
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Member Since 29th October 2011
jetset joined 4874 days ago and last visited 4828 days ago
Comments 4
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Poet Introduction

I entered the Halloween competition.  I wonder, is there any prize?  Is there any way I can go to that post and change something?  Favorite Poem: "Crossing the Water."

Favorite Poets/Writers

Plath, Sexton, John Ashbury, Gore Vidal

About Me

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I love the Internet.  I like to read and am surrounded by books.  But lately I read on the internet.  I sell mostly used books, but I'm feeling the economy.  No one wants to buy extra.  Like, on a budget.

I write novelettes and novels.  Never been published.  The comment is usually something like, "Your poems are ambitious, just not what we need right now."

If I could write a book of poems -- say 25 or 30, I'd be a pretty happy character.

I'm working on a novel, but I'm stuck.  Not plot-wise, something else  -- fear?  I've invented characters, got rid of them.  Wrote scenes and threw them out.  I know what I would like to write, but it's not coming out.  I belong to 2 writers' workshops.  It's a bit embarrassing to go there and say I have nothing to read.  And someone says, "Again"?