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Poetry competition CLOSED 14th April 2015 9:20pm
View Profile Poems by professoryackle
RUNNERS-UP: hemihead and Atakti

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Feminine Archetypes

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

Poetry Contest

What you are, or what floats your goats in LoveLand
According to this article:

...there are 5 main feminine sexual archetypes. I am of the assumption that very few women are entirely one type or another, but I would love to see some writing on the type you most identify with, or a character you can get behind, or, for the other team, which type would take your fancy, or maybe a negative experience with one type or another; up to a mix of 2 of the 5 articled types. (I only stole brief descriptions from the article... you should really read the whole thing.)

They describe the object of affection as "the Sun", and the archetypes as different planets.

"Mercury: the Girl Next Door
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. As such, they are most often friends long before they become lovers. Mercurial relationships hide in coworkers and conspirators, best friends and secret admirers. They are marked by unburdened, almost childlike joy or whimsy. Mercury will happily endure the pain of watching their love love another, at times even serving to bring the two together to win favor for the Sun.

Venus: the Painted Lady
Venusian women start stories and wars. In today’s society, they are our sex icons, our swimsuit and runway models, our strippers and our whores. They live, walk and breathe sex, when it isn’t oozing effortlessly from their pores—and they know it, too. When aggressive, Venusian partners talk dirty and like to be spoken to as such, for they have forgotten the meaning of shame;

Mars: the Femme Fatale
Where Mercurial relationships are based on proximity and equality, Martian romances often look more like competition. These are fiery encounters where the participants often climb and clamor over one another for dominance. They dance the tango and wear pointed high heels. They won’t settle with being just as good as their partner at the things they do. Not only do they strive to be better, but they’ll look damn good doing it.

Jupiter: the Guys’ Girl
Jovian women drink their Sun’s beer, wear his clothes and steal his music. They listen to classic rock on vinyl and wear flannel. They’re handygirls, likely as good with tools as most of his other friends. Their idea of a good time might be putting up new shelves or painting that room with their Sun.

Saturn: the Enigma
You have no idea who she is, or where she came from, or what she’s doing here. Suddenly, however, there might as well not be anyone else. Rather than seeking to end all the mysteries, Saturnine relationships thrive off the unknown, the anonymous and the hidden. This is also the domain of the dominatrix, the gypsy girl, and anyone who restricts the senses or hides behind an alternate persona during sensual encounters."

-2 poem max
-500 words per poem max
-New or old is fine, long as it applies
-Up to a mix of 2 of the 5 articled types
-I fully expect, nay, encourage erotic content, but please try to keep your awesome, suggestive poem from turning into a blatantly pornographic escapade if you can.

2 weeks!
Have at it! xx

(Edited a few times... don't hate)

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

1/2 saturne 1/2 jewpitturr Woman

She wuz definitelee an enigma,
sittin' onduh Rings of Saturn
she changed hurr moodes
az if she sipped lytneeng.
Dat'z qwick.

Duh specktrum,
awl uvduh kolors
found inn Aurora Borealis,
R found inner eyes.
Den she drank mee under duh taybulle.

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

Hey, ML, I read about Kevin as well, and was almost offended that in the blog, he even referred to the "sun" as a he, because how does he know the reader isn't a lesbian? Jeez, Kevin....
Really, though, it's just for fun, no one can take persona types all that seriously, I don't think [:

Thanks for your entry, Roach. [:

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Not too harsh at all, Madame, I'm all for letting out your reactions to a comp meant for any inspiration at all. And yours was a different take, which is cool as. [:
It doesn't follow the rules of the comp, but please leave it. It's good to be reminded that nobody *has* to be stuck in a box. For the purposes of the comp, however, we're putting ourselves and others in flimsy boxes for the simple sake of it.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

    lipstick stains (femme fatale)

it’s a dreary night. the kind of a night that cries, ‘cause
the moon is having a sordid affair in another part of the sky.
one of those vagrant nights where bad things murmur & prowl.

