
So the whole time we were living there,
I was hating it.
We moved a coupld miles, I thought I was escaping it.
But now surrounded by the suburbs,
I can't stand this shit.  
I'm so desperately craving my home.
Fucking passed London zones,
And I don't like the quiet.
Look so odd to all the locals here,
But to me it's just my style,
And so ordinary, nothing more to see,  
Faceless when in my ends
Here I stand out, a beacon, so loud,
There's nowhere I could hide.  
And they're bare snide.
And it's all white.  
Got that casual racist vibe.  
Keep finding myself justifying  
basic human rights.
Someone coming out with a load of
Bullshit classic stereotypes
And everytime it happens a little
Bit more of me then dies inside.  
I don't belong, I wouldn't want to.
This will never be my home.
I feel a certain kind of sorry for
Those that class this as their own.
I am alone, I am too much for here;
My filthy, dirty mouth,
So please, i plead, get me
Straight out of here,
And back, my beloved South.
Written by Oohloulala (Loulou)
Author's Note
Moved out of London and it's mad how different it is when not in your area and also the only thing I would ever rep or be proud of is where I am from. Creating words from what you theoretically aremeant to be ashamed of is the best. I love my ends.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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