
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (20)
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Birthday 2nd May
Member Since 27th August 2011
deathwish666 joined 4958 days ago and last visited 3293 days ago
Comments 18
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Poet Introduction

I write books and poetry, mainly dark ones. I get my ideas from the hard life I've been living. Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Alan Poe, Christina Rossetti....other people

About Me

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I write books and poetry, mainly dark ones. I've had a rough life, and still do..but I don't really care, and I don't expect you to. I respect all religions as well as my own, all I ask is for you not to force your religion onto me. If you wanna talk to me about anything, message me. If you got somethin shitty to say, please write it on a piece of paper, fold it, put it in an envolope, and shove it up your ass. Otherwise I proably wont respond
I'm a fun person xD but my attitude also depends on yours. Thanx y'all
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