They say there’s gold in them thar hills

found out early that I was missing that hollow muscular organ
old man’s motto to everything was” it’s along way from your heart son rub some dirt on it”
I wondered if it was the beer and whiskey talking or did he really know best
could have just been filling the void after mom disappeared into the local crack house
whispers would emerge from time to time when she was spotted on 140 Pine Street
heard the bitch passed a year before my old man’s liver shut down
it’s all hard to grasp when your 14
my aunt handled me and the situation  the best she knew how
doctors always helped, they knew just what pills to prescribe

I think of my dad some mornings when I’m on the way to work
would be nice to share a cold one and discuss the daily grind with him
remembering his motto I move on
should know not all are placed on the path to redemption
some have to carve it through the fucking mountains
life is easier when you can watch it from your perch
but when the tree is cut down
the only thing you’re left with is your thoughts and memories
I often wonder if my name crossed her lips as she drew that last breath
or was it just the warmth of  that glass dick as it set her free
Written by Dirtfarm
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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