
Strange Creature
Read Poems (1)
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Member Since 26th April 2011
fierylips joined 4897 days ago and last visited 4677 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Passion tells the heart what the hand wants to write. The brain assists but it does not command. I love to picture things in my head and write them down putting my feelings into it to make them real.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Toni L. Millieur, Alexandra Flemming

About Me

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I am all there is...I am me and there is no one else like me. I'm complicated, hot tempered, but easy to please (sorta XD), straightforward and blunt at times. I hate bullshit. Love pampering the ones I love. Mess with my friends and Family and Ima make sure you borrow a face from a dog.

I still have dreams..and i love my kids. They are all I've got...

My Reading List

Build up to Climax....=) by you_read_I_write
Angry Sex by Monii_Yumii (Monica)
Strapped by cerulean
Electric by constantelectric

Poets I Follow
