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Poet Introduction
My cat could beat up your cat
Favorite Poets/Writers
Hunter S Thompson, Poe, Jim Morrison, layne Staley, Terrence McKennaAbout Me
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I have a new account! Username, Lynxxey. I have no idea if anyone still looks at this old account, but I am well and still writing of course.
My next account will be a better representation of my work. This one is special to me, however much of these submissions are Freeform writing tangents I would go on. I developed my style with this account, but as with all things in life I have changed quite a bit.
If you enjoyed my past writings I say thank you, I love you, you’re awesome. Go follow my new account! I will be posting from it regularly
My next account will be a better representation of my work. This one is special to me, however much of these submissions are Freeform writing tangents I would go on. I developed my style with this account, but as with all things in life I have changed quite a bit.
If you enjoyed my past writings I say thank you, I love you, you’re awesome. Go follow my new account! I will be posting from it regularly
My Reading List
If I Die Before You
by LunaLove6963
by Blood_xxDespair
by AlwaysCaliban (Caliban)
Spear of Hope
by clio13
My Groups
Poets I Follow


the_unheard (Snake_charmer)
Twisted Dreamer