Poetry competition CLOSED 14th July 2012 4:42pm
RSena (Sena)
View Profile Poems by RSena

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Strange Creature
Dominican Republic
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 17

Poetry Contest

Leave a letter poem, expresing your feeling why you want him to leave, or why you are leaving Him or Her
1) Leave a poem letter,
3) make sure you keep a flow, because i want to read it, and keep with it. make atractive to the readers.

good luck!!!! is my first competition.


Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 316


Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

Dear John,
I know things went a little crazy
Our love went a little hazy
I wonder where you are tonight
Are you with another?
Why do you insist on seeing me again?
I think you need a reality check
I try to be nice
I smiled as we made our separate ways
But on the inside something died
I feel my broken glass heart, it pierces through my skin out
I can't look back
I won't
So please, quit sending me messages


Strange Creature
Dominican Republic
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 17

Danii said:Dear John,
I know things went a little crazy
Our love went a little hazy
I wonder where you are tonight
Are you with another?
Why do you insist on seeing me again?
I think you need a reality check
I try to be nice
I smiled as we made our separate ways
But on the inside something died
I feel my broken glass heart, it pierces through my skin out
I can't look back
I won't
So please, quit sending me messages



Naked Satirist
Fire of Insight
Singapore 6awards
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 496

Goodbye Earth/ leaving earth suicide letter

Look at the brightside  
I'm in total control  
Non shall steal this  
Not even mother nature  
Favourite series ended  
Ascendants all fallen to nature  
I left no more excrements  
My objectives are concluded  
You vainglorious losers, quoting life  
"To live life, you have to be adventurous"  
And still you're controlling others  
"Love and Accept Everyone"  
And still you're bias  
"Find a purpose in Life"  
I've found mine and you deemed it nonsense  
"Give back"  
I've yet to see this happen  
Bunch of self righteous bastards  
In this mundane suburban dumpster  
Your subjectives entertained me a great deal  
Have fun with your psuedo-dominion and soon...  
You will be cleft by the scythe of nature  
I love you everyone,  
Read this to your childrens  
I hope they attain enlightenment  
And murder you in unholy scale  
Goodbye earth, you are a shit rental

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Dear Dan

The night is clear tonight
It seems blushed with moonlight
The stars twinkles
Like adornments on Christmas trees
The wind is gentle
It brushes my cheeks
Tousles my hair
I stand here on the top of the building
All sixteen stories of it
I can see the ground so far below
And the sky so high up there
No matter I choose to look at the night
As I take my first and only flight
I have nothing to leave
I have nothing to bring
I have nothing
For you are gone now
I seek heaven


Strange Creature
Dominican Republic
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 17

thanks for posting. all of you.

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 316

Time has arrived,
and there’s a reason why,
Because of your bowed head. Hopeless,
Because of my recurrent absent loneliness.

Because i never thought about you,
Always me, because I never thought of you
Never  had the idea that
You would be like this,
going to all this
Psychology consult,
because of me.

Until I saw you,
In This shadow,
In our room,
Dark and hollow.

It was so cold,
Everything was for me
Careless, kisses and
Your love,
I was so dumb.

Now is to late,
I rather go,
I can’t continuo
Seeing you like this
You know and I know,
This love is gone.
Forgive me, for not telling you
And letting you this letter at the door.
Mistreat it and wet.


Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

we have road rage raced
this jagged path,
way too often
to expect an alternative destination.

I know you love her
(as a friend)
and she is hella cute
c'mon man,
those big brown,and blue
and greenish hazel eyes
look at you
from a place
that you just aren't at

loving and generous
I get that you don't want to hurt her
when she asks you where you are
and you know as well as she does
that its anywhere but here
Well my friend,
It's time to man up

thank ya kindly,

The Illusionist ofSorrow
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 341

Okay. So for this competition..I did a little twist on the play 'Romeo and Juliet'. It's one of my favorites and I really enjoy it. So, with a bit of creativity...I rewrote the ending scene on the book/play, in which, Romeo writes a letter to Juliet before he takes the poison to kill himself.(P.s. Yes, I do know how it ACTUALLY ended. But I wanted to summerize it a bit.)

(The scene rises. Juliet awakens next to Romeo after he has taken the poison. In his hand is a letter addressed to Juliet. A gift, perhaps, he would bestow to her upon arriving to the afterlife where he mistakingly thought she had gone.)

Juliet: Romeo! No! What has thy done!

(She opens the letter only to become grief stricken by tears burning firecely from her eyes. He wrote this...she could tell.Sobbing, she reads it aloud.)


