Forum Posts
Group Posts 3
Poet Introduction
I experiment with and without form. I try to let the idea write itself.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Henry Miller/ ee cummings/ Henry David Thoreau/ Ralph Waldo Emerson/ Mary Shelley/ Dostoevsky/About Me
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I have a Master's Degree in Liberal Arts- Western Classics- and a Master's degree in Eastern Classics. I also completed 18 credits of a Ph.D. program in Asian Philosophies and Cultures, with a focus in Buddhism. I have been a Professor of English, Literature, and Philosophy at Community Colleges in New Jersey, my home state. I aspire to be a full-Professor of Philosophy, to write often, and to have a positive influence on the world. I just self-published my third ebook for kindle. It is called "Good on the Inside." The other two are "The Absence of Definite Causality," and "Unbeincredibleievable."
I also have a YouTube channel for cairn (rock stacks). My handle is @temporarilyjay. Thank you for your attention and support!
I also have a YouTube channel for cairn (rock stacks). My handle is @temporarilyjay. Thank you for your attention and support!
My Reading List
Full Reading List
by crimsin (Unveiling)
DUP Mafia Romance part 4 (all star cast)
by fianaturie8 (Fia Naturie)
Against Nature pt 1
by fianaturie8 (Fia Naturie)
Not Ready
by fianaturie8 (Fia Naturie)
by a_methyste (hlightdroid)
How to play Spin the Bottle
by Trome
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (67)SweetKittyCat5
Fire of Insight