Hi Jen, and thank you for the gift of your second entry to the competition.              --Jade💟

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

Snow [ winter of her shame ]

The eyes of a child defiled
by the very hand of the man
meant to guide her
youth denied her
left a baby
....to orphans dreams

orphaned boy never kept
days turned to years
she never slept
snow turns to tears
as a mother wept

turned to the oldest profession
the barter for love
this once unspoiled
now soiled dove

and half
she made
went to an unmarked grave [ orphanage ]

a watchful eye from
a park bench
across the street
the pitter patter
of a little boys feet

together in the still
they would feed the birds
he would stare into the future
& she...a mothers words.....
of lament

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

SatansSperm said:Snow [ winter of her shame ]

The eyes of a child defiled
by the very hand of the man
meant to guide her
youth denied her
left a baby
....to orphans dreams

orphaned boy never kept
days turned to years
she never slept
snow turns to tears
as a mother wept

To SatansSperm, my thanks for the gift of your writing to the competition.            --Jade♎️

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Club Ladies

On the polished doorstep
East collides with West
There’s a faint aroma of menace
Irony smells quaintly ironic here
As a Polish bouncer stands guard
In front of a neon clad club
Where women dance on poles
It’s windows made of brick
Painted in dark glossy colours
Nobody is allowed to look out
All are forbidden from looking in
Entry is free but if you want to stay
You will need lots of cash

Amongst the cafes, stores and bookshops
The herd go about their business
Deliberately oblivious and blind
Mutual sexploitation of others
Is meanly and selfishly ignored
As if it wasn’t happening
Local residents scurry past
Like rats wearing blinkers
They tut their disapproval
They sigh their protest
But are resigned to defeat
Desperately seeking, prepubescent boys
Loiter with intent at the bus stop
Hoping to catch a sensual glimpse
Of something they cannot have
But they can store for later

Patrons patronise the doorman
To ensure their smooth entry
They come in all shapes and sizes
They are from all walks of life
Yet crawl inside to meet their need
Ladies dance like whores
Inside an invisible glass box
You can look but you can’t touch
That would cost much, much more
Almost as much as their overpriced drinks
Leave any question of morality
Any fair minded concept of ethics
And doubts about the debasement
Of your gender and species,
Leave them with Boris at the door
He will carefully file them
In the neon clad garbage can outside
Marked “human waste”

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

So much more

Within these walls I am your slave
To satisfy just what you crave
You sick and grubby little man
You’re just a freak, you’re not a fan
I’m not a slut, I’m not a whore
Don’t even try, you couldn’t score
Pay to look but you can’t touch
I hate your looks now, oh so much
Scantily clad, your cash my clothing
I strip despite my personal loathing
Your rancid stink I deal with daily
I only dance because you pay me
To you I’m just a piece of meat
My hate for you is all complete
You ugly scum, you vile hack
I laugh at you behind your back
Led by lust you just can’t see
I’m much more than you will ever be

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