sainteverything (Word Cannibalism)

Strange Creature
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 21st July 2014
sainteverything joined 3879 days ago and last visited 3876 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Margart Atwood, Sam Pink, I like the bizarro genre of books.

About Me

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Hi I been on this website before and I am deciding to officially make this my official poetry site. If you see some poems on here that are mine on my old account on here, on this account its because I lost my main account on here at one time so I have to make a new account I don't have that main email anymore and I don't remember my user name its been so long. Thanks again!

So there might be double copies of previous poems is what I am saying.

I decided to make this my official page because I was on an older poetry website AllPoetry, eventually I want to leave there because it wasn't the same allpoetry as when I left there. Its gotten worse and I feel censored over there even if I don't write very much anyways.

That's why I am back on this site, and good riddance to AP this is a much better site!

So just a forewarning other than that I am a regular person well... as regular I guess as humans can be.

Thanks again!