
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Age 35
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 15th November 2011
xshellzo_o joined 4857 days ago and last visited 4823 days ago
Comments 5
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Poet Introduction

I use my poetry as a form of expression and art. My poems usually tell a story about a past experience or an emotion i was feeling at the time. I'm most inspired by the people in my life and the events going on, good or bad.

About Me

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I'm on my path of discovery of myself and what my life has to offer. I've been through a lot of hard times that have showed up in my poems. I don't regret anything in life because everything happens for a reason. And everything that happens, good or bad is what inspires me to write such heart felt poetry. I hope you enjoy reading my poems and appreciate any feedback you would like to share.