I take refuge in Rose’s All-Night café. hot coffee from a pot
that never runs dry, & nobody has a history they want to share,
so they stay quiet.

the waitress is late cleaning the counter spot next to mine, &
I stare too long at the red half smile on the embarrassed white
mug, an inch of tawny brew lingering in its basin.

right away she is back in my head, the woman whose name I no
longer speak; it’s too dirty to be repeated this side of hell. she
had a passion for men of a certain shadiness. it was the chess
match, the gamble, that attracted her; who was quicker on the
draw, get in deeper & break a heart…

her calling card said don’t ever love me, but don’t ever forget me.

some bastard must have hurt her serious once, so she made every
Casanova that winked at her pay. her cherry lipstick rubbed off easy,
it stained a man’s cheek, his shirt & his soul. she branded me with the
velvet finesse of her fingers, & the firestorm of her body incinerated
me to sizzling ashes. I kissed her hard even as I crumbled.

I pull away from the lipstick stained heartache at last, & worry my
reflection in the wet window. these rambling nights refuse to write
the final chapter that will finish me, & the forty weight is never deep
enough to drown in…

poet Anonymous

JohnFeddeler said:     lipstick stains (femme fatale)

it’s a dreary night. the kind of a night that cries, ‘cause
the moon is having a sordid affair in another part of the sky.
one of those vagrant nights where bad things murmur & prowl.

I take refuge in Rose’s All-Night café. hot coffee from a pot
that never runs dry, & nobody has a history they want to share,
so they stay quiet.

the waitress is late cleaning the counter spot next to mine, &
I stare too long at the red half smile on the embarrassed white
mug, an inch of tawny brew lingering in its basin.

right away she is back in my head, the woman whose name I no
longer speak; it’s too dirty to be repeated this side of hell. she
had a passion for men of a certain shadiness. it was the chess
match, the gamble, that attracted her; who was quicker on the
draw, get in deeper & break a heart…

her calling card said don’t ever love me, but don’t ever forget me.

some bastard must have hurt her serious once, so she made every
Casanova that winked at her pay. her cherry lipstick rubbed off easy,
it stained a man’s cheek, his shirt & his soul. she branded me with the
velvet finesse of her fingers, & the firestorm of her body incinerated
me to sizzling ashes. I kissed her hard even as I crumbled.

I pull away from the lipstick stained heartache at last, & worry my
reflection in the wet window. these rambling nights refuse to write
the final chapter that will finish me, & the forty weight is never deep
enough to drown in…

this is one of my favorites of yours, feddeler! fits in this comp perfectly. :)

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Sway of Your Hips

Her undulations are all together rhythmic and unpredictable at the same time
Men see her gentle sway and get lost in thoughts of passion and mystery
For they know her waves bring promises of things unknown and pleasure unbound
Her taste is primal and bittersweet
Refreshing and intoxicating
I would gladly surrender to her
We were born in her
Some say evolved from her
She dominates by her very presence
Because she is essential to our joy
Our fulfillment
Our life
The body one moment soft and warm
With ripples that reflect her sun kissed skin
But then stirred to the point where she is granite
Hardened in frosty despair still reflecting the sun but yielding none of it's warmth
Yet I still yearn for her
She is my lover
And when she calls I gladly heed the sounds of her moans and whispers
For once again I will drown in her
Only to find new life and meaning in the sunset off the horizon

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Between the Lines (of Saturn's Rings)

"Welcome to Home Depot. Did you find everything you were looking for today M'am?"

Is this better for you baby ... 

it's chained and camouflaged  
for the ease of my destruction. 
glibly masked so I can't witness your reservations.   

scarecrow limps  
strung in the gallows of my making. 
I beg for the blows of my dark executioner's sweet labrys. 
swing it to split me inside out. 
then flip it to slit my throat  
with the poison that is both you and I. 
make me choke on it. 

No you can't list your little brother on eBay.  I don't care what he did. 

my hips  
your pendulum 
as you send me rocking.  
pounding the cold gray slabs to tittles 
with the breadth of my shoulders. 
entwined with shards of my pulverized flesh.  

Can't your mother stay with your sister some times? Last time she was here I think she found some of my ... my ... things. 

roasting in this inferno 
my skin is caramelized. 
my soul blackened at the edges  
as it's charred with each rotation. 




to release me. 
delivering your antidote through my labyrinth's backdoor.  

Are you sure nobody's gonna recognize me if you post it?

poet Anonymous

Veiled with my Saturnal smile
The depths of my eyes magnetize your pores
The aroma of my aura hangs around me
In my gown of stardust,I stand before you

My mantle of mystery ,hangs loosely around my shoulders
Can you see the color of my soul?
Do you see,what I see

Hear now,listen ,with your heart
Do you hear that soft melody?
The elegy of me.


