flowfromme (Tyson M.)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (33)
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Member Since 27th July 2016
flowfromme joined 3128 days ago and last visited 13 days ago
Comments 31
Forum Posts 13
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

My work is a matter of opinion. I just know with every rhyme I find a reason and without reason I'd have no ryhme. I'm far less complicated than you'd ever know if only you knew me at all.

Favorite Poets/Writers

sylvia plath, edgar allen, all of you and more and of course Maya A. ...A knight without armor by Je

About Me

Read Full
I use to think I was nobody...that what I said meant nothing. I wrestled with every thought in my head...afraid to sound it out because I was so afraid of what others would say. It use to be about perception. I use to be fiction. But then I got over myself. I beat that shit and I don't walk with ghosts anymore. I put my life on paper. On the screen because I want the world to see me still...but only because I know somewhere there's a 13 year old me asking himself if he'll ever feel like the cool kids...if he'll ever fit in with the crowd...I want him to know he will never fit in with any crowd and because of that...he's the coolest kid in town! :)

My Reading List

Mount Up by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
sanity 5/7/15 by mjsankey
a place beyond the grays by JohnFeddeler
Thoughts Of Suicide by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
me by fizzykandikid (Sam.)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (25)