Louis V, the Lazy, King of the Franks

This was back around 970 A.D.
his dad, the king of the Western French areas,
made the lad  king when he was just 12 years old.
When he was 15 years old,
Dad arranged a marriage to some 40 year old lady
For power reasons, you know...
an alliance to the Southern Franks would help his overall power plan.

It was no Harold and Maude situation.
The young kid already led a sensual lifestyle
And being a king, probably had his pick of nice fresh 13 year olds.

They could not stand each other.
They slept in separate chambers.
She did not get pregnant.
They did not pass go. They did not collect two hundred dollars.

After a couple of years of this,
she tricked him into traveling to a place where she could re-unite with her family,
and she snuck away.  
Two years, man. Wasted.
Plus the kid had NO skills as a king.
She then got married to a guy who appreciated her,
which of course was NOT Louis.

She married Count William the first,
a dude who really had it together.
I mean he was a Count.

Louis' dad died a couple of years later.
There was some squabble amongst the line of kings in the area,
as well as the church bishops,
which must have been powerful then,
and a war was about to break out,
but then,
Louis V changed his course,
and pursued a tack of peace and reconciliation.

This was great,
but a short time later,
while hunting in the forest of  Halatte,
he fell of his horse,
and well,
that was that,
at the young age of just 20.

Historians of the time,
gave him a negative nickname of Louis the Lazy,
mainly because with such a short reign,
he had done nothing to speak of.

But during his life,
he was never  called lazy
Written by rabbitquest
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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