Poetry competition CLOSED 17th July 2012 1:02am
RSena (Sena)
View Profile Poems by RSena

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 10th July 2012
Forum Posts: 10

Poetry Contest

two post by poet.
no words limit.


Thought Provoker
Tibet 2awards
Joined 2nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 351

Capricious Tease
I have this plan in mind
Something unpredictable
After this you'll be begging for more
So bad you'll burn inside.

First a shy glance,
Next an intimate embrace
Let' dance the tango
Until you're flushed all over your face.

Sweet kisses everywhere
You're burning with lust
I'll have to let you go though
Until you learn a thing or two
About unconditional trust.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 10th July 2012
Forum Posts: 10


The Illusionist ofSorrow
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 341


Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th June 2012
Forum Posts: 101

a year under your command
the shadow of your footsteps
subliminal actions
i was your distraction
flesh and bone my body your own
got tired,this is my point
the dog is of his leash
will bite the hand that feed him if they ever get close
on heat with strangers
your heart in danger
i just told you abducted by aliens
they broke your heart in two
p.s she was a stranger at a time.

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

a bloody path
you set down
beckoning to come
a thorny road
that shows no mercy
you created
your cold expression
send shivers down spines
your frozen love
feezes ones heart
you caught me in your trap
you laid down the ground work
making me spiral
you are soulless
you monster of night
you have no pity
as i walk your way
slowly steading down
your twisted street
your passion being blood
you watch me stumble
every which way
never bothering to help
always ripping my heart
into shreds
i noticed
as i was walking down
your bitter, artic
your hurtful, cutting
posionous path
you are inhuman
not to mention cruel
you truly are a
brutal cold hearted person
maybe even heartless

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

You took it once
Long ago
It took forever for me to let you go
Now here you are once again
Are you here to keep your promise?
I still have all those notes
With your scribble penmanship
I can still taste you on my lips
I can still feel your hands on my hips
Though your pain courses through my veins
Hope for love was siphoned away
I've missed you
I can't lie
I still love you
I'm with another guy
You never cared then
So why now?

poet Anonymous

Double Blindness

You are blinded by anger.
You cannot see.
Prisoner of your own mind.
You do not accept
responsibility for
your depressive state.
You deny yourself to heal
the painful guilt.
You walk around
portraying yourself
to be an
enlightened one.
You tell yourself
you have a
higher purpose,
loftier goals than
the rest of the world.
You are a person with a
moral superiority which
you believe most
people do not see.
You consider yourself
even valiant.
You are on a pathway
you feel people are unable to walk
because of their own blindness.
You are on a one-way,
dead-end street,
rules written
only by you.
Inconveniencing others,
not allowing yourself
to be inconvenienced by
the ignorant blindness of the  
un-enlightened ones.
You have created and
play an unfair game.
Do you ever ask yourself,
“Am I blind too?”
You are not honest,
not true to yourself
or to
In reality, you are a
self-created martyr.
You must introspect,
humble yourself, and
accept your state of mind that
you have created.
Unless that happens,
the world, which you are
trying desperately to save,
will eat
you up and spit you out.  

poet Anonymous

[i]"The Gold Digger and Her Nincompoop"[/i]

