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Poetry competition CLOSED 24th January 2016 6:20am
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_
RUNNERS-UP: Savaja and JittrbugPrfume

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Master of your domain.  

. . .
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 9th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 73

Just Making a Little Toast

I bought myself some cinnamon raisin bread as a treat – I try not to make it a staple. I know you like this ass with some meat on it, but I acknowledge the potential for too much of a good thing. So, I'm in the kitchen turning water to wine (or bread into toast, potato/potahto) and I'm thinking about a little piece of flash fiction I started this evening – a frantic fuck in a hospital bed before the doctor comes back with the test results. Unrefined? No doubt. Cheesy? Definitely. But it's got a sort of kinky joie de vivre that I'm compelled to run with.

I butter my toast and toy with dirty ideas for my two little troublemakers to get into and my thoughts shift to, well, you. Cue the inspirational floodgates. The creative way you woke me up this morning, with a hand on my throat, teasing my ass until I was soaking wet and then fucking my pussy until I spewed unintelligible noises of love in your ear and you spewed hot cum all over my ass and your belly.

In this instant I forget all about the task of buttering and close my eyes as a thrill runs through me. I can feel you press your hips against the yielding flesh of my ass. Feel you rock hard and straining against those cute khaki pants you think are so grungy. The hair raises on the back of my neck as I imagine you undoing your belt. I hear the telltale sound of your zipper. I imagine you slipping a hand up my skirt and your thick cock finds me, warm and throbbing, confirming the secret only you knew; that I'd gone about all day with no panties. It's quite a short skirt, you'd warned earlier. I'd given you a sly smile and sent up a little prayer that you'd see fit to take advantage of the easy access.

I smile a little at the memory and, since none of my roommates are spending the night at home, I reach down to feel my slick, little pussy and begin to stroke it. A low moan escapes from somewhere in the back of my throat and I stroke faster, more rhythmically. My knees are beginning to feel weak so I drop down, splaying my legs out in front of me with one knee drawn to my chest. I rub faster, a little harder. Though my eyes are shut tight I imagine you kneeling over me, withdrawing that stiff cock almost completely and jamming it back into its slippery hole. I grind my pussy into my hand and moan your name.

My legs go stiff and every muscle in my body seems to tense as I recognize the clues you observed as foretelling the inevitable O. Through gritted teeth, one word comes out as a breathless gasp. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Rocked by waves of pleasure, I become vaguely aware of my juices making my fingers slick, and the room stops spinning.

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186




My clitoris is afire

I await


Dabbled in the mystic grotto

Of my sensuousness



My body, though, withheld

What is oft-considered

The ultimate prize


(okay, mayhap not entirely patiently)


Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th June 2015
Forum Posts: 3208

calamitygin said:Brea,
An interesting use of past tense...
Let yourself..
And  the aesthetic of it is very inviting..
Cum with delight from inside me..
I dig that...from inside choice of words there...

Thanks a lot!

No problem.

And thanks for enjoying the poem.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

gratitude ~ [//graduation day//]

pussy tease:
he said no nickers
'neath tulle & satin
so i'd imagine
warm breath
against pale thigh
the wind whispered
through my skirts

below the waist selfies
at 120km p/h
french tips teasing
the edge of
little french deaths,
lip gloss on leather  

dress crushed in
splay & undulation
hiked up
as moans hitched,
kept his face
behind eyelids
when they closed
... so close ...

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

Bed sheets

Don’t know if I want to piss
or what is happening down there
they just told me to play with it
to see the transformation and feel the electricity.
I’m now with a long rock in my hand
attached to my balls that they’re trying to escape
and don’t know if I’ll pee myself
or if I’ll just set off
some weird kind of fire that is burning my whole.

Whatever it is, I just can’t stop it now,
I’ll risk it like when I risked my heart
and I fell in love with a porn star
thinking that virginity was a wish
that would broke with the fall of the star.

I don’t have to worry, I let myself enjoy
the piss or the burning release.

And now that is all over
I finally know that I like to be wet
either from sperm or from piss
I love the feeling of warm liquid on my chest
my belly, my face and my feet
and it is so easy to do it and so funny to look.

The only bad thing in all this cake kind of thing
is that my mother is not here
to wash the fucking bed sheets.

poet Anonymous

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Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Ugh! Fallin behind...yay though...Savaja..kitten..hey!!
Miss J round soon...cant wait!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

JittrbugPrfume said:Every interaction I've had with you thus far has given me warm fuzzies. Thanks for being awesome and welcoming, calamitygin. are a doll. Makes my day....

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

J bug
Lol...honey, i love flash fiction and had read the dr. piece you speak was well written, original and funny.

This is too....
There is enough story, and enough make this art not smut
And it is still soaking explicit..that isnt an easy juggle.

Very very nice darlin...
Will be reading your personal page my Instructions for slave when you get the time. 2 if you just read one...

Through gritted teeth, one word comes out as a breathless gasp. Fuck, fitk, fuck

you give great image....
I love when a writer describs facial is universal and sense memory is so vivid.

Thank you!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

This is so pretty..
You class up a finger flick lol
The structure is very cool
And resembles the form
Of inner vagina..dont know if it was intent...but had that lacey effect..

Beautiful words as well..just drips off the tongue with femininity.

I love everything about this.

Thank you!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

I love this..
And i will repeat what i said on your comments..
You have a gift with subtle nuance

The OH at the end...
Oh god...perfect.

below the waist selfies
at 120km p/h
french tips teasing
the edgeglosslittle french deaths,
lip gloss on leather  

Love love that bit..
Remember you sayin you call it puttin on lip gloss lip gloss
Describing fingernails french tipped gave a very strong and yummy visual..

Super stuff
Thanks darlin!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Lol...oh god...
This is very ..
Lynch masterbation...
I love the mommy isnt gonna wash the sheets...
When most boys are terrified of being caught by mama...
Piss piss piss
And then you see a fettish develope
Very clever..
I mean this is a lil twisted..
But i dig that about it..

Great write..i loved it


Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393

calamitygin said:Art...

Lol...oh god...
This is very ..
Lynch masterbation...
I love the mommy isnt gonna wash the sheets...
When most boys are terrified of being caught by mama...
Piss piss piss
And then you see a fettish develope
Very clever..
I mean this is a lil twisted..
But i dig that about it..

Great write..i loved it


Oh!! Thank you so much :)))
I m happy that you liked it and that you understood the main changing points.
I love the comparison with Lynch! Lol, haha!

love and kiss!

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 60

Must I become Master of my Domain?
Held out, left dry, no relief from the same
One that gives me hope of Godhood Attained
(in the eyes of a child writhing in pain)
for the Shine with Delight of a new born Day!

Work blah so stock ‘s up; time for new issue
Oh yeah, mon-NEY! You There! Bring A Tissue
Stop There, I’ll Pay and you watch the Power

of me masturbating in the corner
And I pump and I blah
and then bloodcurdling curdling shame

My Soul cries STOP!!!, yet I piss life away!?

And hey, if this makes your eyes bleed, it’s because we’re in the same boat, you and me.

(i think you are wondering what i mean)
I was talking about sickness being the positive thing on a ‘neutral background’ of health….like how light is the positive on a background of dark.
Tl;dr I’m not a paedophile.

Love, Jack

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2675

calamitygin said:Mysterious

Lmbo...i got the biggest kick outta that..
20 secs...good lawd you know what you're doin!

Thank you!

Hey, you said be quick/fast....LOL why fuck around when you know what you need! <3

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