
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (20)
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Member Since 14th October 2011
budart joined 4736 days ago and last visited 2321 days ago
Comments 8
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Poet Introduction

I favor clear, straightforward writing, based on real life experience.  I think form poetry is fine but  if it has little or no emotional impact.  I like poems that cause my stomach to drop when I read them.  

Favorite Poets/Writers

Charles Bukowski, Yusef Komunyakaa, Raymond Carver, Henry Miller, VS Naipaul, Ford Maddox Ford

About Me

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Lower middle class. Raised working class. Read too much for my own good. Owned a wholesale bakery for eighteen years.  Now work for the new owners. Have lots of artistic interests including photography, making jewelry, and writing short stories and poems.

I live in a suburb of Seattle, out by the airport in a town with a rather large Somalian community.  I am married and have two grown sons by a previous marriage.  Everybody gets written about.  Luckily no body I know reads my stuff.

I am a committed atheist, rationalist.  My politics are far left and I own guns and stock pile food against the day the right wing religious fanatics, and i don't care what religion that is, take over.  I aspire to being a lovable curmudgeon.  You can see some of my work on Youtube search for vudu8ball.

I am laughing most of the time.