My Dearest Juliet,

Thou light hath seeth,
From thy cheeks,
Leaving bittersweet,
Blood-soaked... memories,
Thy hath found,
To whom might of been,
Thy once lively,
Thou I hath cried,
On many a fears,
Not one 'caused,
So many tears,
In thy arms,
I shall rest,
Breathe you in,
Thy final breaths,
We shall meet,
When thee posion reaches my heart,
For not in thy love,
Will death do us part..

(She tries to kiss Romeo's mouth, seeking any form of poisonous resude. She found none.In dispair she grabs Romeo's dagger.)

Juliet: O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die..

(Falling over next to Romeo. She reaches to touch his cold face.)

Juliet: I love..
(Juliet's eye close.)
End Scene.)

poet Anonymous

Leave Me Alone

Dear EX For A Reason!

Why are you trying to creep back into my head, trudging up old memories that I would rather keep dead.
Why are you doing this?
Life with you has been over for years, of our time together I spent much of it in fear.
Leave me alone don't write me anymore letters, my life without you has been so much better.
I don't care about your apologies and I don't want to hear about your fond memories.
What do you want from me?
I Loved you with all my heart, but you physically and mentally ripped me apart
Don't call me beautiful don't call me baby, if you think we can pick up where we left off you are god damn crazy.
We have a child together and she is all we share, but if I never heard your voice again I would not even care.
Tears of blood once streamed down my face, I will Never go with you...back to that terrible place.
Leave me alone don't write me anymore letters, my life without you has been so much better.

Your Madder Than Hell EX FOREVER

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 681

A Ghost in the Sky

My Dearest Moon,

I have missed you. you seem biggest and brightest this timid night.
amongst all my troubles my eyes are still riveted by your aura.
affixed upon your blinding light I gaze madly, forgetting myself.
such a luminous glow! such a beautiful sight!
you shine vivid and wild in silence, indifferent to anyone’s desires.
you calm me. you soothe me. embrace me in your placid lull.

I am your wolf. your heavenly halo in the sky - my muse.
hear me howl and bellow. call to you in sheer ecstasy.
with such fervor you come upon me. selfless and kind, messing with my mind.
if you were a goddess, I confess I’d make love to you.
even if it meant bringing you down to the ground.
if only for one night. you seem so alone.
your mystic glow shies away the countless diamonds that flood the gloom.
you own the night. you float in the darkness till the inferno comes.
you watch over us as we sleep.
but I can’t sleep tonight knowing you’re up there.

such travesty in a ball of fire.
creeping up slowly as you leave, burning avidly.
whimsical - unlike you - lightens the day,
adding color to gray, ruining what we had last night.
now you are lost. not will I see you anon for 30 nights.
‘til you come quietly and grace me again with your lucid charm.



Thought Provoker
Wales 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 196

Dear the girl who I love,
but can never truly love,
I must leave you today,
to stop all the pain,
and not just the pain that I caused you,
but also the pain that you caused me,
and let's be honest, we've been through a lot,
I'm not really quite sure what to jot,
I just wanted to say that I don't hate you,
I just hate the way we've ended up,
and with any luck,
we will both learn from this,
and won't give up.

Maybe I'll see you again one day,
and maybe, just maybe, I'll come and say hey.


Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

I don't really know where we went wrong
Time and space made a mistake somehow
I remember warm summer days, when we'd sit on your Daddy's white porch
Country life never really suited you, but you had that gentlemans way about you
I met you in hell, as I fell from heaven
You knew my home, it was also your home
You were the last piece, I had left
Then you left
I tried to save the last pieces, before they crumbled to the floor
I tried to stop you as you walked out that door
Its been a while now, I can still here your voice, making promises unkept
You call me on the phone, telling me how you made a mistake
Well, better go fix it, cause I'm done
I leave this letter on the balcony, remembering our summer love...

Thought Provoker
Puerto Rico 5awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 316

milkyway said:Leave Me Alone

Dear EX For A Reason!

Why are you trying to creep back into my head, trudging up old memories that I would rather keep dead.
Why are you doing this?
Life with you has been over for years, of our time together I spent much of it in fear.
Leave me alone don't write me anymore letters, my life without you has been so much better.
I don't care about your apologies and I don't want to hear about your fond memories.
What do you want from me?
I Loved you with all my heart, but you physically and mentally ripped me apart
Don't call me beautiful don't call me baby, if you think we can pick up were we left off you are god damn crazy.
We have a child together and she is all we share, but if I never heard your voice again I would not even care.
Tears of blood once streamed down my face, I will Never go with you...back to that terrible place.
Leave me alone don't write me anymore letters, my life without you has been so much better.

Your Madder Than Hell EX FOREVER



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