the diviner and the shade

A Collaboration: Magdalena and Alexander Case

beneath a naked crown of hickory
you stood; the diviner, dressed in black
untouched by the shadow of the moon
drawing halos in a bed of snow

that night, the one you watched
slowly burn with your touch, reaching down
you scorched the frozen earth to retrieve me
carefully unsheathed like a pecan husk
my body, my soul, split in two
held together by one—
that night

shape shifting storm clouds
ruptured spleen lightning
heart attack and thunder
mother earth unleashed

heaven felt pointless, and before i could
tell you, you covered my mouth
stealing the words under my breath

you asked me to let you in [remember]
when your chanting lips met my throat
warm spells humming through my pores
your arms curled; tying me with holy vines
static pulsed blue light between heaving chests
bare bones entrapped by divinity

i can make the darkness cry
hold your heart till the tears fall
bowing winter at your feet

untapped, red maple dripped
from your breath—
it set me ablaze
the tremor of my surrender [you felt it too]

whatever black magic you slipped inside
let it take me, find the mysteries you seek

the diviner of the dead
will have his dark angel tonight
languished love rising from the flame
unearthed whispers echoing her name

Written by Magdalena and Alexander Case for the "erotic collaboration*" comp.
Written by case28 (Alexander Case)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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