
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 24th May 2012
beeun4gettable joined 4666 days ago and last visited 4535 days ago
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About Me

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born brandi janay, november 16 1993, brandi, who is infamously known as bee is a college student majoring in sociology & human services, hailing from philadelphia, pa. at 18 years of age, brandi has begun a mission to, bee unforgettable. writing since the age of 8, brandi wishes to use her passion and talent as her voice to the world. active within her community, brandi, is an assistant for mary ashanti; founder of ate11 attire, and inner beautician, as well as the secretary of her university's poetry club- ispit (infinite supply of passion intense talent, and apart of student government association where she works under vice president pro temp brandon harris. specializing in poetry, biographies, quotes, performances, proposals, singing, songwriting websites & fan page managements, as well as promotional and marketing duties, brandi realizes she would be nothing without the grace and divine protection of god, and the motivation, love and support from her mother and a host of many other friends and family. be sure to look out for brandi in the next upcoming years, for she believes and knows that her ambition, motivation, persistence, strength and talent will certainly take her far.

contact brandi, for any work concerning: poetry, proposals, biographies, performances, features, website and fan page managing, promotional and marketing work.