Joined 4th May 2014
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
Although I am quick to spew profanities about the current presidential administration, I'm primarily concerned that the government as a whole is becoming more anti freedom, from the second amendment to net neutrality. Also, I have become calloused towards the welfare system after seeing countless people abuse it, so sorry if I offend anyone in that reguard.
Anyway, this isn't my typical style or type of theme whatsoever, so it came out a bit more like a rap than a poem.
They all said "Hey look, this guy's black!
Let's vote for him, he'll pick up the slack."
But where are we now, six years later
We'd rather have voted for Darth Vader
He's got the IRS auditin' all of his foes
Makin' deals with Mendelev, hopin' nobody knows
He'll make it rain on the hobo drinkin' down the street
With all the money he took, hope you don't have to eat!
Guns are evil! Bad for kids! Ban em all!
If you get raped, just give the cops a call.
Don't worry bout our spying, other countries do it too.
Just sign on the dotted line if you are a Jew.
Let's bankrupt coal! It's kills the earth!
Don't worry 'bout the miners, they can just eat dirt.
He rammed through Obamacare to please the lazy mob
Thanks to that, very soon my dad will lose his job.
Look at all that debt, sixteen trillion
We can't pay that back with all the babies we've been killin'.
Disagree with him after hearin' the latest?
You're just a low down dirty rotten redneck racist.
Anyway, this isn't my typical style or type of theme whatsoever, so it came out a bit more like a rap than a poem.
They all said "Hey look, this guy's black!
Let's vote for him, he'll pick up the slack."
But where are we now, six years later
We'd rather have voted for Darth Vader
He's got the IRS auditin' all of his foes
Makin' deals with Mendelev, hopin' nobody knows
He'll make it rain on the hobo drinkin' down the street
With all the money he took, hope you don't have to eat!
Guns are evil! Bad for kids! Ban em all!
If you get raped, just give the cops a call.
Don't worry bout our spying, other countries do it too.
Just sign on the dotted line if you are a Jew.
Let's bankrupt coal! It's kills the earth!
Don't worry 'bout the miners, they can just eat dirt.
He rammed through Obamacare to please the lazy mob
Thanks to that, very soon my dad will lose his job.
Look at all that debt, sixteen trillion
We can't pay that back with all the babies we've been killin'.
Disagree with him after hearin' the latest?
You're just a low down dirty rotten redneck racist.

Devilish said:O'Bomb'A is the anti christ.. a man that comes out of no where with no realistic proven background and gains everyones trust and get the world to agree on one nation.. gee is there a better description?/.. get ready for the bar code across your foreheads or wrists.. lol..
You just compared Obama to Hitler..."bar code across wrists." How is that "lol." If Obama was Anti-Christ, he wouldn't believe in God, which he stated he does, he wouldn't go to church, which he does, and he'd try to get rid of the first amendment, which he hasn't. I am Jewish, and I don't anything about you Devilish, but I have ancestors who were killed in the holocaust and the fact that you compared Obama, a representation of Democracy...hell if you compared any president of this free nation (dem or repub) to hitler, you should be ashamed of yourself, it's not funny, not by any means, and not one single elected president of this nation comes anywhere remotely close to hitler. I feel sorry for your twisted opinions and shame the source of where you got such a down right disgusting, revolting view of Obama. Disagree with his policies, yes I do on some of them, but to compare him to hitler, gives me chills and to then "lol" makes me cringe.
You just compared Obama to Hitler..."bar code across wrists." How is that "lol." If Obama was Anti-Christ, he wouldn't believe in God, which he stated he does, he wouldn't go to church, which he does, and he'd try to get rid of the first amendment, which he hasn't. I am Jewish, and I don't anything about you Devilish, but I have ancestors who were killed in the holocaust and the fact that you compared Obama, a representation of Democracy...hell if you compared any president of this free nation (dem or repub) to hitler, you should be ashamed of yourself, it's not funny, not by any means, and not one single elected president of this nation comes anywhere remotely close to hitler. I feel sorry for your twisted opinions and shame the source of where you got such a down right disgusting, revolting view of Obama. Disagree with his policies, yes I do on some of them, but to compare him to hitler, gives me chills and to then "lol" makes me cringe.
Joined 31st Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 95
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 95
Let me just say a lot of people here are uninformed to put it nicely, stupid to say the least...
Obama is not linked to terrorists
Obama has never tried to take your guns
I can't even go on explaining things to idiots
Go watch more Fake, err Fox news, twits
Obama is not linked to terrorists
Obama has never tried to take your guns
I can't even go on explaining things to idiots
Go watch more Fake, err Fox news, twits
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 170
All been good reads
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
Let the Games Begin
Just to let you know
I will back
And I will be ready to go
To go on the Obama attack
It will just condone him
But everyone from Hillary to every Politicians,
that has made our country's Powers look grim.
