scarletegret (Sasha Fenn)

Lost Thinker
Read Poems (16)
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Member Since 14th February 2019
scarletegret joined 2203 days ago and last visited 1030 days ago
Comments 20
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Poet Introduction

I've written a little poetry over the years to help me through life struggles, such as episodes of depression or anxiety, and more recently I've returned to the art to try and explore ideas and inspire others to see the world in unfamiliar ways.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sylvia Plath, Porpentine, Jonas Kyratzes, Emily Short, Cecil Frena

About Me

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I'm Sasha. I write poetry and instrumental electronic music, and I sometimes blog about philosophy, cognitive science and obscure debates about new and old forms of societal systems. I'm also working on interactive fiction projects, to be released Someday In The Distant Future (tm).

I draw from the ideas of surrealists like Yvan Goll and André Breton, using stream-of-consciousness as a tool for writing and trying to evoke images of a universe that is unsettlingly broken or wrong. I often try to explore themes of depression, anxiety, and moral and existential nihilism.

I hope to create art that inspires others and that raises questions for readers that they wouldn't normally ask themselves.