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Group Posts 578
Poet Introduction
I wrote short stories at 7, poems by 12. For more than twelve years I was incapable of writing or singing - I was emotionally closed off to everything except living. Now, at 40, I've regained my voices and there is poetry and song in my life once more.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Dante, Edgar Allen Poe, Elizabeth Browning, too many to list.About Me
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Have been writing for over three decades. Mother of 4 exceptional children, wife to an incredible husband. Devoted daughter, ferocious advocate, steadfast friend. A secret told to me goes to the grave. 'Can't' is not a word in my vocabulary. 'Won't' is a red flag for me to charge through. I tell failure where to go so sweetly it enjoys the journey.
My Reading List
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Revolving Door
by Wafflenose (Ellie)
The Quill's Bow
by adagio
Lost In Possession (NoPoo 65)
by AspergerPoet56
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by delanee
A Love Unlike the Rest
by delanee
The New Normal?
by delanee
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All Poets I Follow (41)crimsin
Thought Provoker