No I am not talking about the Reaper
But as the world's Peace Keeper
No I don't like so called wars
But what I do like if we got those knuckle heads
out of office our country good so much more
Just to let you know
I will back
And I will be ready to go
To go on the Obama attack
It will just condone him
But everyone from Hillary to every Politicians,
that has made our country's Powers look grim.
No I am not talking about the Reaper
But as the world's Peace Keeper
No I don't like so called wars
But what I do like if we got those knuckle heads
out of office our country good so much more
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 748
It’s been a while
Since I saw such bile;
‘He’ll take our guns,’
The whining runs,
‘He likes to drink,
His policies stink,
He’s a commie tool,
Wants Islamic rule,
He’s out to betray
The USA.’
So runs the refrain,
But let’s be plain:
You hate Barack
Because he’s black.
It’s been a while
Since I saw such bile;
‘He’ll take our guns,’
The whining runs,
‘He likes to drink,
His policies stink,
He’s a commie tool,
Wants Islamic rule,
He’s out to betray
The USA.’
So runs the refrain,
But let’s be plain:
You hate Barack
Because he’s black.
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
I don't care about your racist play
He is not black
As a matter a fact
He is not white
So let us not make our words turn into a racial fight
Yes he is Bi-racial and I don't care
So using racism is not fair
So I use again, As a Matter of fact"
If you don't like this corny ole poem then get back of jack.
And totally do not care for him
Because he is leading our Nation Policies into a Darkness of sin
I don't care about your racist play
He is not black
As a matter a fact
He is not white
So let us not make our words turn into a racial fight
Yes he is Bi-racial and I don't care
So using racism is not fair
So I use again, As a Matter of fact"
If you don't like this corny ole poem then get back of jack.
And totally do not care for him
Because he is leading our Nation Policies into a Darkness of sin
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
This will certainly go down in history
To show this nation that I am bitter, and full of twisted lies,
And you may walk all over in the dirt
But remember I am still, like the dust, I'll rise
By Frank Pulver May 15,2013
To show this nation that I am bitter, and full of twisted lies,
And you may walk all over in the dirt
But remember I am still, like the dust, I'll rise
By Frank Pulver May 15,2013
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
Campaign Trails
As I sit here and write about some say is the truth
But we know that it is a tale
That our so called politicians swear too
While on the Campaign trail
They all swear
That knew the problems about Obama care
Most of the conservatives say that this was an idea that started in the white house
But in actuality it makes them out to be such a parasitic louse
That will suck out all of the money from middle class and poor people like me and you
This is one thing that we know is true
This Obama care was an idea that the Liberals
Took years to unload
Originally it was to be called Affordable Care act
That changed it name over the years as the truth about it started to unfold
We are all told not to worry or concerns about things that may strife
Because you can keep your own insurance plan for life.
The President’s own words is that the Obama care was cheap
But in actuality our private health care plans
Are getting thrown in the trash heap
There are too many things in this plan that are a risk
Especially the financial ruins that we may endure later in life
That will not to ever want to reminisce
This will not hurt the small business men but also the self employed
Because they will all be required to provide insurance
or they companies may soon be void
and yes that means putting them out of business
Because many of them do not have enough money
To support a plan that seems to be full of weakness
Hopefully we all can get the hint
That we all need to read the fine print
Because if we don’t
We will feel like we are gagged and caught
Because all of our efforts to fight this will have no naught
As I sit here and write about some say is the truth
But we know that it is a tale
That our so called politicians swear too
While on the Campaign trail
They all swear
That knew the problems about Obama care
Most of the conservatives say that this was an idea that started in the white house
But in actuality it makes them out to be such a parasitic louse
That will suck out all of the money from middle class and poor people like me and you
This is one thing that we know is true
This Obama care was an idea that the Liberals
Took years to unload
Originally it was to be called Affordable Care act
That changed it name over the years as the truth about it started to unfold
We are all told not to worry or concerns about things that may strife
Because you can keep your own insurance plan for life.
The President’s own words is that the Obama care was cheap
But in actuality our private health care plans
Are getting thrown in the trash heap
There are too many things in this plan that are a risk
Especially the financial ruins that we may endure later in life
That will not to ever want to reminisce
This will not hurt the small business men but also the self employed
Because they will all be required to provide insurance
or they companies may soon be void
and yes that means putting them out of business
Because many of them do not have enough money
To support a plan that seems to be full of weakness
Hopefully we all can get the hint
That we all need to read the fine print
Because if we don’t
We will feel like we are gagged and caught
Because all of our efforts to fight this will have no naught
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
America’s Public Assistance (Land of the Handouts
If I was President, here is what I would do.
