
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 24th August 2011
deadlynightshade joined 4940 days ago and last visited 4940 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

I whisper to the wind I'm lost down the road I can't find my way home I don't know where to go

Favorite Poets/Writers

Emily Dickinson, John Donne

About Me

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My name is Chelsey.

I love anime and romance novels, as well as musicals and scary movies.

I like reading things that relate to how I feel these days.

I've experience nothing but tragedy since my last birthday. My boyfriend died the week of Christmas. His name was Eric and he was beautiful. I loved him beyond comprehension. No one seems to understand. But I go to work, put up with crap, and come back home only to think about him. His memory follows me everywhere and I am always, always sad.

And as if that's not enough, my Nanny has cancer. She's the closest grandparent that I have. Then my assistant manager/close friend passed away in July this year. He was the one person at work who understood my depression and always tried to help me see the positive in things.

And now my mother might have heart problems. I'm tellin' you, I hate my life. I really do. If I write poetry on here, you may read things you don't like. Like what I have to say about God and religion, for instance. I have my opinions, and you have yours. I can take criticism but I will not stand for straight up rudeness.

Anyway. I'd like to interact on something productive such as this website. So if you like my poetry please feel free to follow me and be my friend.

I bid you adieu.