

Just bear with me a moment, son,
While the disclaimers fall...
I never wrote about "anyone."
I simply wrote about ALL!
A tired man, wretched and worn,
I've let truth guide this pen.
Still, condemned to this hell, forlorn...
Just know I'd do it again.

My life, a trial, granting sentence
Before I knew first breath;
Has but shown me true repentance
Can only come with death.
Now, Death, while wringing anxious hands,
Grins as draws nigh his prize;
'Er true to his vile demands
Has first laid claim my eyes...

And not the eyes that grant me sight,
But the eyes that grant me vision.
The eyes that perceive wrong and right
And guide me to decision...
The eyes that hear lies in your voice
While you're asking God's blessing...
The eyes that show life's about choice,
Not about second guessing.

And so, as waking moments wane,
Crisp notions melt away;
Though I still smile, trying to explain
That really, "I'm O.K."
Pure irony, this darkened prince
Couldn't have dremt a darker ending,
In all that time trying to convince
You all I wasn't pretending.

A pretender is all I've ever been,
Though I was just trying to feel real.
But the truest darkness lies unseen,
And some wounds you know you can't heal.
So if all I've ever felt is alone,
Misunderstood, and jaded;
How could I unreap seeds so long ago sewn,
To ever hope to be more than dissuaded?

A broken man, an endless mile;
My wasting eyes can finally tell
There is no light to make worthwhile
The pain of each dying brain cell.
When Clarity of Thought's stolen from you,
The only thing you've held since your youth...
You can't recall, exactly, what it is you rue;
Only that it's found in Courts of Clouded Truth.
Written by Shine_of_Darkness (Michael Anderson)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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