I would knock all Public Assistance to people like you
I would not spend another dime of this Country
Until we stand strong and let nothing get in our hard working way
Yes, that means I would not give out this country’s dough
Because America’s laziness needs to go
Some people might just say I am trying to rule this country like a king
But we need try to see what my intentions might bring
We all know that some people care disabled and not get a job
And this okay, because this meant to the jobless stay at home slobs
This is why I am letting everyone know without a doubt
That America is not the Land of the Handouts
Frank Pulver
If I was President, here is what I would do.
I would knock all Public Assistance to people like you
I would not spend another dime of this Country
Until we stand strong and let nothing get in our hard working way
Yes, that means I would not give out this country’s dough
Because America’s laziness needs to go
Some people might just say I am trying to rule this country like a king
But we need try to see what my intentions might bring
We all know that some people care disabled and not get a job
And this okay, because this meant to the jobless stay at home slobs
This is why I am letting everyone know without a doubt
That America is not the Land of the Handouts
Frank Pulver
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
Freedom of Speech
I want you to read this and weep
Because this something called my freedom of speech
Some people might say that these words are equal to a crime
But we need to realize what is being done as that joker spends America’s last dime
They say that he robs from the rich and gives to the poor
We all know the truth He is not Robin Hood and what he really stands for
He finds more way to spend and borrow more of China’s money
If you take the time to think about this, it is not funny
Yes to many these thoughts might be lame
But if they can’t see what see what he has done then they are insane
I am saying this for God’s sake
How much more do we have to take?
There more that I can say
But we only have 4 more years that He can stay
Some might not agree with my words
And I am here to tell you that these are my thoughts and you are absurd
Let’s think about how he is cutting our throats
But we also have to remember that we put him here because our votes
I hope you are learning something today
That this is a part of my freedom of speech and this is all I am going to say
Yes the Freedom of Speech
I wish we could have him impeached
I want you to read this and weep
Because this something called my freedom of speech
Some people might say that these words are equal to a crime
But we need to realize what is being done as that joker spends America’s last dime
They say that he robs from the rich and gives to the poor
We all know the truth He is not Robin Hood and what he really stands for
He finds more way to spend and borrow more of China’s money
If you take the time to think about this, it is not funny
Yes to many these thoughts might be lame
But if they can’t see what see what he has done then they are insane
I am saying this for God’s sake
How much more do we have to take?
There more that I can say
But we only have 4 more years that He can stay
Some might not agree with my words
And I am here to tell you that these are my thoughts and you are absurd
Let’s think about how he is cutting our throats
But we also have to remember that we put him here because our votes
I hope you are learning something today
That this is a part of my freedom of speech and this is all I am going to say
Yes the Freedom of Speech
I wish we could have him impeached

Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 66
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 66
Obama is my maama
For me..........Obama is my maama ,
Like a typical Indian maternal uncle ,
Who always try to allure His nephew and niece ,
By giving them a costly chocolate piece.
For me..........Obama is my maama ,
Like a typical Indian maternal uncle ,
Who always try to allure His nephew and niece ,
By giving them a costly chocolate piece.
Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

he brought the hope; the straight dope
Coming in from behind that 8-ball
Remember that fall? We faked tall unless you forgot
Naw, YOU remember. But now it’s like whatever and
some are willing to sever...A few too many
You know, they’ll always say never
Saying he’s just too cool; just too clever
This son of a Kenyan-a Kansan-
some type of Hawaiian, a-Chi-town-Marxist
this elitist-Indonesian
Never ever will he please ’em
Yet he is.. That One
Wherein the facts? The facts are still one
Barry, him wanting to get'r done
Where he’s all about that American Freedom
More so than you, me or them…
Yet it’s him sitting on that world stage; tell us
how does one engage;
the serious surprise of the son rise
it’s what he do…all true
Where he’s thought to be not quite ripe
Not the right type, a joke debatable
yet the progress is not… but Barry
yeah, he’s still hot...this Savior
The one they color as colored
Coloring him as a communist, a socialist
a far-left-winged opportunist
Said to be the one totally out of his element
Unable to work a worthwhile settlement
him or his foes; but that’s how it goes
the way of the pathos; the commission of The Savior
leaving us all undone with our worsening behavior
So grip up your grief; save yourself the labor
Barry is who he is and no worse than your neighbor
Joined 13th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 59
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 59
-Blood in the Street-
Brother, have you heard the news today?
There is blood in the street.
There is no drum
There is no beat
Just blood in the street
"Brother, are you sure that's the news today? It wasn't on E News. I was watching 'The Kardashians' and they never mentioned it. Brother have you taken your 'One a Day' All natural multivitamin? Brother, are you sure that's the news? I certainly didn't see that in this month's 'People Magazine'. I don't even think there's an app for that."
