Poetry competition CLOSED 25th February 2016 8:41am
RSena (Sena)
View Profile Poems by RSena
RUNNER-UP: Zambambo

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Portrait...through words....

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Ray !  

Oh hunny bun..This had me tearin up..
You captured the struggle..
personally...and with family and fiends of the transgender crisis when they are confused and tormented being uncertain about who they are..
both as a human being...and sexually...

A stunner babydoll..
great entry..
Thank You !!!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


He thinks that the sand-man is a sadistic prick.
He never visits anymore.
He'd walk to the end of the Earth for almost anyone who asks,but that's just so he can jump off,once he gets there.
He'll give of himself.

oh darlin !  
Another terrific piece...
I wonder does everyone else truly see his smile and kind eyes...
And he is so lost he is incapable...
I have felt this way...
this really touched me...

You all are going to.make this very hard !
Thank you so much J...i will be visiting your posts !

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Oh how touching...
Everypiece i have read this AM has caused my eyes to well...
I see this old man that lived a rugged
brave life...
nothing he couldnt live through and beat back with pride and strength

Heavy-set, he shuffles in
Container-ship pace
He leans on his walking stick
And pauses with grace
I love that...leans on hos cain with grace...he has not lost it..

As his grandchildren gather
Like branches on his thighs
What a great reference to a strong family tree and to continue the logging theme...

Sadness somehow deafening
Resonates the timberland town
and echoes his heartbreak
from the sky to the ground

and a gorgeous...touching end...
brava !  doll...a chaing..endearing very strong piece... !

Thank you...and Welcome here !!!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

ok...I think i have responded to everyone...questions ?  feel free to pm me and ask...

Just to give me your 1 2 3...
Would be appreciated !!

Thought Provoker
South Africa
Joined 24th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 449

smiling the sinister smile
blood splattered over his glasses
walking away in the distance
of a moonlight night
slowly walking away
showing crushed cars
bonnet to bonnet
through the windshield lies a man
old and withered
without his head
a clean cut through his neck
while he walks away
his lack of height becomes apparent
in the middle of the road
with a teddy in his left hand,
the old man's head in his right hand,
the axe on the pale white body
and the accident he caused
smiling a sinister smile

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 20th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 67

calamitygin said:Jamers...

He thinks that the sand-man is a sadistic prick.
He never visits anymore.
He'd walk to the end of the Earth for almost anyone who asks,but that's just so he can jump off,once he gets there.
He'll give of himself.

oh darlin !  
Another terrific piece...
I wonder does everyone else truly see his smile and kind eyes...
And he is so lost he is incapable...
I have felt this way...
this really touched me...

You all are going to.make this very hard !
Thank you so much J...i will be visiting your posts !

Ha!..I wonder myself what others see.
I have to remind myself to stop whining...constantly.. the man described..is me.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 6th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 17

Fluttering eyelids, waking from a dream.
Red matte lips always pursed.
Regal cheekbones always proud.

Vicious woman feral green eyes like daggers.
Always asking why her? Why is she the right hand?
Her father ensnaring her the day she was born.
Pushing her to do his bidding.
As she grew, she enjoyed his tasks.
After a long night, she is exhausted and covered with life.
Returning home to Lucifer.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Jamers_Mitchell said:

Ha!..I wonder myself what others see.
I have to remind myself to stop whining...constantly.. the man described..is me.

lol..i know..shhh! i wont tell....

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


summer of sammish..
delicious wicked...
just a fabulous entry my twisted little pet...to hell...
this was so enjoyed!!!

many thanks!!!

creeep me out!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Ooooh! Dangerous...
Captivated by this beginning to end...

Fluttering eyelids, waking from a dream.
Red matte lips always pursed.
Regal cheekbones always proud.

great physical that captures chracter

As she grew, she enjoyed his tasks.
After a long night, she is exhausted and covered with life.
Returning home to Lucifer.

and a sexy creepy dark ending i loved loved!
outstanding miss thang!!
See you are not a new member...but new to me...and so happy to get to see your work#

Thank You!!!!

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 316

calamitygin said:Ray !  

