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Poet Introduction
ATTENTION: I'm no longer active on this profile! I wanted to remodel, renovate and redecorate (poets) in this place, but it was too exhausting, so....I decided to move next door.
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"Molten Rain"
sizzling lyrics from the whistling queen Rain,
cometh the Southern thunder-storm of her
down-pour in torrents with a roar
that calls of the sirens to her fame
deluge of the ungluing of her fans with her
simmering ' Wet Words',
behoove the deliciously deserved,
derived from the blue bayou of her sultry voice so stirred..
our souls rendezvous so sensuously..
bleeding rejoice with hers
floating mist, conjuring shift,
soothing shadows in a moistening kiss heard
delving in her spells, she slides mojo in her bravado with Sappho's curves
clinging whispers, cooing lust within, sinful wishes pouring through her were..
arching angels, spirits hearing the lyrist appear the sincere quest.. singing love in tears of joy
her crescendo slowly builds of sexual fantasy's ghost disturbed, void of any feigning fold of coy
wanton is her desire to be ravished real in the fire of ecstasy's absurd..
repertoire, a plethora of sensorial paradise,
slicing pleasure's edge, sensuality beyond entices
her uniqueness of a woman's pledge.. needs for feeling more..
of heaven's horizon, more than an animal's primal greed
her ferocity from the human; Tara, whom sees beauty before..
coupling smooth, intuitive joining
loins subtle flow grows to foils in fervor.. a voluptuousness of cores
passionate crashing, an ardor of souls heated in flame,
two become one in an inferno of molten Rain
By: jakehammer
She is gentle like a summer rain
Whose wisdom feeds my brain
Every single word she pens
Slowly seeps through my vein
If ambrosia is food for the Gods,
then her poems are food for my thoughts!
Her contrite soul speaks against haughtiness
Which behooves a poet with tenderness
Her words full of vivid imagery
Are like paintings in a gallery
Her love poems are lyrics to a song
While I read them I try to sing along
As the sounds come pitter-patter…
In cadence with the summer rain
By: EngrVV
D_Poetic Engineer
Rain1Courte's poetry
Is so profound
She transforms 'profound'
From an adjective
Into a 'noun'
By: sungglebuck
Faintly falling
Drops of ink
Forming pages
A fountain of floating formations
Circle of waves crushing the shores
Azure light, and opaque flames of foam
As gentle drops start to fall
Over dancing seaweeds, shaking the spirits free
Of seahorses and sirens ,that sing with their sounds
Starlight, she brings when the rain starts to fall
Traveling from dawn to twilight
All will be cleansed
Veiled through her delicate light
Crowned by her radiance
Tender tokens from her hands
Her essence as deep as the bottomless seas
As the Rain travels through the skies
It is of knowing, the waters understand
Carved by the scriptures
Formed by Her hands
(with love an admiration, for RainC, poetess, artist, wise woman of Deep Underground
By: Le Fay
Rain Drops on my Head
Let me live within your poems
Where your words begin as babbling brooks
That flow after Springs misty rains
Make me breathe in every vowel sound you speak
And exhale consonants across your curves
Your rain washes through my expanding veins
Spray my lips with your rainbow shower
Drizzle chocolate drops of melted coco butter
Swirled in with my Cool Whip cream
Your tornado rages all over me
As your hurricane of passion lays waste to my bones
The scent of hot fudge floods my head
Leaving my senses all for dead
Until your lightning strikes my chest
Reawakening my beatless heart
After lightning sparks my heart soon burns
Renewing the pulsing surge of blood
Flooding the halls of my brainless head
I wish to reside on your street of thunder storms
Where cloudbursts pour the heavens dry
Rain down on me from your torrential skies
And gaze upon me with Tararential eyes
Blow me away with the wind of your words
Escaping from your gripping lips
Gasping for air beneath your pounding waves
More Rain, more Rain cum down on me!
(From the bottom of my Rain barrel, JJ)
By: Poetryman
Rain ©
By Mike Stewart
Explain the source?
when it rains, it pours
As she explains her course
It is evident
that her mind-
is elegant
with what it stores...... & relevant.
O:-) straight up angel.
so when she writes?
its evident
...that her beuty
exists in her words
and I read one
then need seconds & thirds
& I can see how
she reflects when it hurts
And I am glad
she gets respect
Basically, she has a
magical mind
And her poetry
flows from the crest of her find.