It’s ancient history, but      
the sting still burns.    
Guess it was how      
I had to learn.    
Bruised hearts can take a      
lifetime to mend, if ever.    
This deep pain is      
going to last forever.    
First sight love happens;      
she truly was the      
apple of my eye.    
And, I’m still      
wondering why?    
From the moment    
It was quite shocking, so true.    
I was breathless.    
She was alluring.    
We were both enraptured, captured.    
Our journey began that instant.    
But sadly these days,      
my story seems rather distant.    
All I can say is    
we both fell hard that day.    
No heart attacks, we did not look back.    
Each second, hour, day, month, and      
year we spent    
was rather grand.      
Even when we just lay down in white sand.    
We had our ups and downs.    
I was such a clown.    
She never wore a frown.    
We weathered each storm,      
enjoyed each summit.    
And, now I’m  still thinking.      
What happened? God dammit!    
We shared so much.    
We were really in touch.    
Intimate moments of splendor, grandeur.    
We had our lives planned together for sure.    
We both wanted so much more.    
Bodies meshed, it was heavenly.    
We constantly shared our love    
daily and nightly.    
Our minds intertwined.    
We lived, we dined, and had good red wine.    
Wasn’t long before I knew,    
this true love had to be my bride.    
I was not going to run and hide.    
This was going to be done just right.    
Neither one of us would put up a fight.    
Asked her Daddy, if it was okay.    
“Yes my Son” was all he had to say.    
W were certainly now on our way.    
It was a sunny, sunny day and      
we had to play.    
Jet-set crowd, what a sound,      
shout out loud,    
we were California bound.    
My eyes would always mist.    
We were never hit or miss.    
She was my chocolate kiss.    
Surely, it was going to be      
wedded bliss.    
What the fuck?    
My bad luck!!!    
She met another guy.    
Never had the guts or      
courage to tell me    
eye to eye, why.    
I just cried.    
He was      
I would never ditch her.    
It wasn’t cool,      
I was a total fool.    
My Gold Digger,      
my little bird    
had flown the coop.    
Left me standing      
all alone.    
A brokenhearted big      
dumb nincompoop.    
That’s the scoop.    
Now, I’m still trying      
to re-group,      
wallowing in my      
Never again      
will I be      

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206


You lied to me,
You played with my heart.
You said you hated him,
He treated you in evil ways.

Now you tell me it was all a lie,
In fact hes your boyfriend.
You stole my heart,
Then you crushed it.

You asked me why i didnt trust you,
I said i did.
Big mistake,
Look what it got me.

I tried to keep you,
From hurting yourself.
It looks like you would,
Rather hurt me.

Do you know how much,
I loved you?
Do you have any fucking idea,
How hard I'm crying?

You said you dont want,
Me no more.
You do what I dont like,
So i wont talk to you.

You make my heartache,
You are squeezing my insides.
To a pulp,
From eleven and a half hours away.

I love you after,
All this shit.
All this shit,
You have done to me.

You told me you hated,
So I was myself,
I respected you,
Cared for you,
Loved you,
Now you tell me i'm to nice.

I ask you to have,
A nice life.
You tell me you won't,
What am i supposed to do?

You love playing twith my emotions,
It causes me heartache.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

-Tearful Rain-

When we first started talking,
I was happy.
A month later,
I was hurtin.
Hurting because I wanted to see you,
But i am to far away.

When we were talking,
And I heard the rain.
All I could imagine was,
You and me kissing in it.

Now when i hear the rain,
All I can imagine.
Is all the tears,
I have shed for you

poet Anonymous


Why did I love you
Why did I care
Why did I follow you everywhere
Why did I do everything
Why did I throw away that ring

Why did I try to be the perfect wife
Why was there always so much strife
Why could you not explain
Why did you love me so little
Why did you leave again and again

Why did I do what I did
Why did I manage to get away with it
Why am I here while you are gone
Why do I put flowers where you lie
Why do I regret how you did die?

poet Anonymous


WHY is  such a simple word

With so much weight and force

WHY? Can cause great minds to pause

WHY ? often has NO reply

How many times in my life

Have I asked WHY?

Only the faith in GOD sustained me

As HE is the ONLY ONE who you can truly ask

Sometimes GOD gives the answer

Many times HE does NOT

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 12th July 2012
Forum Posts: 327

I am heartless
A man with a glass heart, accepted mine
He took it in like a swig of wine
I gladly took his hand
And obeyed every comand
He begged me to stay
But I had to get away
I forgot my heart
Left it with him
I left it at home
I can never go back
But I can never let you go

Strange Creature
Dominican Republic
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 17

When you met me,
You said that forget me was impossible,
With that,
You make me believe that everything
Can be possible.

For me it been so difficult,
I see the way this feeling is punishing
my physical,
more difficult than
understanding a political.

More than buying the Eifel tower
Why you let me and ran like a cower,
I hide in my dimension called my world
Where no one can see my sadness.

And this is the way I called you heartless,
You don’t care if you see me sad,
The tears, don’t take out the pain,
you hit me without words armless.

There’s no worlds that could explain
The sadness of my sorrow heart soul,
A poem, or a song,
How you ran from me leaving me alone,
Now how can I breath without my lungs?


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