kelseyt28 (Kelsey)

Lost Thinker
United States
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Member Since 7th November 2011
kelseyt28 joined 4874 days ago and last visited 497 days ago
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About Me

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Well my name is Kelsey Breeanne Taylor, I am currently 15 years of age and I guess I'm what most would consider a "goth" or "emo", which ever stereotype you prefer. I am a bit shy at first.. social anxiety is a b***h but Ill warm up to you if your my type of person. I really love to write.. I have for as long as I can remember. In the past some of writing has gotten me into trouble though because I travel a bit further into the dark realms of literature than most do. Any who, it is my passion and it seems like even though more often than not I dont know what to say in a public situation.. when my pen touches the paper; everything is different. The world around me fades to black and all that exists in that moment is me, my thoughts and the beautiful ink that gracefully creates what I will someday leave behind to be appreciated for.
Aside from my love of the literary arts, I also love music. I love to play it, to write it, to sing it, to be surrounded by it. I can hardly go a second without some type of melody. Silence has always been my weakness and bands like Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, All Time Low, Chealsea Grin, etc. have been there to help break the silence. Not only do I appreciate these bands on a professional level.. Bring Me The Horizon, or more specifically Oliver Sykes has become a bit of an emotional crutch for me so... they are featured in a lot of my work. Also I love to play music.. I'm no professional but I play a few instruments including; ukulele, clarinet, piano, and the bells. I wish to continue to expand my musical intelligence and hopefully the list shall grow.
I would like to someday finish school and become a criminal psychologist. The criminally insane has always fascinated me and I would like to spend my adult years learning more and more about the human brain and why it varies so much from person to person. There are the people like me who seem to be intrigued by things that frighten the average person.. just something to think about I suppose. Anyways.. that's pretty much it, any other questions just ask.