She never fakes, when she hits a topic;
No matter you write
Your blessed, please.don't ever stop it
much <3...
Stand apart from the cruel
You own a great soul
whose taken, to make all
Your poems,
To leave your spirit felt
Rain C:
your sincerely felt
bless you
the end
thanks for hosting Madame L
I enjoyed it
by: Madintellect
Rain falls
I weep
Strong, she rises again, and pulls me alongside
In the ensuing chaos
I fall
Who weeps
Her generosity of spirit boundless, still she lingers to succor and aid
Little by little comes the dawn
Sparkling rays piercing the mantle
A scene of devastation greets the eyes
Fallen as well...
By: Savaja
Her Quiet Storm
Gentle Drops of Rain
I am confounded sometimes.........
…at the way things work .
the heat of the day causes
moisture to rise high above earth
gently suspended in...
...her sultry hot steam
cooling in lofty breeze
falling back to the earth
just as pretty a you please
She's a mystery to me.......
…..touching my heart
with a single, solitary drop
increasing it's intensity
harder and stronger
seems she's never gonna' stop
but that's just her way
of soothing your body
on a hot summer day
traces of her nectar
coating your skin
like tranquil drops of Jupiter,
feels so fine
to be covered
precious ointment
for the
body, soul and mind......
…...her words heal me
a beautiful artistry
that paints your world
with vivid, colorful shades
the many Ids of you
etching herself upon your skin....
….like a tattoo
sometimes confounded
always astounded
by the beautiful droplets
by: MusicallyMrM
Love the Rain
A thousand kisses a minute
Of wet passion
Without judgment
Loving every inch
A steady down pour
Of selfless giving
Goddess of love
Love that soaks in
Captivating you
In her stream
A streaming river
In a land of beautiful copper
To lay across the foothills
Of such amazing landscape
It can only come from
Rain that only an Angel can make
By: Awakenedsoul
Sweet Rain
soft rain falls upon my skin
like the soft touch of her friendship
a warm breeze cuddles my soul
I know its her hug she sends to me
her care and concern for others
is beyond comprehension of luv
beauty inside and out is real as it gets
all woman covered with grace
fresh rain flowing thru your heart
always leaves a fragrant mist
shares wisdom and thoughts
but always makes you feel her luv are a blessing to so many
I am only one of those that is honored our paths crossed
You are more than a poetic Sister and Friend
Luv, hugs and smiles your way....luv ya!! Xo
By: flowergirl
Oh, heavenly summer Rain!
Your words and your voice
could sprout multitudes of dazzling wild flowers
moisten their petals, nurture them
bring them to bloom
into kaleidoscope maturity
Oh, heavenly summer Rain!
By: VegasPoet
A Letter to Rain"
Dear Miss Rain~
I honestly admit
that I have spent
the better part of my week
trying to pen you a poem
that would stand out
from the others;
a single poem to convey
what would describe you at best
that would set you apart
from all of the rest
of the beautiful poetresses
pouring their hearts out into this world
but a poem, Miss Rain,
can only be penned so far
before its words become repetitive
and lose their meaning
I don't think you need a poem
to describe who you are
you are who you are
and no amount of words
can challenge that very aspect
for you are a Diva of Eroticism
a quintessential heavyweight
with an undisputed gift
that will forever reign long after
your wanton punches of ink
have bled permanently on paper
and embedded themselves
within the hearts you have touched;
divine poetry that will linger on
once this world has come and gone
and maybe someday
when we're both old and gray
and rocking the years away
our souls will meet
our destinies will cross
to talk poetry and life
men that we loved
children that we had
regrets that we harbored
mistakes that we made
. . .yeah
maybe one day, perhaps some day,
and somewhere in a house
of erotic & blues
yours always,
Miss Devlin
My Rain Angel
Incredible are You, with your wisdom and kind hand...
What more can I say to you
that hasn't already been said?
No matter the distance I can feel your aura,
your effervescence and your strengths.
