
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (12)
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Member Since 9th October 2013
apostatedeath joined 4163 days ago and last visited 3924 days ago
Comments 29
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Poet Introduction

I never copyright my work ,I do not feel important enough to even presume to own words ,so enjoy them as you will. I am here for everyone,you will never hear a judgmental statement from me because I believe in freedom complete,

Favorite Poets/Writers

John Milton,Tom Araya

About Me

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What is to be gained if our entire lives are choked by our inhibitions,
suppressions and ignorant biases?
Would it not be better then to open ourselves to the beautiful whims
that speak to us everyday, giving us our true identities, our human selves
the raw animal desires and needs that shouldn't confront us but enrich us.
Are you among the fold now dwelling on the precipice of new and exciting
journeys and rendezvous's, I wait at the gate having already unlocked the door.
                                                          Wil Cole

it's easy to want to please,but much harder to find those who do not believe that there's always an evil ulterior motive,not everything is too good to be true,though i'd still make damn sure to check anyway. i cannot say that i am an out going person,like most people i have a multitude of personal doubts and short comings but i would love to meet anyone,i am a lover of earth and all it's people.and i'm certain that i am one of the most unselfish people in the world that you may ever come across. peace.

Poets I Follow
