Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd February 2015 4:01pm
View Profile Poems by RavenofSorrow
RUNNERS-UP: RegularJohn and DevilsChild

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Judge Not

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write A Poem About Why We Shouldn't Judge Others..
Simply write a poem, about why we shouldn't judge others..

Must Be A New Poem..
One Entry Per Person..
I will choose the Winner..

As always i will lead by example.. My poem is exempt from the competition..

Judge Not

unbiased beliefs
mere reflections
judge not
those who differ

tainted thoughts
so abstract
judge not
those who think

true connection
judge not
those who love

warm gesture
judge not
those who share

born unafraid
in the moment
judge not
those who live

Good luck to everyone..

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453

Judge ye not
lest ye be judged
Cleanse your own filthiness
before you spot another's smudge
sow courtesy for those you meet
even bums that walk the street
They are not poor, young one, behold!
Each speck of dust is a mountain of gold!
Abhor ye not their tattered cloths
for they are the fabric of the cosmos!
When you walk past where they lay
Do not turn your head away
Know when you pass their makeshift bed
That you could have been there in their stead.
The rich are never satisfied
always blinded by their pride
If they would open their heart and look inside
They see that emptiness resides
What can can you ever hope to gain
On a planet that's smaller than a grain.
Its never about how much you've got
For all your riches come to naught
Hear me now for this is true.
The rich and the poor are but reflections of you!

poet Anonymous

Way to start this thing.. Hell of a write, Raven.. Setting the bar...


Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 58

Why seek to compete,
With your fellow man.
Compare to dispair,
In this judgement land,
Seems to lead into greed,
With a weighted hand,
All the hate we mistake,
As a chain of command.

Through time we have climbed,
And evolved as one,
But compete to eat,
Seems a phase now done.
We've chased past the race,
And forgotten who's won,
So we turn and we learn,
To ready our guns.

But we find it's our minds,
That create all the walls,
And it's us who distrust,
When we have all the tools,
To give and let live,
And accept golden rule,
But the higher we inquire,
The harder we fall.

To judge seems to be,
But a natural sin,
But we evolve to resolve,
All destructive things.
Now a foe you may know,
To be from deep within,
But judgement's grip must one day slip,
To let peaceful life begin.

poet Anonymous

Great entry, John.. Loving how this competition is starting.. Two wonderful entries..


poet Anonymous

We see the world
Through individual eyes
This is how
We live our lives

Some will say
That their ways best
Some will follow
Some contest

The thing to remember
Is never to judge
Sometimes that's hard
With emotions and such

But we are all
Living beings
All are equal
All give meanings

Some are teachers
Some our life
Daughters, sons
Husband, wife

We all breathe
The same damn air
We all have problems
Coz life ain't fair

We must open
Our eyes to see
That we are judging
Our own family

Brothers and Sisters
Love and be free
Accept we are different
And strive for unity

Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 120

Must not drink the kool-aid

The judge is not the judge of another
The judge is the one in the mirror
The person who tears your soul apart
To judge someone is to pick at one’s own flaws
Words said and unspoken will attack your mind
We live in anger so we push our anger
Thinking maybe it will make us feel better
Realizing it only makes us sad
Showing hurt to those that only tried to get close
Like a disease flowing through our body
It will consume our very being
Give in to evil and you become that evil

It’s up to you to drawn out the voices
Bringing in the real and cutout the fake
Judge not lest ye be judged
Or maybe just turn the other cheek
Such evil is real even in a fake reality
Must not drink the kool-aid
Being open is a spiritual awakening
Being vulnerable will get you killed
No more judgment will escape my mouth
Just live away from those that want to hurt
Its only the devil in the mirror that is our judge

poet Anonymous

Nice entry, DC.. this competition is pretty fierce.. great writes so far.. you guys are gonna make this tough on me..


Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2663

MuseOfTheFountain said:We see the world
Through individual eyes
This is how
We live our lives

Some will say
That their ways best
Some will follow
Some contest

The thing to remember
Is never to judge
Sometimes that's hard
With emotions and such

But we are all
Living beings
All are equal
All give meanings

Some are teachers
Some our life
Daughters, sons
Husband, wife

We all breathe
The same damn air
We all have problems
Coz life ain't fair

We must open
Our eyes to see
That we are judging
Our own family

Brothers and Sisters
Love and be free
Accept we are different
And strive for unity

Love this entry Muse

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

JUDGE NOT?      

It could be being used
By a Christian as a quote
Or a secularist as learned wisdom
“Judge not lest ye be judged”
I hear them cry out
From under their sandwich encrusted beards

Only someone who wants to avoid being judged
Would try and play this as a trump card
They are trying to hide behind
The holy shield of bullshit
They draw their quote like a sword
But their sword is weak and blunt

They want kept hidden
All their dirty little deeds
Their filthy ugly secrets
Their vile, perverse thoughts
They want to prevent you
Checking their cupboards for skeletons

They want to stop you
Raking in their dirty laundry
Examining their active bile
They need to prevent you
From learning the truth
The truth of how evil they actually are

Only a coward pulls this quote
Scared of being discovered
Terrified they might be identified
For the cunt that they really are
But I am not going to let you off the hook
Despite the quote from your holy book

I will expose the whimpering, simpering
Horrible, little, perverse, whore, that is you
The slimy, vile, ugly bitch
Fucked up and shit for brains
I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire
I am happy to be your judge and executioner

You’re so much unlike any other
I’m sorry if this offends you mother

poet Anonymous

Damn, David.. Powerful and raw.. great write.. really liked this..


Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

jus don't pick your nose in public

it's the conscience coma you want
that comes with snorting coke through a blood stained hundo,
the worse things than an individual with hep C havin a nosebleed on it
that'll really get ya
gotta watch out for them monday mornings
seein every line,crack,blemish and grey hair
that was never there before
in a mirror a lil more broken than yesterday
and you still go out for coffee at seven thirty seven a.m.
like you need it
it's funny
get fucked up to put distance between self
and social awkwardness
but still judge a grasp on reality
by the weird faces people make when they see you
finishin up a good run
i heard you can't be a writer
unless you are a fucking cliche

poet Anonymous

Nice entry Johnrot.. Damn so many great writes.. this competition is blowing my mind.. great job everyone..


Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


You stand
I sit

It's the only way
you get to look down on me

I've seen this show before
Green fields
That anthem
Children clashing
and laid out before mine eyes

For you
it's your grandson
and Pop Warner ball

For me
My brothers
on Hill 881

You stand
for the start of a game
I shot up on my knees
in Khe Sanh

So I don't stand anymore

My granddaughter
was to be here
to see her brother play

But we buried her last week
Same white bitch
that tried to take me

So I don't stand anymore

I'm just an old man watching
that flag
blowing over another field
filled with screams

So I don't stand anymore

It's the only way
you get to look down on me

poet Anonymous

First of all i wanna thank everyone for entering.. this was not an easy choice.. all the entries were really wonderful.. But that being said.. The winner is: RavenOfSorrow.. Congrats Raven.. Your piece just hit me hard, and i connected with it.. The runner ups are: Regular John, and DevilsChild.. who both had wonderful entries as well.. Thanks to all those who competed..

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