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poet Anonymous


What do you think about the internet back in the '90

Tyrant of Words
Australia 13awards
Joined 5th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 6358

paying sh**loads at internet cafe's andwaiting for images to appear... but was fun man


poet Anonymous

It was much better than the internet we have today. There were many forums, alternative media, a lot of comunications between people around the world. Today is just a tool to make money, owned by blogs and the same media who has been brainwashing us for ages, a lot of censorship.

What is the difference between australians and aussie and whitch one is more correct.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 13awards
Joined 5th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 6358

hmmmm.. you've put me in a bind there.. I only read us referred as Australians in very formal literature/media, otherwise its Aussies most of the time.. if you're in Oz offcourse in my experience it's the latter most of the time...

yes you're right there re the internet of today.. but I believe we didn't have much choice then plus the bias of our nostalgia to view past in a better light than present.
Do you think today's online media has actually added to our narcissism?

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Ah, what a question. I guess. SELFIE PA MORE! Then post, post,post... Hahaha! (Ooops, seems I'm afflicted with a mild case)

Do you think that it's a bad thing, I mean the 'narcissistic' virus that many was suffering from, so to speak?

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Yes, but I've just divorced a narcissist after 25 years, so life is far better now.

Where is your favorite place to go when you want to be alone?

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Inside my room with fully charge phone and a strong net connection.

I wonder, why does it feel good to be alone like that?

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14458

it might be because alone and lonely  aren't always hand in hand

what is it which "sets us apart from the animals" ?

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

The pride that said... i'm not an animal.

Which reminds me, why do we feel the need to when in fact.we are?

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 30th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 824

Occasionally, yes.

How was the first half of 2016 for you?

poet Anonymous

I used to write letters, now I write poetry and stories instead.
and I think we deny being animals because we aren't animals and our souls know it.
Darwin was a complete fraud and half a brain would tell anyone his theories are utterly preposterous.

Have you ever questioned anything that others seem to blindly accept?

poet Anonymous

Yes but it's a waste of the time, they see only what they want to see, even if they know it's not true, they keep thinking what they are made to think.

Do you think the moon came from nowhere or was formed from the earth after a collision with another planet.

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 272

An ultimate power created everything, there are too perfect and detailed that it couldn't just happen.

Would you live forever if you could?

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

I'd like to step in time and again and check on inventions.

Would you?

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