Oh hunny bun..This had me tearin up..
You captured the struggle..
personally...and with family and fiends of the transgender crisis when they are confused and tormented being uncertain about who they are..
both as a human being...and sexually...

A stunner babydoll..
great entry..
Thank You !!!

Thanks just giving different way of potraing.
I have to admit that the others poet are coming hard in this competition...


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

for sure Sena...I am asking round for a couple others to give input...this one is my toughest judge yet!

poet Anonymous

~ wrath of Hades

he blacked out the Olympian sky
and unleashed the unholiest hell upon earth,
akin to the reign and the wrath of a titan
his greed embraced with lust
superceded the damsel within her

pre-forged by the variable of Uranus's semen
prior to his brothers, the Giants, the Meliads, Erinnyes
and the sea of the sister Aphrodite,
Cronus was born, and from his image
born of emetic wrath, the Underworld God Hades

betrayed by the fruits of the forbidden
and the covenants of his loyalties
Hades' eyes had cast an infernal spell
upon a spellboundless beauty
who's beauty overshadowed the obscurities
plaguing above as below ~ he fell
into the mortal blight of Persephone

but it was the unspoken lament of a whisper
that her bodice was not the Tartarus; and
she did not weep the barren nor the desolate; and
that Rhea did not exist within her, and
Gaea was nowhere to be seen; and
in the virgin of her soul, Hades sensed a forewarn
to stir from a devourment in that of Saturn devouring
his son but of her liberty to love [whomever]; and
a refusal of his hands to lay where they were not desired
damned and desperate and no longer in character control
of the seeds sowing within his burning passion ~
burning beyond the rage to enslave the Persephone
into the cage of his heart, Hades instead implored
the mighty Zeus who in turn carried a whisper
and invoked a farce mastered by the Gaea
for Persephone to be swallowed into the Underworld

coveted by the Demeter, and settled within the play
of the Nereids and the Naiads, Persephone fell victim
to the fragrant spells of the yellow Narcissus picked
from the bosom of the Gaea with only the river
of Cyane remaining as existence to a winter's death

refusal of Demeter's pleas against her brother Hades' voracity
to release Persephone from the Underworld of his wrath,
Persephone again fell victim to an even greater hunger
cumulated within the tessera seeds of pomegranates,
and there, she was bred into the foulest of winters
where tears of her sorrow transcended into the ashen
of virgin dust, where the lands droughted and drowned,
raped by the dormants of lust; and thus, Hades was reborn
content and contrite, no longer hellbent on scorning a woman
solely bred to be scorned eternal and thereafter.

[ poet's note:  winter is beautiful but it comes with Persephone's price ]

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 316


Seating down every night,
I see how He get high,
strong black man, and tight,
alone and waiting to die.

He is a good guy though,
spent his life alone. grandma gone.
Him and his pipe had the longest sadness,
His histories were encrypted on the smoke of Blackness.
they used to go in the darkness. and even
I tried to decipher them.

I admired Him, and his mistreated hands,
His body swaying on the rocking chair,
His tired eyes, looking at the moon,
telling Me history while listening to jazz and blues.

oh, my lovely old man,
Who would say your back would be so tired,
now I am grown up man,
and I still have to go down to look you in the eyes.

Can you tell me another history,
the one about Your Russian mistress?
now I can see the different,
versus You, I grew up so distinct.

Who is taking care of the farm,
the wine, and your cannabis pipe.
now you walk like some one is pulling you from the back,
and the stick has become part of your hand.

My lovely man, walking in zig zag,
forgetting where You started,
slowly, forgiving the air,
when I see you,
life is not fair.

I have the new times,
he has the oldies,
He has his pain inside,
and many history without a time.
I am Your blood ma man,
I am your profound silent,
I am your time.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


This is so beautiful...
you captured him...his history
your admiration and love...
and i have a vivid image of this man....

admired Him, and his mistreated hands,
His body swaying on the rocking chair,
His tired eyes, looking at the moon,
telling Me history while listening to jazz and blues.
am Your blood ma man,
I am your profound silent,
I am your time.

love love love this sugar!
oh thank you for this entry!

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