Dear John

She said
My tears have finally stopped flowing
I can no longer wait for your declaration
Your declaration of love for me
Your eyes say that what we have is real
And I know your heart feels the same
But your mouth has yet to declare
That you can’t live your life without me
That I’m the one you want to go to bed with
And the one you want to wake up to
I’ve devoted an unwavering amount of passion
And always given the motives of my truth
I won’t leave you wondering
If you held the key to my heart
I won’t leave you with unanswered questions
And the reasons why I left
Just know I gave you plenty of time
To spill the contents of your heart
To give this love a true chance
But your time has finally come to an end
And by the time you read this letter
I’ll be gone
Somewhere knowing you’re now feeling the hurt
I carried for so long

Written by simpleasures
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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