
Lost Thinker
New Zealand
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 30th August 2009
williamcook joined 5503 days ago and last visited 4431 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Bukowski, Eliot, Sandburg, Ketchum

About Me

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William Cook (1971 – ?) is a poet, illustrator & author from NZ. Previously published in Canta, Zephyr, Poetry NZ(20), Southern Ocean Review, Side Stream, Indite Circle & Blackmail Press (20). Short stories published in Remark (USA) issue 34 June ’05 and Mindfire Renewed June ’05. ‘Devil Inside’ published in Masters of Horror Anthology 2010. Cover artist and writer for Putrid Poetry & Sickening Sketches 2011. Upcoming debut novel: ‘Blood Related,’ to be published by Angelic Knight Press November 2011.

Author of ‘Journey (the search for something) – selected poems’ (Limited edition of 500 copies -113 pgs), 1996 (ISBN: 0-473-04163-4).

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