Brother Listen!
Didn't you here the news today?
The president reads from his 'Fix Our Country' wrap sheet
While bullets fly and blood on the street
They march and shout for Justice
But now the street is stained red with the blood of oppression
They keep on marching, drenched with the sweat of freedom
"Way down there?
In that God forsaken country?
Why should we give a damn?!
It's not like it's important to us.
It's Africa for Christ's sake!
Plus my iPhone doesn't get any reception down there, and there's not even a McDonald anywhere! Did I mention that there is not nearly enough TV channels? Even Dish Network gets you at least 2000 channels. And what's the deal with their computers? If it's not an Apple product, it's not worth having.
Let them figure their own problems out!
Ok fine. I did see just a bit about it.
---'The tyrant orders virgin guard to kill protesters.'---
Did you see those chicks? Oh man! They're so hot. This one girl was so sexy. Fully stacked. Huge rack. She looked just like Kim Kardashian.
There was this other part. I didn't really pay attention.
---'All of them terrorists oppressed by a tyrant terrorist.'---
That's what the news said anyways.
Why should I give a damn?"
But Brother, Listen!
Have you heard the news today?
People trying to stand up on their feet
As their blood flows into the street
All the world says "Man, that's neat!"
But have you ever seen your own blood spill into the street?!
Mothers and Fathers
And sons and daughters
All spill their blood onto the street
Way down there
Where dreams turn to bullets
And the cries of anticipation
Become the cry of a nation
Where the homestead is the battlefront
Where Justice can no longer wait for the approval of international aid
Where tomorrow waits for the sun to rise
And the many long nights are bright with the moon of hope
"Oh that. Ya, sure. Where it's ok to be friends with the bad guys, just so long as we can get some of that black gold. Look, I don't care what happens. I'm doing just fine. Hey, they're all terrorists anyways, so who cares? If it were up to me I'd just nuke them. Done! problem solved! That's a really good idea! I should totally tweet that!"
If that's how we show care
Then who can we depend on
To defend us to the end?
All the world looks, taking the back seat
As the world dies
- Blood! -
in the street.
Brother, have you heard the news today?
There is blood in the street.
There is no drum
There is no beat
Just blood in the street
"Brother, are you sure that's the news today? It wasn't on E News. I was watching 'The Kardashians' and they never mentioned it. Brother have you taken your 'One a Day' All natural multivitamin? Brother, are you sure that's the news? I certainly didn't see that in this month's 'People Magazine'. I don't even think there's an app for that."
Brother Listen!
Didn't you here the news today?
The president reads from his 'Fix Our Country' wrap sheet
While bullets fly and blood on the street
They march and shout for Justice
But now the street is stained red with the blood of oppression
They keep on marching, drenched with the sweat of freedom
"Way down there?
In that God forsaken country?
Why should we give a damn?!
It's not like it's important to us.
It's Africa for Christ's sake!
Plus my iPhone doesn't get any reception down there, and there's not even a McDonald anywhere! Did I mention that there is not nearly enough TV channels? Even Dish Network gets you at least 2000 channels. And what's the deal with their computers? If it's not an Apple product, it's not worth having.
Let them figure their own problems out!
Ok fine. I did see just a bit about it.
---'The tyrant orders virgin guard to kill protesters.'---
Did you see those chicks? Oh man! They're so hot. This one girl was so sexy. Fully stacked. Huge rack. She looked just like Kim Kardashian.
There was this other part. I didn't really pay attention.
---'All of them terrorists oppressed by a tyrant terrorist.'---
That's what the news said anyways.
Why should I give a damn?"
But Brother, Listen!
Have you heard the news today?
People trying to stand up on their feet
As their blood flows into the street
All the world says "Man, that's neat!"
But have you ever seen your own blood spill into the street?!
Mothers and Fathers
And sons and daughters
All spill their blood onto the street
Way down there
Where dreams turn to bullets
And the cries of anticipation
Become the cry of a nation
Where the homestead is the battlefront
Where Justice can no longer wait for the approval of international aid
Where tomorrow waits for the sun to rise
And the many long nights are bright with the moon of hope
"Oh that. Ya, sure. Where it's ok to be friends with the bad guys, just so long as we can get some of that black gold. Look, I don't care what happens. I'm doing just fine. Hey, they're all terrorists anyways, so who cares? If it were up to me I'd just nuke them. Done! problem solved! That's a really good idea! I should totally tweet that!"
If that's how we show care
Then who can we depend on
To defend us to the end?
All the world looks, taking the back seat
As the world dies
- Blood! -
in the street.