Image for the poem "Dark Clouds Forming."

"Dark Clouds Forming."

A storm is brewing and desiring to cover the Earth...

Its dark clouds are growing and amassing, longing...
to go forth over all lands to do their worst

Although, not filled with rain, but, with an ancient
bitterness and hate...

These clouds are preparing for a year and a month,
an hour and a day to rain down on men, their...


These Angels of rage, bound by the river, Euphrates
will not be assuaged when that which withholds, is
moved out of their way

Then they'll pour-out their vials into the air and fill
the world with absolute darkness and despair as
that which men have released, comes upon them

But, do not fear, for the end is not yet here

So, enter into your chambers and your secret hiding
places, where you can find...

Peace and Rest, until this wrath has passed, and then
shortly, that which is Eternal, will come and no
longer withhold...

At last
Written by hungrypan74 (Dantalyon)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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