I admire you in total! You are my soul-mate
my Kindred spirit....
love you Girlie!
sizzling lyrics from the whistling queen Rain,
cometh the Southern thunder-storm of her
down-pour in torrents with a roar
that calls of the sirens to her fame
deluge of the ungluing of her fans with her
simmering ' Wet Words',
behoove the deliciously deserved,
derived from the blue bayou of her sultry voice so stirred..
our souls rendezvous so sensuously..
bleeding rejoice with hers
floating mist, conjuring shift,
soothing shadows in a moistening kiss heard
delving in her spells, she slides mojo in her bravado with Sappho's curves
clinging whispers, cooing lust within, sinful wishes pouring through her were..
arching angels, spirits hearing the lyrist appear the sincere quest.. singing love in tears of joy
her crescendo slowly builds of sexual fantasy's ghost disturbed, void of any feigning fold of coy
wanton is her desire to be ravished real in the fire of ecstasy's absurd..
repertoire, a plethora of sensorial paradise,
slicing pleasure's edge, sensuality beyond entices
her uniqueness of a woman's pledge.. needs for feeling more..
of heaven's horizon, more than an animal's primal greed
her ferocity from the human; Tara, whom sees beauty before..
coupling smooth, intuitive joining
loins subtle flow grows to foils in fervor.. a voluptuousness of cores
passionate crashing, an ardor of souls heated in flame,
two become one in an inferno of molten Rain
By: jakehammer
She is gentle like a summer rain
Whose wisdom feeds my brain
Every single word she pens
Slowly seeps through my vein
If ambrosia is food for the Gods,
then her poems are food for my thoughts!
Her contrite soul speaks against haughtiness
Which behooves a poet with tenderness
Her words full of vivid imagery
Are like paintings in a gallery
Her love poems are lyrics to a song
While I read them I try to sing along
As the sounds come pitter-patter…
In cadence with the summer rain
By: EngrVV
D_Poetic Engineer
Rain1Courte's poetry
Is so profound
She transforms 'profound'
From an adjective
Into a 'noun'
By: sungglebuck
Faintly falling
Drops of ink
Forming pages
A fountain of floating formations
Circle of waves crushing the shores
Azure light, and opaque flames of foam
As gentle drops start to fall
Over dancing seaweeds, shaking the spirits free
Of seahorses and sirens ,that sing with their sounds
Starlight, she brings when the rain starts to fall
Traveling from dawn to twilight
All will be cleansed
Veiled through her delicate light
Crowned by her radiance
Tender tokens from her hands
Her essence as deep as the bottomless seas
As the Rain travels through the skies
It is of knowing, the waters understand
Carved by the scriptures
Formed by Her hands
(with love an admiration, for RainC, poetess, artist, wise woman of Deep Underground
By: Le Fay
Rain Drops on my Head
Let me live within your poems
Where your words begin as babbling brooks
That flow after Springs misty rains
Make me breathe in every vowel sound you speak
And exhale consonants across your curves
Your rain washes through my expanding veins
Spray my lips with your rainbow shower
Drizzle chocolate drops of melted coco butter
Swirled in with my Cool Whip cream
Your tornado rages all over me
As your hurricane of passion lays waste to my bones
The scent of hot fudge floods my head
Leaving my senses all for dead
Until your lightning strikes my chest
Reawakening my beatless heart
After lightning sparks my heart soon burns
Renewing the pulsing surge of blood
Flooding the halls of my brainless head
I wish to reside on your street of thunder storms
Where cloudbursts pour the heavens dry
Rain down on me from your torrential skies
And gaze upon me with Tararential eyes
Blow me away with the wind of your words
Escaping from your gripping lips
Gasping for air beneath your pounding waves
More Rain, more Rain cum down on me!
(From the bottom of my Rain barrel, JJ)
By: Poetryman
Rain ©
By Mike Stewart
Explain the source?
when it rains, it pours
As she explains her course
It is evident
that her mind-
is elegant
with what it stores...... & relevant.
O:-) straight up angel.
so when she writes?
its evident
...that her beuty
exists in her words
and I read one
then need seconds & thirds
& I can see how
she reflects when it hurts
And I am glad
she gets respect
Basically, she has a
magical mind
And her poetry
flows from the crest of her find.
She never fakes, when she hits a topic;
No matter you write
Your blessed, please.don't ever stop it
much <3...
