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Is it just me?  But is something up with DU?

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Is it just me?  Am I the only one that senses a disruption in the algorithms of DU?

Not that I know of, or should know of anything that might be wrong.  But I'm somewhat discontented by the recent lack of enthusiasm. Some of the poets who's poetry I loved to read in the competitions are no longer posting.  A couple of fun challenging competitions, received very few submissions.  In one challenge, the only one to submit was me.  Leaving me to wonder if I was the reason that nobody else wanted to get naked and jump into the hot tub. (A real time painful experience. In which I learned that when the girls suggest we go skinny dipping, I should wait and not be the first to take off my clothes.)

Or maybe it's just spring, and folks aren't cranking out as much scribble as usual.  That's cool! I took off a couple of months of from DU last summer, and plan to do it again. I just hope that everything is alright.  

I'm very attached to this site, and enjoy it immensely.  I love reading just as much, or more, than contributing.  I cannot believe the depth of talent that resides in this place. Now this doesn't mean I'm going to say that DU is my family. That would be to phony.  Besides it could lead to incest charges.  But I do value this community of artists because they've helped me improve my art.  So if their is a disruption in the force here at DU, I hope it gets rebooted back to normal.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 17th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 28

I am still pretty new here. I love to write, but don't have a lot of confidence with myself yet. Competing...I'm scared of it, or scared I'm going to like it, or scared someone will say something negative about my work...so I haven't entered. I have sat there, starting at the blank entry page and pus pushed the back button. That's my reason anyway.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

stormi, trust me, we've all been there.  But the great thing about DU is the many experienced and award winning poets that are willing to help you improve your craft. Admittedly I'm not the best poet here on DU, but with the help of Madam Lavender, Poetic Engineer, and mikimoondancer I've been able to build up confidence.  If you see a award winning poet, who's style you admire, don't be afraid to ask them to take a look at your work before you post.  Also, I'd encourage you to enter some of the newbie competitions like the one Roach Mill sponsored.  Another thing I like about DU, is though we get a smartass flamer every known and then, the mysterious DU mistress, who's name I don't know, but who's phone number I really want, weaves a magic spell and sends them to poet purgatory. (Joan Baez, I know that's you.)
So press some ink and let us know how you think.

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 20th July 2014
Forum Posts: 433

stormiwyndz said:I am still pretty new here. I love to write, but don't have a lot of confidence with myself yet. Competing...I'm scared of it, or scared I'm going to like it, or scared someone will say something negative about my work...so I haven't entered. I have sat there, starting at the blank entry page and pus pushed the back button. That's my reason anyway.

You are speaking more towards useless criticism from people whoring attention to themselves and thus their own work, which is a very rare occurrence here.

Say it with me now.

"I want my work to be criticized."

It also helps to check out some poets here who aren't afraid to submit controversial material and see how they react calmly and gracefully without launching into an endless defensive tirade.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

hmmm... I'm a bit cold towards DU in the last bunch of months. And I don't sense the same spunk or spirit here that I once did... But, I do have to assume it's still an environment of what you put in, you get out... This freaking place has been oddly, and a bit embarrassingly so important to me. It was jumping and alive when I most needed it, but I was putting a lot back into as well... So even as I do admit that for me this place has simmered down a lot , I also have not put much into it as of late. Have to conclude that they are related

poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

Just busy right now with a project Kimmy. You know how engineers like you and me work in the real world.
Trust me I drop by every now and then, you just don't see me working in the background.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Everything in life goes through cycles, including DUP.  People come and go, then come again and go some more. This is home base to me, but life without change gets us all nowhere. Personally I'm in a massive life transition right now, where I no longer know who I am, as a major part of my life turned out to be not what I thought it was, for the past 25 years, so I'm doing much soul searching and trying to keep writing, while getting through each day.

It's good to have a home base to come to, regardless of how it's atmosphere is.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

I was thinking the same thing actually.
Then again I wondered if maybe they thought the same thing about me.

At times I don't come on DU for an entire month,
then they are times where I literally live here.

But yea... I haven't seen a lot of entries in a lot of competitions.

Not the amount that I would have expected to see.
I want to believe mostly everyone's is busy than lazy,
because even I get wrapped in work and forget to submit
my entry.

but this place is very important for me, because I get vent
stuff that I really don't need staying on my mind,
and though it has calmed down since then, I do admire those of
whom I follow their poetry every day.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

You may have stopped writing, but you haven't stopped thinking.  A little advice if I may dare. Keep a note book and pencil in hand.  During life's break times, when you're alone with your thoughts 'think out-load with pencil.'  Nothing formal, just scribble, make lists, add a doodle or two.  Go where ever your mind wonders.

Before you know it, you've created something to share with us. And than you'll realize how much everyone will appreciate the beauty of your mind.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

"This freaking place has been oddly, and a bit embarrassingly so important to me."

lightbaron, we think alike.  Maybe it's some sort of poetry addiction.  I wouldn't be surprised to see an article in Psychology Today, titled, DU ADDICTION.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

A profound explanation that should be remembered for the ages.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

EngrVV said:Just busy right now with a project Kimmy. You know how engineers like you and me work in the real world.
Trust me I drop by every now and then, you just don't see me working in the background.

Glad to hear, and comforting to know.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

MadameLavender said:Everything in life goes through cycles, including DUP.  People come and go, then come again and go some more. This is home base to me, but life without change gets us all nowhere. Personally I'm in a massive life transition right now, where I no longer know who I am, as a major part of my life turned out to be not what I thought it was, for the past 25 years, so I'm doing much soul searching and trying to keep writing, while getting through each day.

It's good to have a home base to come to, regardless of how it's atmosphere is.

Thank you Lavender for your wise words.

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