
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 21st July 2011
undergroundlover joined 4815 days ago and last visited 4790 days ago
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About Me

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I'm 11 and I love to write, I mostly write about love so I can't share it with my mom otherwise she'll freak.
I want to be a jornalist when I get older. Apperantly I'm a whore..? Who the 'eff knows? I'm addicted to Tumblr! Music is my life. I live by quotes, usually quoting myself though.I'm Taken by the best boyfriend EVER<3! His name is Nick:D
*K I S S I N T H E R A I N
*S I  N G E V E R Y W H E R E  
*P L E A S E D O N ' T S T O P T H E M U S I C