Stand apart from the cruel
You own a great soul
whose taken, to make all
Your poems,
To leave your spirit felt
Rain C:
your sincerely felt
bless you
the end
thanks for hosting Madame L
I enjoyed it
by: Madintellect
Rain falls
I weep
Strong, she rises again, and pulls me alongside
In the ensuing chaos
I fall
Who weeps
Her generosity of spirit boundless, still she lingers to succor and aid
Little by little comes the dawn
Sparkling rays piercing the mantle
A scene of devastation greets the eyes
Fallen as well...
By: Savaja
Her Quiet Storm
Gentle Drops of Rain
I am confounded sometimes.........
…at the way things work .
the heat of the day causes
moisture to rise high above earth
gently suspended in...
...her sultry hot steam
cooling in lofty breeze
falling back to the earth
just as pretty a you please
She's a mystery to me.......
…..touching my heart
with a single, solitary drop
increasing it's intensity
harder and stronger
seems she's never gonna' stop
but that's just her way
of soothing your body
on a hot summer day
traces of her nectar
coating your skin
like tranquil drops of Jupiter,
feels so fine
to be covered
precious ointment
for the
body, soul and mind......
…...her words heal me
a beautiful artistry
that paints your world
with vivid, colorful shades
the many Ids of you
etching herself upon your skin....
….like a tattoo
sometimes confounded
always astounded
by the beautiful droplets
by: MusicallyMrM
Love the Rain
A thousand kisses a minute
Of wet passion
Without judgment
Loving every inch
A steady down pour
Of selfless giving
Goddess of love
Love that soaks in
Captivating you
In her stream
A streaming river
In a land of beautiful copper
To lay across the foothills
Of such amazing landscape
It can only come from
Rain that only an Angel can make
By: Awakenedsoul
Sweet Rain
soft rain falls upon my skin
like the soft touch of her friendship
a warm breeze cuddles my soul
I know its her hug she sends to me
her care and concern for others
is beyond comprehension of luv
beauty inside and out is real as it gets
all woman covered with grace
fresh rain flowing thru your heart
always leaves a fragrant mist
shares wisdom and thoughts
but always makes you feel her luv are a blessing to so many
I am only one of those that is honored our paths crossed
You are more than a poetic Sister and Friend
Luv, hugs and smiles your way....luv ya!! Xo
By: flowergirl
Oh, heavenly summer Rain!
Your words and your voice
could sprout multitudes of dazzling wild flowers
moisten their petals, nurture them
bring them to bloom
into kaleidoscope maturity
Oh, heavenly summer Rain!
By: VegasPoet
A Letter to Rain"
Dear Miss Rain~
I honestly admit
that I have spent
the better part of my week
trying to pen you a poem
that would stand out
from the others;
a single poem to convey
what would describe you at best
that would set you apart
from all of the rest
of the beautiful poetresses
pouring their hearts out into this world
but a poem, Miss Rain,
can only be penned so far
before its words become repetitive
and lose their meaning
I don't think you need a poem
to describe who you are
you are who you are
and no amount of words
can challenge that very aspect
for you are a Diva of Eroticism
a quintessential heavyweight
with an undisputed gift
that will forever reign long after
your wanton punches of ink
have bled permanently on paper
and embedded themselves
within the hearts you have touched;
divine poetry that will linger on
once this world has come and gone
and maybe someday
when we're both old and gray
and rocking the years away
our souls will meet
our destinies will cross
to talk poetry and life
men that we loved
children that we had
regrets that we harbored
mistakes that we made
. . .yeah
maybe one day, perhaps some day,
and somewhere in a house
of erotic & blues
yours always,
Miss Devlin
My Rain Angel
Incredible are You, with your wisdom and kind hand...
What more can I say to you
that hasn't already been said?
No matter the distance I can feel your aura,
your effervescence and your strengths.
I admire you in total! You are my soul-mate
my Kindred spirit....
love you Girlie!
My Reading List
Full Reading List
Rainy Days in Springtime
by Poetryman
by blocat
Magnetic Midnight
by DeanD
cocaine {&} kerosene ~ {collaboration with SatansSperm}
by _shadoe_ (yiyi)
For The Love Of A Friend
by MusicallyMrM (Mr_Mahogany_Wood)
nocturne ~ {ii}
by _shadoe_ (yiyi)
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rain1courtel (RainC)
Tyrant of Words