Dear Curtis; brother we are still all going to go!

De Tocqueville explained "we get the government we deserve"
if that is a true axiom then let me jump ship
just as it is easier to have a slug fest
then to sit down and reason an issue out
it is so much simpler to rise to arms
then to fashion a peace and be stout

First initiated to partisan politics believing
the Republicans were all to blame
fact is Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton, and Obama
all chanted a war refrain
the angry son or daughter who lost his parents
to a tomahawk missile made in the US we are all to blame

That terrorist recruiter does care from where the weapon was made
when a prospective member's mosque collapses
killing people whose only brush with murder
comes from ancestors fighting imperialistic nations
in the grand year of 2014
we still have economic plantations

We as a world community never seem to learn
that even if war is the only course
it brings out the worst in human nature
calling victors the ones still standing to fight
always avoids the need inquiry
is the presence of superior military might always right?

And tell me how can we in the states promote democracy
when we treat political elections as evil vs. good
we toss charges at each other but no one wants to really listen
prompted by right or left wing media zones
with the escalation to violence, brutality, and bloodshed
will anyone be left to check the quality of the ozone?
Written by JAZZMANOR
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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