He longed to pick her,like a flower
She loosened her mantle
The rhythm began

One foot,one hip
He watched her moves
With her fingertips
She traced her body lines

With each move,he could see
Her skin through the stockings she wore
The movement lifted her skirt
It dropped to the floor

She kicked it aside,with one of her heels
Painfully slow,she unbuttoned her silken blouse
He watched it fall
She drew him near

He drowned into her soft skin
Was this a dream he was in?
Would she remove her lingerie

Her face had a develish glow
"now tell me" she whispered
"do you like my show"?

Her eyes flicked,she was a flame
Tearing off his clothes
Her sensual hands
At her mercy he was

He melted in her mouth
Wild her river flew
Until within her
He grew

From her stems
Of vital dew
She was all he breathed
All he knew

poet Anonymous


she came in with the east wind
cold and more mysterious than
i would have ever let on
but something about those strings
of beads around her neck
sparkling like dragonflies in summer
made me search out her eyes

she sat there at the bar ordering
neat whiskeys
scanning the room
my seeking eyes caught hers
green fire flashed
and i decided i needed a closer look

she held up two fingers and tapped
a purple fingernail on the oak bar
in between us
“if you’re drinking with me,
you’re drinking whiskey”

she took up the entire space
in my brain and no one else
in that shitty bar seemed of consequence
i lost count of the drinks and the tab
but it didn’t matter
trying to focus on anything other
than those dark red lips
proved futile
and i eventually gave up trying

she didn’t ask me to her bed
she just took me
moving her hips atop mine
she groped herself
pinching and twisting
head thrown back
i stared up at this stunning
divine being
and ran my hands in prayer
along her thick thighs
until they rested on her curved waist

rings of heat emanated from our
joined centers  
her weight pressed into me causing
no thought
just action

a slight shift of her hips and suddenly
she was beneath me
fiery lips seeking mine
she tasted like whiskey and lust
and mornings where you wake up

and because i know that taste well
i wanted her to remember me

driving into her was not like
any other tryst
yes, she was warm and wet
but her hips sang of storms and wind
and the next decent town along
the interstate
and i wanted to sing the same
damn song

she dug those purple fingernails into my back
and i knew
i drew one pink nipple into my mouth
clamped my teeth down hard
those green eyes found mine again
and in that moment fire flashed
and saturn lost her rings

she was still there the next morning

i didn’t ask when
i put my suitcase in the
back of her car
she just blinked those eyes
and turned the key in the ignition
“driver picks the music”

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

    [Fiery] Fourth Bird of the Bleeding Dusk

the skein algorithm
was rather unfit for the 'four(th)' at flight

"This was a closed loop
a rhombohedric perpetuality
perhaps queen backed 'him' as he lead  
and they swiftly interchanged positions
Perfect switch over,  the two in focus
He, the fourth from the first
and she, the fourth from the last
and viceversa happening
all across the migratory span
that staggeringly ranged
from each created~concentrated moment together
equating infinite multiples of their lifetime
to lightyears beyond life
towards centric soulpull
from the cosmic silkenblack magic"

until flapping silhouettes
disappeared over reddened horizon
that dyed a flaming sandwiched layer  
betwixt the fading skyblues taken in an intermittent shocked paleness
and its bottommost sturdy mountainous indigoes
bearing overlapped ghats of shadowy stillmemories
with their irremovably resolute twin minds at work
towards a dawn and more dawns
howsoever and whatsoever

that dusk bleeding his name
carried his strong musk currents
that were less than half-spelt
by exchanged words
her hands beautifully trembled from intensity
and fastness in the thrillling temporal needs
that tried merger of their distances
bayleaves in her hold  
were pestle-mortared traceless
in mashed-up scented exudates
like her pounding heart with softly expelled whispers
with peculiar fruitened spiciness, a mangoish-cinnamic clamour
hotness vapourized as coolant droplets of a relaxing condensed fruition
as they left then after an era-long hour

such pauses.    a curiousity earner
only earnestly worked towards restart

something shaped up for further shaping
for it had just started

her solid passionate reds in devoted motion
a perfect foil
to his flaring plasmic presence
often zooming in magnetic closeups
(that winked in firing orgasmic facade
 from his holistic glow of love)

a spatial flux
of mutual inspirations

unendingly uninterrupted

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

well! this comp isn't catching on as much as i thought it might...

thanks to all the entrants up i'll start reading when closing time is nearer. :)

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