mikemason (White Tiger)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (114)
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Member Since 4th March 2017
mikemason joined 2942 days ago and last visited 2839 days ago
Comments 60
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Poet Introduction

~ I'm an artist, writer, poet, photographer and crazy creative creature ~

Favorite Poets/Writers

Morrison, Frost Whitman

About Me

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I love writing, photography and art. (I drew the tiger used as my avatar)
I just joined AP in March, 2017.
I've always wanted to write creatively for a living but, I guess, the river of life doesn't always flow in our direction.
Plus, I hear the income stream is barely trickling in the writing biz.....ha!
One day I hope to focus more on writing children's books, short stories and poetry. I dabble when I have extra time but wish I could devote more.
I grew up in Vermont and went to art school in Miami and Los Angeles. I then went on to study journalism. So far, I've had a colorful broadcasting career and now live in Florida.
This site has prompted me to write more than I ever have.
I love nature and animals of all kinds (especially dogs) and one day hope to have my own menagerie.

"The rain inside your brain will only stop
                           when reflections on the wet cement
                                                               are drained of every drop." - MM


"A good poem packed with power
                             one that's awesome
                                                   and is wild,
             On its own it can flower
                             and then blossom
                                                     in a child."      - MM

Here's a link to some of my children's poems: https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/8dS_pB

This one has story/poems I wrote about four bug characters - each story teaches a lesson: https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/AKRTqB

This link has poems about life, love and everything in between: https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/cM9QqB

These poems are about addiction and recovery: https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/0HIXeB

and finally - this link takes you to a darker side....https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/0RshBE

Poets I Follow
